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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Unfair not to put in Frost positives column that he roughly pulled down the trousers and fucked the DUP hard, right up the dirt box in front of the whole world, demonstrating once and for all that the UK cares not one single toss for Unionists and Unionism and the entire concept is a pathetic needy fantasy for the clinically short of brain cells. Which is nice.
  2. Would be completely unfair for united to change this gk impersonator before we play them.
  3. We're all forgetting that having a doctorate in computers absolves you from the possibility of being wrong. Let's not hound the poor guy, after all we know the dangers of embarking on pile ons attacking genuine subject matter experts from this excellent article from Professor Devi Sridhar he himself highlighted. Who are we without a PhD in MS Office to criticise what is and what is no cancel culture with such poignant and informed analysis as this? "Stay strong, great defender of the racist and indecently exposed" I said queuing in a butchers shop in Fife. Everyone cheered.
  4. The very same people losing their shit about cancel culture: "This is fine"
  5. Although a little bit of me did when McCrorie dummied the ball in the lead up to Motherwells second.
  6. I can almost forgive the 30 minutes of orange wanking on a match day but I cannot and will not stand for both Leanne Crichton and Kenny McIntyre saying "eyebrucks." Like they're trying to pronounce some kind of Mediterranean delicacy and not a post industrial inner city genetic grease trap. Steven Thompson does it too. c**t.
  7. Where are all the diabetics, disabled and the very elderly regugees? Why is it you never see any of them fleeing wars by crossing the Sahara, the Mediterranean then the busiest shipping lane in the world on a lilo? Mainly just fit young ish men isn't it? WHY??
  8. We'll never make progress in Europe until we scrap colt teams. Been holding us back for year(s).
  9. "Recent studies show that applications are approved for 55% of Albanian applicants so the suggestion they are all economic migrants is [just more racist shite regurgitated from the Mail]" even if the 40% claim was correct. Which is unlikely.
  10. I genuinely don't want to know but are those luminous i-phone pants sticking out of his white 2 piece leisurewear?
  11. It is good and as a critique it's very nearly spot on but doing absolutely fucking anything at all and hang the consequences to be in and stay in power isn't apolitical. It's ideologically promiscuous or vacuous but it's not apolitical. It has certainly become more acute and noticeable over time but an utterly ruthless belief and commitment to: "we should run the show and it doesn't matter how as long as it's us" is the prime tory characteristic. The air disaster analogy is good too. As they'll just eject to the Cayman islands or the Lords while we're in the back screaming, head between the knees and trying to top up our life jacket by blowing into the little tube as we slam into the ground at 400 knots.
  12. Some classic BBC numberwanging tonight on the 6 o'clock spews.
  13. Keeping his counsel and waiting until the last possoble minute before endorsing Truss
  14. I remember a podcast that was about #phone/hackgate. The Mirror seeing what was happening at News International invited the Met into their building, gave them an office and all the resources they needed. For about 6 months they threw every single cub reporter, stringer, low level confidential source like the odd prison guard and health inspector at them. Burying them under piles and piles of trivia, which got a couple of convictions and ruined the odd life and career. Then when the Met said right thanks for all that we want to see the editors and your senior reporters now, they shut up, threw the Met out and sent their lawyers in. They also told the Met that the bad apples used to buy a burner phone, do some bad journalism, then throw it in the Thames just outside their front door, so the Met got the dive team out for a week. Found nothing. c***s.
  15. It's a tough one for denialists to take but not only did the then Secretary of State for Scotland say the UK wouldn't leave the EU he also said there wouldn't be a referendum.
  16. One of the reasons they'll never debate with her and all unionist hues keep her at arms length is how effortlessly she rinses any one of them who is stupid enough to have a go.
  17. Actually splitting the bill, so for 10 covers producing 10 separate bills is a pain in the hole. I had to do this for corporate guests so they could charge their own expenses. Not so bad if they were staying overnight as I'd just sort it out at the end and stick it on their rooms. But to ask to do it and pay separately at the time was and still is a hanging offence. As with most things if you ask the staff nicely beforehand and let them know you want to be a pain in the arse, it makes stuff easier. But just paying what you owe and working out the maths with the assistance of your friendly waiter, is really not the end of the world. Also thank christ I don't do any of that shit anymore.
  18. Gays️ Women️ Lawyers️ Women lawyers ️ Gay women lawyers️ (presumably) Cats️
  19. You kind of expect the contents of Trumps safe to be like Michael Douglas's briefcase in falling down. A couple of cheeburgers in clingfilm, a slinky and one orange crayon.
  20. All of Brummingham could have sung Scots wha hae while eating a deep fried mars bar during medal presentations, and it wouldn't put Birmingham north of the rio Tweed. Just more politics of grievance from the fat rejected homophobe.
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