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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Well I'll manfully backtrack and say he was far from the worst of them all of the odd comments came from the people around him, he was just the one demanding forward passes at all times. A particular favourite of the Thistle support. I was just salty as I'd lost my traditional seat again.
  2. That Inverness draw...ooft. I think we may have missed our chance last night, suspect it might be a different story at Tynecastle. And if we are put out, it's going to be a massive missed opportunity to not just make it to Hampden, but potentially return there for a final. Of course, Inverness would probably pap us out anyway, but still. EDIT: And just to add, next time I'm likely to get my seat moved, I'm just staying away. Got stuck in the middle of, with the best will in the world, a gang of absolute c***s. Basically the We Are Thistle section. Providing such gems as an inexplicable burning hatred for Connor Hazard, an assertion that Caldwell was racist and we'd be better if we still had black players, and swearing blind that we should have told the Weird to "get to f**k" with their money because "they don't go to games". Not to mention the desperate bellows of "FORWARD" any time we had the ball.
  3. Anyone get told their season ticket seat got moved for tonight? Segregation area is massive in the JHS so im out my normal seat. Seething/heads gone etc. I had my batteries, broken seats and Buckie bottles ready to lob as well. EDIT: only ask because I'm sure mails said they were moving the people at the edges but no one else
  4. Red Dead 2 isn't a fun videogame. It's not quite as fun as your stuff on the Nintendo Switch, but I guess you can't always hit out with solid gold shite each time. Keep at it though, I'm sure someone believes in you.
  5. Many thanks. Assume all the actual spaces will be residents and its left on-street? Haven't been down Panmure Gate to see beyond looking down. Will head up there later.
  6. I did it quite a bit at the start of the game but got better at it. It raised its head again last night though as I got a bit carried away escaping from the law. After punching out one mounted polis, Arthur then went after the horse, kicking it to the ground. At least his own horse Butterscotch didn't have to witness it. Replaying and loving the sequence from (pretty big spoilers from end of chapter 5/start of 6)...
  7. I mean, surely they know the website's broken? Is everyone just sacking it and not telling them? I hate people that go along this line, but it really, really isn't hard to produce a website that allows you to buy things like this. Early High School kids are doing it. You could get a work experience kid in that could probably do it - hell, I could probably do it by mucking about on google for a while (I'm a software developer, but nothing website related). It's so, so amateur, and it's been like this for months. Anyway, given I'm a glutton for punishment, and I wouldn't get the chance to watch it if I was at home anyway, I'll be heading up. For those that drive in, if I'm getting up pretty early, where's the best place to park that's close as possible to the stadium and won't leave me waiting hours to get out later? Preferably the "Possil end" of Firhill, as I'll be going that way to get home. I usually park either on Garscube Road at the garage (pretty far) or up at the Lidl on the opposite end of Firhill (even further, but on the way home). But since I'll be going up pretty early it'd be good to get parked somewhere better.
  8. It's Scott Brown's new alter-ego. Like Hulk Hogan's Mr America. Brown will come in with a mask and McLeish just cannae work it out.
  9. I gave up at him being fae Austin. He's fae Death Valley ya speccy tube. In all seriousness though, it's a decent scenario. I think if it is indeed it for Taker, then it's been a bit of a shiter. An absolutely embarassing main event at WM (not entirely his fault) and then a pointless return alongside Kane to pop some buy rates. Forgetting everything other than who he is and what's he's given, I think he needs that one last match to give a proper send-off. But, taking everything into account, that final match would likely need to be booked to perfection to not just be a repeat of the Reigns match. He's a shadow of his former self, and even the chaotic no DQ style approach didn't do him much good in his recent matches. I think he's just privately said to Vince that he's done, and he doesn't want that final one. Fair enough, he doesn't really have anything left to prove.
  10. Website still fucked? I'm just going to head up about half 6, hope that the in no way exaggerated number of 30000 Jags fans aren't in front of me in the queue.
  11. Yass! The contrary RagingGamer is back! Can't wait to see what kerr-aaaaazy things he comes out with.
  12. Heard on a podcast that there was backstage footage out of kayfabe with Ronda, Becky and Charlotte talking about how they were going to play out the beatdown Becky gave out. I'm heavily paraphrasing, but when asked how they should do it to make it look real, ROnda just shrugged and told her to literally beat the shit out of her. Becky is dragging the division higher in every aspect of what she's doing, but Ronda deserves credit for throwing herself so fully into this that she's willing to take a crutch to the head just to sell it. EDIT: But just to add, there needs to be more of the above tweets from Ronda, rather than the tortured comebacks to Becky. It's the one thing she's really struggling with, and I can't imagine she's been told by anyone at WWE to look like a complete tit with every reply. She just needs to remind everyone that if she wanted to, she'd tear your arm off and eat it.
  13. Ask him if he's got his return boarding pass with him, then torch it if he does. Or ask him if he can take Miles Storey with him.
  14. Is that record time for someone to go from "OMG WHY HE NO GETTING PICKED" to, "probably third choice for his lower division club"? Maybe he's always been on the radar, and just never seemed to offer what we needed? Agree that he should have been given the chance at the youth levels though. It's something that always baffles me about our setup - surely the whole point of the U19 - U21 - Senior path is that it should actually be a path? We should be bringing promising players into the U19s with a view to weeding out those that aren't good enough, promoting the ones that are to U21, and getting them playing how they would in the seniors. Instead, we seem to have wildly different setups, and randomly promote players before sending them back. There's very little joined up thinking, or at least that's how it appears.
  15. Aye, they surely thought that they couldn't stretch out the story beyond Fastlane, and having a dusty finish to carry things on is a bit cheap. This way it gets Owens back in, possibly into WM too, and garners sympathy for Kofi. Only problem is that they're effectively doing the same story with Becky.
  16. To be fair, that's a win any way for Ric. Either he gets to leave in tears of joy with his wee girl/freakishly large daughter, or he gets to get thrown about like an empty tracksuit with Ronda or Becky. Oldest ride, longest line baby.
  17. I can imagine that's what the delay was in his dressing room. Massive Dave probably went in, found Naitch with blade in hand, and had to physically restrain him from opening up his forehead once again. 'sakes Flair. In all seriousness, it'll make WM interesting. Is Flair going to be the Judy Bagwell in the HHH/Batista match, then just completely ignore the scheme booting that Becky is likely to be giving Charlotte? Or is the poster for WM just going to be Ric Flair's big melting coupon streaming with tears?
  18. At least they've learned their lesson with him after the "he'll totally be a face" debacle at WM30. Seems an odd fit though - are they really going to try and put HHH in as the face? Big Dave (who is looking fucking money) will have to really go despicable to get a proper heel reaction, not sure just "battering" a pished up Ric Flair is going to do it. He didn't even blade.
  19. Bonus points if they're "furren", but up against someone from Canada who gets a U-S-A chant, and super bonus points if said character isn't from uhmerica, but the guy playing him is.
  20. BlooChew will make sure that you don't....reeeest....iiiin....peeeeeace.
  21. Now are we sure Batista battered Flair, and he wisnae just pished?
  22. Pretty sure I had to do that for the Stranraer game and just sit in my usual season ticket seat. I've never managed to get the ticketing website to work. Not too bad in the circumstances - I'll be likely desperate to get away from work by about 5 past 5 on Monday, so I'll move the car up closer to Firhill and get my ticket early before they salt and sauce loving Eastern mutants come wanting their briefs. EDIT: Just tried it at work (always used my phone before) and same issue. Gets to where you're supposed to choose your seat and f**k all happens. Figures.
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