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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. Does he have a Scottish granny? We don't really have anyone prolific in the current squad.
  2. There used to be a team in South Africa called Dangerous Darkies FC. I first heard of them through Championship Manager, and thought that they people who made the game must have made that team up.
  3. I've never heard of Random. Are they a Canadian team?
  4. I feel a lot better now. In my profession, males with experience (oh err missus!) are highly sought after as there is still a push within healthcare to challenge the idea that it's a feminine profession. So I should find something else no problem, and have applied for many vacancies. Fortunately I have enough "spare" money for finding new work to not be a matter of extreme urgency, and to have the luxury of being able to afford to be "fussy" and only apply for jobs that I would actually want. Even if it's only a short-term thing to keep money coming in. So yes, I'm not going to starve to death or end up on the street even if I haven't found a new job by the end of my current notice period.
  5. Losing to Auchinleck Talbot - for giving those inbred yokels the best moment of their lives The 2012 League Cup Semi-Final - see above. Getting absolutely horsed by St Mirren in a must-win match in 2017
  6. I resigned from my job yesterday. Although it has become a horrible place to work and was impacting my mental health - due to a moratorium being enforced, and the manager coming in on Christmas Eve to threaten us all with redundancies - I have an anxiety about where I am going to go next. I don't have anything lined up but since applying for some jobs since yesterday, I already have some interviews. I have this sense of dread that maybe where I end up won't be any better than the job I am about to leave. I am starting a university course in a few months and despite being euphoric at first as it will enable me to do what I have always wanted to do, I have became apathetic about it which is not a good sign for me. Maybe the anxiety about stepping off the edge into the unknown is natural, and it will turn out OK in the end. Who knows?
  7. I am working at 8AM tomorrow morning so will be in my scratcher at a reasonable hour. The joys of working in the healthcare industry.
  8. Not quite what you're looking for, but Albion Rovers once had both of their keepers red-carded during a game against Arbroath. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/14430860
  9. I like Kerr as a player and he seems a good man, but I think the wrong decision has been made with this appointment.
  10. I hope you all get what you wished for. Love you x
  11. I think the response to his initial signing varied between disappointment and thinking that he was a decent addition to the squad. Fast forward a year and a bit later, and he had become the best striker I've seen playing for Ayr.
  12. It WAS unexpected. I posted a Facebook status promising that I would run naked down Ayr High Street if Ayr United won the league, which is a promise that I am yet to fulfil. I was also unwell in the days prior to the game and was still not feeling good on the day. However, I thought to myself that if we DID actually do it, I would regret not being there to witness it. The tension, the constant checking of scores on my phone to make sure that Raith weren't winning, the sheer ecstasy when it was confirmed that we were champions. It was an amazing day.
  13. My ugly mug and Primark fake leather jacket making a five second cameo at 2:56 on the right of the screen behind the guy with the orange jacket and beard. I had never seen Ayr United score against either incarnation of Rangers before this, so to see them take the lead with this goal was pretty good.
  14. It's a strange one, as he wasn't doing particularly badly and was an ambitious appointment in the first place. An unknown quantity as a manager - but a very well respected coach with a lot of experience at the top level. Apparently he was a bit of a disciplinarian and was very strict, which upset a few of the senior players. Surely that's not enough to have got him the bullet though?
  15. I think that it would be beneficial for the whole of the United Kingdom for each of it's component countries to become independent entities and govern themselves. Scotland consists of 59 constituencies, Wales has 40, NI has 18 - a combined total of 117. This number is dwarfed by England's 533. Surely it is obvious that the current political makeup of the United Kingdom is structured in a way that favours only one of the component nations?
  16. They just want it "done". Completely ignoring the fact that, after three separate PMs, two general elections and endless negotiations, Brexit is nowhere near "done".
  17. The DUP came in a distant 6th in my constituency. Happy days.
  18. I voted SNP. I have no great love for any political party, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY DO NOT LIKE THE TORIES.
  19. In other words you can't pick Ian Brady but you can pick James Grady you can't pick Saddam Hussein but you can pick Harry Kane you can't pick bullet the dog you can't pick kermit the frog but you can pick Liam Neeson and the guy who sings "what a feeling, dancing on the ceiling".
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