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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. You miss! 8MILEBU flings shite! What do you do?
  2. That reads like an old-skool Spectrum adventure game. Just needs to finish with "What do you do?" and a cursor. >use PARACETAMOL on 8MILEBU'S DAUGHTER 8MILEBU'S DAUGHTER drinks the PARACETAMOL. She heals! 8MILEBU'S DAUGHTER chides 8MILEBU You escape in the confusion.
  3. Show us on the doll where No8 touched you, Patrick.
  4. After all this build up, it'd better be shagging a close relative of his, or his wife's. Anything less just won't cut it. Chris, if you're out there, get the job done. And take pictures. Love, P&B.
  5. You could try telling us what you've done instead of queening around like an attention whore. Sorry, in a bad mood because I actually AM a bad person. We should have a competition.
  6. It's a horrible experience, to be sure, but nothing excuses posting in the third-person. Hope she's doing better (and chastising her father for his faux-pas)
  7. Surprised this didn't occur to me before but, assuming she's single, get some piccies up on the Man Crushes thread. Best of both worlds n' aw rat.
  8. Even better; folks that text on empty streets and walk into things because they're morons. Had a lassie walk into a lamp post in front of me the other day. I got glared at, like I should've warned her or, I suspect, moved the lamp post for her. Fucking, just...die! In flames, preferrably. Lots of love, BigFatTabbyDave xxx
  9. I used to quite enjoy it when it was all flamboyant costumes and ludicrous silliness; coincidentally, before I was 12. Then they got all faux-serious, acting like they should be behind the bar at the Queen Vic, and doing horrible nonsense like badly-choreographed mock streetfights in alleyways, and pretending to murder each other with motor vehicles. What the f**k was that all about? When I had a kid, I was slightly worried that they'd try the same thing with pantomimes; shaven-headed Widow Twankey having knife fights with Buttons the dope-peddler. Thankfully they're still the same; camp, brash, and utterly chronic.
  10. Not a boxing fan, but that sounds pretty scandalous to me. Surprised it isn't more widely known. Wrasslin's more at home on a soap opera channel; entertainment where every action, line of dialogue and outcome is scripted and decided upon in advance. I don't know why wrestling fans take offence to that; nobody tries to pretend movies like Escape to Victory are sporting events just because they look a little bit like one. Only a little bit, in Escape to Victory's case.
  11. Jesus, don't pull at that thread. They'd be pulling Italian football off the sports channels.
  12. Wasn't there a laddie on here offering to bump people off for a small fee? Until he turns up, get her telt that you're quite an important man in P&B circles
  13. People who spray perfume/cologne/deodorant around in confined spaces. You're not alone, you utter whore. Try taking a bath before you leave the house and you won't have to worry about everybody noticing your BO/wiping problem/bukkake secret.
  14. ^^^ not sleeping with the right people (only partially joking)
  15. Expanding further; c***s who leave everything sitting at their arse because they figure someone less important will be along to clear it up for them. If reincarnation turns out to be a thing, they're on the fucking hit-list
  16. Totally doesn't look the type to feign outrage to the press in order to get publicity. +1 to the boot in the pie posse.
  17. Haven't watched it in more than a decade, but it was literally the best thing on US TV when I was there, and the closest that they came to (intentional) political satire. I used to put the Mexican channels on. I don't even speak Spanish
  18. Good to see that ITV have had all clips of this pulled. Clearly, now, it never happened
  19. Eagerly awaiting sjc's inevitable thread on the attractiveness of dwarves
  20. Don't show him some of the threads on P&B; doubt the poor laddie would survive.
  21. It's sectarian, dontchaknow. Unless you're referring to those damned dirty Jerries. Rule Britannia, etc.
  22. Christ, who turned out the lights? Worse than North Korea; fucking disgrace
  23. I believe those are the words that a great sage once used, yes
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