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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. No. Not an exact replica. The hallmarks of GCHQ are all over this one. Those entries that endanger national security have been removed. The original thread had reached page 192.
  2. I think the reboot of Hawaii Five O is a vast improvement on the original series. The original series had dull wooden characters and the storylines were unimaginative. Great theme tune but the rest was not great. The reboot was far more entertaining Similarly Lost in Space. The original series was aimed at 6 year olds. Again great theme tune but the rest was not great. The reboot was far more imaginative.
  3. Oops. I meant to say that the film was based on a stage play (which had obviously been based on the book). Some films work great with a first person narrative, such as GoodFellas or Shawshank Redemption. However I can easily understand why somebody would steer away from it for a stage play.
  4. Another film based on a screenplay. IIRC Kirk Douglas and Michael Douglas were behind it. The making of the film was interesting. They had difficulty finding a tall Indian and when somebody found one he was basically offered the part without an audition. Also the person who plays the head of the institution was actually the head of the institution in real life.
  5. The documentary "Super Size Me" by Morgan Spurlock is interesting. He tries to a month living on food from McDonald's. On one occasion he tried to pull a prank on a friend. He bought a hamburger and hid it behind the bookshelf at his friend's house expecting it to cause an awful smell before his friend could find it. Six months later his friend phoned to ask if he had made a secret visit. His friend had found the hamburger and it still looked very much like a hamburger. Gives you an idea what is in it.
  6. The Faroes Islands as well! However none of them had a McDonald's. Come to think of it the British Empire flourished when nobody had a McDonald's and Britain was free to invade any country it liked. Oh dear. Maybe I am taking this a bit far.
  7. Up until 2008 no two countries that both have a McDonald's have gone to war with each other. In that regard I would commend their efforts to promote world peace. Their food is still crap though.
  8. Jason "My Name is Earl" Lee is excellent in his small role in this film. Oops. Not sure that it what you were on about here. Oh and Gene Hackman was excellent too! Oops. Also thought Will Smith was good and Tom Sizemore as well. Oh dear. Anyway. Back to the thread ..
  9. Obviously very frustrating for any would-be kidnapper. You think you have it all thought out but the first time you call them they already know your shoe size
  10. Watched a YouTube clip called "Things you didn't know about Predator". For example it started as a joke about the Rocky films. "He's had a fight with everyone. Who is he going to fight next? An alien?" Fortunately it was not Stall one that got the lead role. Jean Claude Van Damne was the originally Predator and his monster looked more like an insect. He quit.
  11. Oh but alas poor Wally was one of the earliest victim of this disease. His obsession with always being part of the crowd wherever he went more or less made that inevitable.
  12. One of the reasons it is so dangerous is that for a large part of the population it is not that bad and maybe they have no symptoms at all. A disease that made everybody infected obviously ill would be easier to track and control.
  13. Yes, you are right. It is Apollo 17. Just a warning in case somebody thinks this sounds interesting but buys a DVD for Apollo 18 instead!
  14. There once was a cartoon in Punch of a shop where the window on the right says SEX and SHOP. The panels shows fairly ordinary people going in and out. The final panel shows the place closed with the door shut revealing the full name - Wessex Bookshop.
  15. Each chapter is by a different author apart from the introduction and conclusion which are both by Hobsbawn.
  16. Sounds great. If you need anyone to testify that you are as blind as a bat and need to test your eye sight the whole way there then let me know.
  17. Oh but of course. I should have persevered! I can see Scotland fans and there is a stadium nearby but I thought the games against Albania were played in Shkoder and not Tirana. You should have included a pillbox or a statue of Enver Hoxha. That would have helped. Incidentally the autobiography of Enver Hoxha (called "The Artful Albanian") was the most boring book I ever bothered to finish. He despised Kim Il Sung as some sort of demi-god and hero to the nation and failed to acknowledge that he was doing the same thing in Albania. The one amusing anecdote from the book (to save you having to read it) was an encounter between the Albanian Foreign Minister and the Russian Foreign Minister Kosygin. The Albanian minister has been involved in a serious accident and ended up in hospital with all his limbs in casts with weights to hold them up. Kosygin went to see him and got straight to the point - "What are we going to do about Tito?" The Albanian minister discussed the matter but at the end just when Kosygin was about to leave he said "Where are my manners? How's your health?" Kosygin replied "I'm doing fine. How about you?" "Not so great. Could be better." Not sure if it is true but it sounds like a good story.
  18. Still no idea where this is. I have googled plastic bottles, plastic waste, car exhausts, sculptures, statues, art exhibit, art display, art galleries, museums and nothing comes up that looks like any of this. An artist in Chicago did some artwork with waste material but I don't think this is Chicago. I spot the kilts and maybe someone with bagpipes. possibly somebody wearing a yellow top. This suggests a city where the Scottish national team have played (Football or Rugby). Probably in Europe, maybe Berlin, Warsaw or Moscow but if there is another clue in the picture - I can't see it.
  19. He seems to be missing this one. Has an interesting chapter on the kilt.
  20. The William Shatner mask is cheapest if that is any help. Can't remember who told me that.
  21. There is also an obvious comparison with Catherine Calderwood who had some expertise in her field, drove a much shorter distance and was not infected but resigned anyway. It was interesting that when she was mentioned, Boris simply referred to her as "that woman" and hadn't considered any similarity.
  22. Well no. I hadn't considered how my behaviour on here might affect other people. Maybe I should have been more thoughtful. For example I once started a thread on whether or not it was a good idea to keep odd socks. I thought it might be good for a laugh but now I realise that for some people this might be a crippling dilemma that troubles them every day. I guess I will need to mend my ways and be more sensitive. This thread has a great enlightenment to me.
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