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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Maybe there's something in this 'no sex before sport' theory.
  2. The bit that stands out in that article, and I use the word 'article' loosely, is 'Hopefully, there have been a lot of lessons learned by coming through it.' Can Milne give us a list of those lessons? Have any rules changes been put in place to stop this happening again?
  3. Cabalie Pays d'Oc' 2016. Bottle thereof. Still remarkably compos mentis. I think. But I'm not going on FB, just in case.
  4. I agree that using his work email account was a tad stupid - there might even be something in his company's rules prohibiting it - but Russell is just being a vindictive chunt. He could have responded directly to the sender but instead he goes to the trouble of visiting the company's website to get their email address. He's basically just a grass.
  5. Interesting that The Record updated the page 3 years after it was first published. Well, I say interesting, but only from a conspiracy point-of-view.
  6. Can't even bring himself to say Celt... Cel... Cel... FFS I see what he means.
  7. What ARE you babbling about? Who the feck is Justine? BTW I'll stick my hand up to all 3 accusations. But I don't have a long tail.
  8. Why do Swedish ships have a barcode on the side? So that when they return to port, they can scan de navy in.
  9. John James' latest article (the Grubby Compromise) has a letter, purportedly from UEFA and copied to the SFA and Celtic, which says that no action will be taken against the 'new club/company' because, having been formed in 2012, it was ineligible to play in UEFA competitions for 3 years. At first I thought the Rangers fans would jump on the 'club/company' construct to say that this was different from 'the club'. I don't agree with that interpretation of 'club' but I can see that the fans are being consistent. But, in the same letter, it also says 'the club was not granted a license to participate in the 2012/3 UEFA club competitions'. Not the 'club/company' but the 'club'. I'm not convinced that the letter isn't a fake, though. The salutation is blank (Dear....) as is the 'Your reference' line. Still, just for the fun, let the wriggling begin.
  10. The Herald have taken their article down but they've changed the Olivier Ntcham article to say that GMS might be heading to Aberdeen on a permanent deal.
  11. Everybody flies back from Amsterdam.
  12. Yes. One is acceptable at Ibrox and the other isn't.
  13. As I understand it, the EBTs were legal but Rangers'use of side-letters committing them to paying what were supposed to be discretionary, non-contractual loans broke the footballing authority's rules. Not illegal but unlawful.
  14. The fans would need to threaten to walk away again. Unfortunately, most of the season tickets that are going to be sold have probably been sold by now, so there's less of a threat than in 2012. I think this is unlikely since the SC judgment, while significant, has less public impact than the club going into liquidation and their spawn looking to get into the league.
  15. In any case, the SPFL are likely to say it's not in their gift to rescind awards made under a previous authority. The irony is that the governing body that could void these trophies is, like the club they'd be taking them away from, very, very dead.
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