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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Our talismanic ageing Celtic reject is going to kick f**k out of your talismanic ageing Celtic reject. 0-2.
  2. she said she does not plan "to charge out on a culture war battle" *a pause* THOSE FUCKING c***s ON THE LEFT ARE HIJACKING SOSCHAL MEEDJA
  3. I thought Flynn was pretty good, also fun to see Peterson be relatively innocuous until we got to racism and then wow.
  4. Gauke Grieve at al at least appear to have had some principles which is why they aren't Tories any more. So no, none.
  5. An irritatingly competent process and probably a decent appointment. Boo and indeed hiss.
  6. I don't think its a good thing, i'm not celebrating, i think this is bad. Which is why I think you should wear your mask, wash your hands, get vaccinated, and basically do as you are fucking well told. There's a good chap.
  7. No it doesn't but then that jumped up wee nyaff Burnham is learning, yet again the reality of devolution, and the wages of backing and being willing to "engage and support" Boris's levelling up agenda. So f**k him. The cretin.
  8. The committee wasn't asked to look at that, that wasn't their job and the independent and person of unimpeachable integrity tasked with that disagreed with you. While the people who you are cheerleading took their job of investigating the handling of sexual harassment in the workplace so seriously that they spent the entire process leaking confidential statements from victims of abuse to their pals in the press in the attempt to smear so much shit on the walls of our parliament in the run up to an election that they would by comparison look clean. And then got comprehensively pumped at the polls. Unlucks.
  9. The stupid persons idea of a smart person and c***s top c**t Peterson is classic Mentorn. Should be interesting to see what happens when he tries telling Creasy, Afzal and Alison Thewliss that discrimination doesn't exist and is a just a Leftist Marxist plot to victimise honest white folks.
  10. Amazing and quite, quite satisfying to see people still raging at the fact the FM did nothing wrong and their w**k fantasies crumbled to so much dust. Odd and rather revealing that these types would play whataboutery with what is unarguably some of the most vile corruption in UK history, exploiting the worst crisis since the second world war to empty the treasury into the pockets of their friends for kit that didn't work and which certainly was paid for in lives as well as billions of pounds, for a cheap and futile shot at The Boss which only served to expose their twisted, tawdry and corrosively bitter selves.
  11. As an upside that means we'll be getting John Sopel as Political Editor, who is at least less likely to have boned the Prime Minister.
  12. "Happy to argue the toss with anyone apart from the people I disagree with, they can f**k off"
  13. Finding it hard to reconcile the highest vaccine uptake rate in the UK and lowest levels of infection with the idea that the Scottish Government is just doing all of this for fun tbh.
  14. Right up there with the best Scotland performances. Brilliant. Just brilliant. And not one single card.
  15. 3 minutes ago I was busy trying to suck my arsehole back in after Denmark fluffed a great chance to equalise. Now we could easily be 3 nil up. What a performance. What a team. Football bloody hell.
  16. Jesus, if we'd scored on the counter there it would have been replayed for all time and prominently featured in a film about intravenous drug abuse in Edinburgh. Yasssssssssss
  17. Sportsound saying the ref absolutely loves a card. All set up for disaster here.
  18. Did ye aye I read your post regarding not following lockdown if imposed again and I assume this is born out of lived experience and hardship, and I have no intention to dispute the disruption and in some cases misery lockdowns caused. My experience of the pandemic is maybe a little different to others in that I spent much of it caring for my mum who was dying from about 5 different cancers. She beat 4 of them with chemo and radiotherapy but there was this little b*****d of a tumour on her spine which was exceptionally rare, inoperable and because of the blood/brain barrier non responsive to chemo. It meant she was wheelchair bound from about Christmas 2020 onwards and because of the chemo her white blood cell count was regularly zero, and paralysis makes you that much more vulnerable to any infection too. So we lived in an infection control fort knox for most of it and while we should have had up to 4 care visits a day we initially took the decision we just couldn't risk having up to 8 different folk, who had been in multiple different homes every day in the house while the virus raged in the early part of this year. Later we had to weigh up the risks, as we just weren't coping and making mum worse on our own, and then getting the referral for that specialist care and input for what was essentially a non traumatic and unstable spinal injury was horrendous. While i'll never be able to adequately thank so many folk in the NHS, the Hospice, the Ambulance Service, The GP, The District Nurse Teams for the on occasions heroic but always compassionate and dedicated care mum got, there were several times when we really, really needed help and it just wasn't there because of people redeployed or over worked by Covid and one admission to hospital which almost certainly contributed to her final deterioration, which was a total clusterfuck. Now I don't think the world should have stopped just for my mum but, it was so frustrating to see people last year demanding to have holidays, to open the gyms, get fans back in stadiums, to open the nightclubs, we must have xmas, we must have bonfire night, it's just a fucking cold, and the lunacy of never once having effective border controls so we wilfully imported the virus and let it romp across the country unchecked not once, not twice but three fucking times. When it did not need to be like that. Regarding the hospital admission, some of the issues I'm sure are systemic and not covid related but, the staff there were fucked. Worn out, burnt out, demoralised and just not able to provide the standard of care they wanted to or should have been capable of delivering. And I know from folk who work in the NHS this was replicated across the country in hospitals, local teams, GPs, DNs, Ambulance the lot. So when I consider things like masks and vaccine certs and compulsory jags for staff i think of the times when we'd given her all her meds, then gone to the emergency box full of the really good stuff, then called the district nurse and waited hours to get emergency pain relief while mum was literally screaming at us, and I'd hope these small inconveniences might take just take a bit of pressure off the NHS and hopefully some folk won't have the experiences she and we did. It's been hard to rationalise a lot of this because we had every possible advantage, we're not short of a few bob, we've got a nice house, we've got loads of doctors in the family, including mum and dad, I'm fortunate to have a great group of friends, several of whom are nurses, who have been really supportive and due to the nature of mums illness we probably would have had a mare anyway. But I can't help believing that it wouldn't have been so bad if this idiot fucking island had taken this thing a bit more seriously. Or that even if you don't think masks or passports are worthwhile or acceptable you'd voice your opinion but comply anyway, just in case you don't know better after all. Everyone's Maw is special and mine was no different, she spent much of her career dedicated to victim support and child protection and made the best fucking minestrone soup on earth and I can't help myself from thinking that she deserved better in her last months, weeks and days. This as you can imagine has taken its toll on us and I'm just sort of getting to grips with her being gone now. Sort of and I appreciate that I've been and probably will continue to be a bit of a dick on here. But there have been a number of people including business folk, for whom I have every sympathy and again, I won't dispute what they've had to put up with who have shared their lived experience of covid. This is mine and the prism through which I've viewed the last couple of years. An almost entirely avoidable, selfish, arrogant, anti-intellectual, anti-expert, god awful, sinful, murderous, idiotic, thieving b*****d clusterfuck. Similar to our family and mums illness the UK had every possible advantage to respond to covid but it made a complete c**t of it. Paid for not just in lives lost to covid, of which there are far far too many but in pain and misery inflicted on others who couldn't get the help they needed because of it. FWIW, I doubt very much if there will be any more full lockdowns, the situation is different and better than last year. Also, it's not very fair to label this on @Bairnardo as a reply to a relatively innocuous post, but if nothing else, i've had a drink and smashing this out over an unwise Sunday second bottle of wine has been a welcome catharsis, while committing the cardinal sins of attempting sincerity and giving out personal information. Heads gone thread for this pish etc.
  19. Reckon the implication that you're going on the naughty list if you don't get your jabs is pretty much spot on for the anti-vax, anti-certification and almost certainly still believes in Santa demographic. Genius.
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