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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. He's not as good at the keyboard as I thought. Should have got Pete Wishart in really.
  2. He's also a shameless baw who'd hump the leg of any idiots prepared to give him some attention and exposure.
  3. A poor example tbf as he is an English Nationalist. I'd prefer something along the lines of Alex Cole Hamilton and Anas Sarwar taking responsibility for the Miami Show Band murders or Gascoigne playing the flute.
  4. A real life, no joke, deadly serious "Sturgeon Must Condemn" wow.
  5. If labour libdems and the tories want to take full responsibility for all of unionism then I've got a couple of riots to sell you and the odd celebratory cultural march with tin whistle music.
  6. Was thinking that the rough gloved fingers of a carpet fitter through the week and rocksteady hi viz fellow at the weekend would act as a deterrent. Apparently not.
  7. The correct move from the authorities here should be to impose on all fans of Rangers* and Celtic compulsory strip searches before being granted entry. Get them to pay for it, put big marquees up around the ground, demand fans arrive at least 1 hour before kick off, and do it properly and thoroughly, finger up the bum, the lot. Enough is enough.
  8. Single circle Venn diagram of people who think Nicola decides who gets prosecuted by our judicial system and those who think it should be replaced with "what people say on twitter"
  9. You'd like to think that the slim sliver of silver lining to a member of coaching staff getting glassed would be that this would be seized upon and used as a catalyst for change. But it won't.
  10. Wouldn't mind seeing that boy in the stand crying again for anyone with the ability to rewind.
  11. Remember how it's just the away support who do all the bad behaviour and sing the bad songs.
  12. Is this corrupt, coke filled sex case MP actually the victim here?
  13. Besuijen shimmying his arse out the way for our second then leaping to his feet was pretty embarrassing. I hope he grows out of that but if we're looking at things we need to stamp out of our game, I think the authorities need to look at punching a fellow professional in the face twice as well as simulation.
  14. The UK is a fucking laughing stock. Not quite a pariah but that guy no-one wants to be anywhere near at parties as everyone knows they'd stick their dick in pretty much anything with a pulse and their only chat is telling everyone how brilliant they are while slipping in the odd racism or wildly offensive and inappropriate rejoinder. And it is not just Boris. It is what he represents and that is the centuries of ignorance, arrogance, corruption and privilege that created a system of governance that allowed Boris to be. Boris is Britain. And Britain is a c**t. No amount of toe-curling cringe, atrociously formatted memes or rancid Brigadoon Scotch patois will change this fact. Being British is an embarrassment, and the rest of the world are embarrassed for us.
  15. Embarrassing. Will need to see both set pieces again to apportion blame but, I just don't think I can be arsed. This season, in the sea with you please.
  16. It's been wall to wall for days. High time we all took a ferries day off.
  17. The ferries which will one day be built will cost a 1/3 of what the UK have spent on storing, just storing PPE that will never ever be used.* For the billions they wasted on actually buying PPE (from their friends and cronies) we could build enough hulls to lie them end to end and walk from Cairnryan to Larne. *ETA not used because it is unusable due to being poor quality, not appropriate for use or made using modern slavery, not because it wasn't needed.
  18. A minor point but quite indicative of his character that the Nonce walked his lizard queen Ma to the end of the Isle for the cameras, then abandoned the clearly frail old thing to hobble the remaining few yards to her seat. A gentleman or any non-arsehole would have accompanied her until she was settled. But no, with his status visibly restored and sex-pestery forgotten off he fucked to see if there was any table service and a waitress to sleaze over.
  19. Queen gets two birthdays so they must get a couple of funerals too.
  20. Mad how the UK is just the cheapest grubbiest little backwater on earth isn't it?
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