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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. Kitchen roll FTW. Bigger, stronger, and the texture is quite pleasant. Flies better when you fling it at passers-by tae.
  2. Superbad - three American high-schoolers attempt to get laid before they graduate. Doesn't get much more generic than that. Good movie, although quite why the makers seem to think they were creating something new or unusual is beyond me. Definitely has its moments, but I think a lot of people found it much funnier than I did.
  3. Not sure why, but I was sure you were making this film up! I'll look forward to seeing Vegetarian Psychopath The Count and Armenian Hitler when it's out for rental
  4. Nocturnal mountaineering club, surely? I suggest we all hop on the Wankbahn and find out.
  5. "Summer cold, makes me feel shite, Blowing through the tissues all feckin' night." Yeah, I've got it too
  6. At some point this week, I deleted a Blu-Ray disc's worth of backup data without actually backing it up first.
  7. It's only 'cause we love you, ***. You're e-famous! (for wanking into socks) Edit: lol at a common Facebook term of affection being censored 'cause of they sectarian bassas
  8. Stop doing it then; surprised your burger man hasn't called the police TBH.
  9. Ours rapes my forearm, despite being fixed for more than a decade. Hey, it makes him happy. And, in fairness, who could blame him?
  10. What's the difference between Bing Crosby and Uncle Walt Disney? Bing respects the accepted societal norms regarding sexual behaviour in the presence of minors. Mmm, not quite as catchy
  11. In the past, I have been complimented on my lovely wide smile. This puts a very different slant on things ^^^ me, yesterday.
  12. Snuff Movie - a retired filmmaker returns to make one last film about the terrible slaughter that destroyed his family and friends decades before. No bones about it, this is a no-budget fantasy about what might have happened if Roman Polanski had lost his mind (in a non-BEASTly way) after his wife's brutal murder at the hands of the Manson family. As such, it's in pretty poor taste, and is a poor movie besides, with a "will this do?" vibe about it. The plot is almost non-existent, with a group of actors (played by actors - OMG META!!!) running around the director's house being snuffed. This isn't helped by weak, half-hearted attempts to provide an artsy note of doubt about whether or not what we're seeing is "real" (clue: it's isn't, because IT'S A FUCKING MOVIE), culminating in an ending that sits on the screen like a flaccid penis in a bored housewife's mouth. The worst part is that this mess was entirely conceived by Bernard Rose, the respected music video director, who also directed films like Candyman and Immortal Beloved. Apparently he withdrew from the studio system of making movies some time ago to make motion pictures that he personally finds interesting, free from the shackles of base financial considerations. Pretty depressing if this was the kind of thing he had in mind. Edit: just remembered that the main actress spends half the film in the nuddy, occasionally getting her box munched for no good reason, and there's also a slutty blonde with stupidly fake norks who spends a fair bit of time randomly bonking. So, possibly a classic if approached from a one-handed point of view.
  13. Facebook took down a picture of my arse once. I understood their jealousy, but I've never quite forgiven them for it.
  14. It's good to read you've found an alternative to the socks, at least.
  15. <ladyboy.jpg> Yowza! That's one hot momma. Nary a trace of a tuckback
  16. Too late, Facebook already has your pictures; closing the account won't make any difference. The wean's probably already being used in advertising campaigns in foreign climes. If it makes you feel any better, the two chancers you're talking about are more likely to work for other advertising companies than to be looking for cheap thrills.
  17. I think you've just been unfortunate enough to be sending the reference to an office where they don't have a clue what they're doing, although there are quite a few of those. Only had to write one personal reference so far, which was for a lassie entering the civil service, and all they wanted was a quick email. If anyone would be a nightmare for red tape, you'd think it'd be the government. But yeah, MozzaMozza FTW
  18. The Stepfather - a serial killer posing as a bereaved family man crosses America, hooking up with single mothers in his quest for the perfect family. It's been a quarter of a century since I saw them, but the originals in this series weren't bad. I vaguely remember them having more of a mystery element, whereas this film lays out the titular character's proclivities in the opening titles, which probably isn't a bad thing at this stage. Our antihero is played by one of the dudes from Nip/Tuck this time around, and he does a decent job of portraying an utter psychopath. The rest of the cast are decent too, including Dr House's ex-wife. The film's fairly entertaining, but there aren't any surprises in the plot; it's an exercise in waiting for everything to inevitably unravel. Worth a look if there's nothing else on the telly, as there wasn't tonight.
  19. I've been having hallucinations again lately. Hold me, P&B
  20. Boyle is an absolute beast in my Montrose Football Manager game. Uhh...not sure what that has to do with anything. Carry on
  21. Without trying to be mean at all, I've always had the impression that the benches outside Falkirk Asda are where the patients from the hospital's psych ward gather. Always seems to be someone there in a dressing gown and slippers, with the kind of look on their face that tells you they've seen some horrible shit, some of which was visible only to them.
  22. ...I remember, not that I want to. Worst part is that, IIRC, that was the only thing that wasn't done to the girl in real life.
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