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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Weeell, strictly speaking, VERY strictly...he's right!
  2. Perhaps because they were told they would be ejected from the EU.
  3. I do hope this does not help the currants in any way. Mabe it will push MA to squeeze them for even more.
  4. I don't understand this from Sky Sports. The game's still ongoing. (0)0 Riga F C (0)0 Dundalk Dundalk win on away goals rule
  5. I want to see all Scottish clubs do well in Europe. Even the H word. However, like many others on here, I reserve the right to have a laugh at certain failures.
  6. 10 minutes away from Ibrokes. They're all under 11 years old. Should be easy for the Rangers. https://education.gov.scot/inspection-reports/glasgow-city/8423725
  7. Oh dear. They don't like the rules being applied, do they? The passion would also have been killed if the ass. ref. had flagged correctly. Goal line technology would have stopped them winning their one and only world cup 53 years ago (and counting) when another linesman erred .
  8. ...and the 'poor, sad pathetic' England- haters of Scotland.
  9. I can now watch the highlights and enjoy them. Well, the extra time anyway. eta Holland? WTF is it with these commentators? It's like referring to England as Norfolk or similar. Anyhow, I enjoyed that. I can sleep soundly. 'Night all.
  10. Marlboro helmet on coffin. Sponsored funeral? Ironically he died of lung problems (due to damage suffered n crash.) Had a transplant last year.
  11. She's turning this into a party political broadcast. She just had to say, 'Cheerio, I'm off' eta Tears from Tezza ffs.
  12. Federalism is one of the big anti-EU taboos. Shurely can't happen within the UK... unless it suits some party's agenda, of course.
  13. ...or even more last than they at first thought.
  14. "I'm hanging from a lamp post on the corner of the street..."
  15. Latest shake attack on Farage being 'roundly condemned' as 'violence and intimidation'. Shooting an MP in the head is violence and intimidation in my book, not getting 'shaked. RIP Jo Cox.
  16. I received my French EU leaflets today, one of which is from the Frexit party which believes that France pays too much, is being ripped off by the other member states and should go it alone and restore its former power and status in the world. Sound familiar?
  17. Enjoyed reading this. I realise the thread is about old supposedly great albums which have not stood the test of time but I really think it's very often a case of 'you had to be there'. I accept that good music should always remain good but how many people enjoy music from the 20s, 30s, 40s who didn't live through it? Current culture and production have a big effect. I like Beefheart and Zappa but never 'got' Trout Mask. Played often, but just to clear the room, so that's my nomination. Deep Purple In Rock with my first acid tab was f'n incredible. Timing, situation, circumstance, level of musical appreciation, all have an effect.
  18. When I collected programmes, neary 50 years ago, I don't recall them being the price of a pint.
  19. Correct. We also didn't vote to leave the EU. (just saying in case anyone forgot )
  20. I find it incredible that the firms involved in insolvency, admin, liquidation, whatever , can run up bills of millions and millions of pounds. Absolutely staggering. WTF do they spend it on? Stamps?
  21. BRITOPHOBE would be more accurate. (doesn't seem to exist as a real word - yet) Count me in!
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