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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. Expanding further; c***s who leave everything sitting at their arse because they figure someone less important will be along to clear it up for them. If reincarnation turns out to be a thing, they're on the fucking hit-list
  2. Totally doesn't look the type to feign outrage to the press in order to get publicity. +1 to the boot in the pie posse.
  3. Haven't watched it in more than a decade, but it was literally the best thing on US TV when I was there, and the closest that they came to (intentional) political satire. I used to put the Mexican channels on. I don't even speak Spanish
  4. Good to see that ITV have had all clips of this pulled. Clearly, now, it never happened
  5. Eagerly awaiting sjc's inevitable thread on the attractiveness of dwarves
  6. Don't show him some of the threads on P&B; doubt the poor laddie would survive.
  7. It's sectarian, dontchaknow. Unless you're referring to those damned dirty Jerries. Rule Britannia, etc.
  8. Christ, who turned out the lights? Worse than North Korea; fucking disgrace
  9. I believe those are the words that a great sage once used, yes
  10. I'll distract the hefties for you. My anaconda, etc.
  11. Jesus, it's real. Small business' worst nightmare.
  12. No funeez whatsoever. Lost a lot of respect for Graham Linehan. Bit of grooming going on halfway through, however. The dropping of Mickey Mouse is supposed to represent loss of innocence IMO.
  13. The Food Ratings website linked to in the comments makes for interesting reading: http://ratings.food.gov.uk/authority-search I just discovered that our favourite takeaway was listed as 'Needs Improvement' this year Anyone that's ever gone on a food hygiene course will never look at food outlets the same again. Some of the pictures of places with lovely clean exteriors and horrific kitchens that you wouldn't keep pigs in...*shudder* Worst part is that they aren't allowed to tell you where the local authority took the pictures
  14. Genuinely don't understand what Mon The Candy is saying. Am I being whooshed?
  15. Threaten to show their "darling husbands" what they've been telling the internet behind their backs. Should go very quiet very quickly. Or escalate into open warfare, depending on the time of the month
  16. My headache trumps all of these things TBF. And none of you c***s even care!
  17. Stuck in the house yesterday with a raging headache that had been building all week, so no Hertz game for me. Our internet connection dies at 2:45pm and doesn't come back up until about fifteen minutes after the Scotland game has finished. Radio Scotland's coverage of virtually every club game in Scotland consisted of an early confirmation that the games were taking place, and practically f**k all else until time for final scores. Also, more than four hours of, "Dad, is the internet working yet?" while I cower in the dark.
  18. The police will ask themselves; worth pointing that out to them. Although I'd be surprised if they haven't already. Get a wriggle on though, as who knows how long they keep the recordings.
  19. Might also want to suggest that the students have a wee drinkie after classes to relax. I doubt that'll have occurred to them either.
  20. Took two men in the Golden Hole...lost for days in the bush...went on a bender...matron! <kennethwilliams.jpg>
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