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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Labour's path back to power is to have a leader who will obviously win the next election. It does not need to be obvious now but certainly in the run up. People vote for a winner. It was easy to imagine Johnson winning the election but never Corbyn. Choosing a leader that non-Labour voters are okay with will be important. That does not mean selling out on principles. It does mean someone with less baggage than Corbyn.
  2. I am not so sure. This election was about Brexit. Why? Because of the EU election in 2016. He now admits that if a second referendum occurred he would vote to Remain. Too little too late. In 2016 he was Captain Dither. Not entirely convinced either way. Offered no direction to Labour voters and not surprisingly they split between leave and remain. Now as a result everybody in England is obsessed with Brexit and all the wonderful things that Corbyn planned to do are not going to happen.
  3. .. and yet there will still be some people saying "I am all of the above but at least we will get Brexit done".
  4. They say it is good for your health to give yourself a scare at least once a day so here goes. When you go into the voting booth put the pencil down (we need to be really careful here) and then close your eyes and pretend you voted for the Tory. Oh dear. How was that? Pretty scary? Fine. Now open your eyes and vote how you normally do.
  5. The whole tone is set by totally unelected newspaper owners who can say whatever they like and then print a retraction on page 32. The sooner their power base is destroyed the sooner politicians and everybody else will be more accountable. Can't see it happening anytime soon.
  6. Apparently this is not about being pro-Tory. More about being pro whoever is in power. For that reason I would love Corbyn to win a majority (even if it was unlikely). I would love to see these phoneys pledging their loyalty to Prime Minister Corbyn. Unlikely but so what.
  7. Chopping off your legs will get rid of that excessive weight that prevents you being able to fly.
  8. Yeah. Which begs the question. What do you think of Donald Trump's plans to pass a new law to change the rules of Monopoly. No you don't get $200 (£200 whatever) simply for passing go. No more hand outs. ... and that is just the start.
  9. Supermodel Kate Moss denies she has ever had anything to do with a recent Rolling Stones gathering. Can't remember how she put it.
  10. ABBA won the Eurovision song contest with their hit song Waterloo. They had less success with the follow up songs Liverpool Street, Paddington and Thames Embankment.
  11. Fullerene


    1. Vesta 2. Juno 3. Pallas 4. Ceres 5. Metis
  12. Singer David Gray is the secret love child of Barry White and Cilla Black.
  13. Deacon Blue and Simply Red were both managed by former members of Deep Purple.
  14. David Cameron had more personality than Theresa May. Not difficult. Also less of a clown than Johnson. Again not difficult. But was he a good PM? No. Weak. His own party forced him to hold a referendum in favour of something he did not want to do. That says a lot.
  15. Neil Degrasse Tyson has done numerous lectures on this point. IIRC it was something like 25%. This compares favourably with any religion that regarded science as in any way sinful.
  16. I thought the confectionry industry was a quaker plot to get people to drink hot chocolate instead of alcohol. Not sure it has been much of a success though! As far as Jewish people are concerned, if they were historically barred from 90% of occupations then obviously they will be over represented in the other 10%.
  17. Wrong. A guy called Archie Duke shot an ostrich 'cos he was hungry. When he was out with Sarah. Hey ho.
  18. They didn't do it alone. The Lib Dems were saying it too. Before the crash the Tories were saying "Vote Tory and we will match Labour spending" but that was quickly forgotten afterwards. Funny how a Labour UK government was able to persuade American banks to lend money to people who could not afford it not to mention dozens of other countries.
  19. How many people voted for the easiest deal in history? How many voted for more money for the NHS? How many voted leave because we hold all the cards? How many believed German car manufacturers would make it all work for us? How many thought other countries would follow the UK and the EU would collapse. How many thought it would all be done and dusted by now? Maybe we should ask.
  20. Peppino Impastato would love to enlighten you. It is amazing how some people challenge the official record - "don't believe a word they say" but accept every word from a conspiracy theorist.
  21. They did invade. It was a fiasco. Bay of Pigs. One problem was getting mixed up about time zones. The reinforcements from Central America turned up an hour late. Another problem was that Castro was seen as a liberation army and it was too late to portray them as insurgents or terrorists.
  22. Alternative history is a little bit pointless but here goes. Kennedy was president when you always had to be more anti-communist than the other guy. The South Vietnamese leader had been assassinated only three weeks before Kennedy was. South Vietnam was a corrupt failing country that would struggle to survive without America's help. The main foreign policy at that time was to oppose communism everywhere and at all times. I find it hard to imagine how Kennedy could have avoided the Vietnam War.
  23. They were also supposed to be the pragmatic party devoid of any utopian goals. See what needs to be done and do it. If there is not enough money for everything so be it. It has been a long time since the Tory party seemed anything like that. Not that I would ever vote for them!
  24. I think the newspapers in Scotland have less impact on opinion compared to those down in England.
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