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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Plenty Tory c***s still in Galloway and West Dumfries.
  2. Did nobody else see the phone/some kind of object thrown out of one of AC-12’s convoy vehicles?
  3. “I’ve never had a single complaint against me.” “There was this one time when someone made a complaint against me.”
  4. Clinching it with one full game to go. Cigars out right enough.
  5. Did he? I thought I’d heard him say it’s got the legs for another series or two.
  6. Hoping for a new cover band, The ßkids. If we could get a decent Adidas kit then I’d take it but I’m quite liking getting bespoke Joma gear since Andy Barrowman got involved. I’m sure it still is. One of a few omnipresent tunes that have kept their place on the prematch playlist. That horrific Five song Everybody Get Up is another that I used to hear every week, especially as a wee guy when I’d turn up at he games about half an hour before kickoff. Imagine my shock.
  7. That's an interesting one. Chloe not reaching the van door, leaving Arnott exposed to the gunman, could have been set up. She did hint at a leak coming from AC-12 as well. It's another to add to the list of things to be discovered in the last episode though. Maybe it's one of these things they leave open for a potential new series?
  8. I thought that the moment they first showed the clip of Osborne outside the court/headquarters but, unless I’ve forgotten, the camera never seems to focus on Arnott at these points, leading me to think it might not come up. The way this programme gets you (over)thinking the smallest of details is incredible[emoji23]
  9. Is there a chance Gail Vella was working on something to do with Arnott’s counterterrorism operation from the first episode?
  10. With Carmichael seeming a bit shifty I’ve got my hopes up for “one rank senior” next week!
  11. I don’t think I’ve ever been as confused in my life as I was in the first 5 minutes of that episode.
  12. Is it worth looking at or are you wishing you hadn’t?
  13. I don't usually react to the TV much but I gasped pretty loudly and told the TV to f**k off. Sixteen months is an utterly pathetic sentence for someone who has killed their partner and will probably carry on with similar behaviour. That's not justice for that poor man at all.
  14. Probably legal since he’s pointing a loaded gun right towards her but it’s in their best interests to keep Ryan alive given his involvement with the OCG.
  15. The first time I was in the Intermezzo bar on Renfrew Street I was convinced it was the Begbie glass-throwing pub. Gutted when I found out it wasn’t.
  16. My prediction is some kind of incident with Corbett’s wife. Arnott will turn up when Hastings is already there. Arnott is already suspicious of Hastings.
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