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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. No, this happened, and on more than one occasion. Usually in the pre-match build-up to England's games. Came across as obsequious and a desperate attempt to ingratiate himself with the host nation. Either that, or these are some of the memories implanted during my abduction. It's 50-50, to be honest. Edited as I can't type for shit.
  2. Will never forget Hansen referring to England as "we" during Euro 96, at a tournament that his own nation attended. That was enough for me. Edit: see also John Fashanu becoming a die-hard Nigerian once his England career was over
  3. ^^^ greenie-seeking behaviour IMO ...eh, alright. Congratulations, auld yin
  4. ^^^ American gun control thread for this pish, afore anyone starts talking about Neo-Con hawks and other tripe. Also, no, I don't think most people jump straight to gender, race, or sexuality when talking about someone they don't like, for no other reason than it entirely undermines their argument. YM, clearly, MV.
  5. The sports media down south has been pushing Glenn Hoddle for management jobs since he had to stand down as England manager. Hell, I can't count how many times pundits have claimed that he should be running English football altogether. They consider him to be some kind of footballing messiah; I assume because he's considered to be the player of his generation, and the feeling is that he wasn't given due prominence in the England team. Frankly, it seems as mental as his religious views. Most of those parroting this keich have no first-hand knowledge if he's even a decent coach; it's just become the accepted wisdom that Glenn Hoddle is The One. No wonder he's kept relatively low-key; how do you live up to that kind of expectation?
  6. The wife just noticed this in an advert at the cinema - we've had Amazon Prime since they bought out Lovefilm, and she's been choosing Super-Saver delivery this whole time
  7. Stumbled upon a display of those things a while back - kudos to the retailers for managing to sell them at those prices
  8. It's the implication that being gay is in itself part of the insult. Like the infamous "black b*****d" oath that the unreconstituted allow to slip out from time to time.
  9. Be awesome if they tried to make out they were just having an extended discussion about The Jungle Book.
  10. Fucking hell, my son does this. He's only young, and thinks the idea is to make the person guess the exact answer, and won't tell you until you get it right. "Hey dad, guess which room in the house is on fire?"
  11. The real horror is that if you catch your finger in it, the rest of you is getting pulled in too, and it happens too quickly for anyone else to do anything.
  12. They use the same things for disposing of animal carcasses, just scaled up. They look exactly the same. You can Google that for yourselves; it's pretty revolting to watch, especially when they chuck rotten corpses in.
  13. Most interesting part of that was his real name - I'd no idea that was where the village of Royston Vasey came from!
  14. Amazing that some folks are willing to parade the "it's not that bad/I hear worse every day at work" stuff. That doesn't make this less serious, it just means that you work with horrible excuses for human beings. Get the CVs sent out before your workplace ends up in the papers too.
  15. Having to turn the heating on in August. See also: people who complain about the weather. Is there a separate thread I/they can be confined to?
  16. You'll scud it next time. It's just one of those things you need a bit of practice at first.
  17. I like to think that it's all in her head. She's alone in her own kitchen. Gives the whole thing a new dimension.
  18. I'm guessing they were in Dalkeith at the time.
  19. Judith goes both ways. Absolutely a wid; the lady looks like she'd be a wildcat. Confirmation from back in the day: http://www.theguardian.com/media/2003/jan/16/newsoftheworld.privacy
  20. What is it with morons and level crossings anyway? Used to live in Kent; they've got tons of both, and I used to see people running the lights on an almost daily basis, including the classic foot-down, shite-it-at-the-last-minute, stop-on-the-tracks, force-your-way-past-the-barrier. Staggeringly stupid behaviour.
  21. Just stay calm and you'll be fine - it's not bad at all. I was one of the first to take the hazard perception test when it started, and fucked it up royally. They made such a big deal out of how you'd be failed if you clicked the mouse too often that I waited until the hazard was really obvious, and failed as a result. One of the staff told me afterwards that you didn't even need to watch the video; you could basically click the mouse once per second and you'd get a passing score. Not that I'm suggesting you do that - I'm guessing they've changed it since then!
  22. All typing to each other Really couldn't be worse, TBH.
  23. So this keich is still going on, aye? Can't imagine the production company are making much in fees from this tragic group. Redefining the word 'celebrity' once again. Anybody who's dreamed of an all-P&B version of the show might be in with a chance next year - Div, get those media contacts on the case. We've got tuppence ha'penny between us, right?
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