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Black Pennel

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Everything posted by Black Pennel

  1. My dad used to have wan Allegra...he then had wan Cortina...and I think we had two Austin A35 vans. All of them were overweight and ran out of puff early on until he gave them extra octane boosters.
  2. Oh, aye...I do genuinely wish him all the best. He did have a good game, with the exception of the nine goals. He just went a bit mental toward the end.
  3. I wish him all the best in his search for another club. Back in the ammies.
  4. Is this the same boy that let in nine goals recently, and spent the last fifteen minutes of the game desperately trying to get the referee to send him off ? Or is this chap the second choice behind that nutjob ?
  5. Eh ?...whats that son ?,...you'll need to speak up a bit...I SAID YOU'LL NEED TO SPEAK UP !!....
  6. Aye, right enough...kids these days, etc, etc….pffft…. I think he means the junction at the Muscular Arms.
  7. Aye,...well,...that's easy for you to say...
  8. I know its all relative over by in terms of A&B distances....but,...are Tarbert really judged to be local neighbours ? Is it not about forty miles away ?
  9. Thanks HJ...at least you managed to spell "Bladnoch" correctly...unlike the official WoSL website. Tie of the next round has to be Girvan -v- Maybole. That is, If you don't count Linlithgow Rose -v- Camelon....Which I don't.
  10. Apropos of nuffink,...I'm pretty sure that the Clydebank mascot used to be (maybe still is) some sort of monkey, chimpanzee, gorilla sort of thing. I wanted them to call it "Spank" but they eventually plumped for "Titan" instead. Can't remember if it was at Glenhead or Holm Park when I saw Titan (during the match, standing upright on two hind limbs, on the pitch side of the barrier six feet away from the lino) antagonise an opposition player to the extent that he (the player, not the monkey) got so upset that he verbally abused a pretend monkey, chimpanzee, gorilla....and promptly picked up his second yellow for ungentlemanly conduct... Off he trots, shouting abuse at poor old Titan as he departed. Cue the monkey, chimpanzee, gorilla thing sarcastically applauding the guy as he traipsed away. Monkey-kind definitely won the battle that afternoon.
  11. Whit ? 'Sakes man,...that really is a wee bit of a stretch there...The best goal you've ever seen ? You've never seen Pele, Van Basten, Maradona ? (all former Bankies, I believe)...never even seen Tommy Bryce, or Ken Eadie then ? Unless you're being really strict about the "last month" criteria and only went to one game in the last four weeks then the effort you're talking about isn't even climbing into the top 100 pop-pickers...
  12. Anyone got the wee gif for the chap coming in through the hedge and then backing swiftly out again ? Previous Brechin City managers excepted, of course...
  13. Oban is our territory. We like Oban. We are keeping them if they ever bother to join in. (If Campbeltown can do it then so can Oban)
  14. "Greenied" purely for the Warriors reference, Shanner...you must be much older than you look. Well played.
  15. I've always found that most history tends to be old. Except that recent stuff.
  16. I've Nno axe to grind chum, but try reading the thread before asserting that your squeaky clean support aren't full of it.
  17. Sorry...but..well....I wasn't going to say anything but...phew..the sheer hypocrisy of that particular club... ^^ Is it f**k the correct reply. I have never, ever, agreed with the nutjob above...but I do on this one occasion. St. Roch's have done f**k all to deal with the unsavoury element of the 'fans' who turn up at their ground. (I'm only able to comment on the last forty years). They take the money and then turn a deaf ear and a blind eye. Are the "incredible" fans the same ones who recently flashed a blade at a young guy ? My auntie stayed in Rye Road most of her days. My auntie would've battered f**k out of the wee dicks. St. Roch's probably gave them a big cuddle and patted their wee underpriviledged heads. (Checks Spelling)... I won't be back to the toxicosphere. And...just so there is no doubt btw...I'm an unrepentant Tim. f**k them. Young people deserve better role models than the "fans" at St. Roch's.
  18. Bump... Erm,... lads...you can lead a horse to water and all that... So this would be a plea to Davie, Mark, Aaron, Martin, Gerry, and the other chaps whose names we don't yet know...after going to all the effort of producing yer wee masterpieces for us...gonnae just post it in here ? If you don't want to have the resource in one place (for any reason) then thats OK too...I can just delete the thread if you don't think it appropriate. Either way, your work is appreciated.
  19. Down with that sort of thing... You missed your chance to tell us it was purely an ecumenical matter...
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