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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. This is exactly how he washed his hands of his b*****d children.
  2. It's an anti-vaxxer, wilfully misinterpreting statistics and showing a chronic misunderstanding of the nature of how this virus spreads in order to push his own agenda. His argument seems to be that if you look at historical data, Covid-19 has had little or no impact over what we would expect. Now this is true, but only if you ignore the fact that we've taken measures to control/slow the spread of the virus, and you also ignore the circa 4.5% mortality rate we currently have for those that get it, and if you ignore the fact that it is highly contageous and people spread it without even knowing they are contageous, and if you ignore the data sources own disclaimer explaining why Covid-19 is not yet statisticaly significant, if you look at populations as a whole. Of course this appeals to the dumb and the ignorant so I'm assuming the link was posted in an ironic fashion rather than as a real comment. Yours aDONis
  3. Much though, I'd laugh my tits off at Hearts being relegated. As others have said this is just the tip of the ice-berg. All sorts of shyt are about to hit the fan at many, many clubs (I expect Aberdeen to be doing something similar as we speak). This season is a bogey and re-scheduling is a nice idea but when and with who (many players contracts run until the summer, who in their current climate is going to open negotiations for re-signing Carlos Kickaball, when there is no plan for when they might even play. Best of luck to all clubs out there* Yours aDONis *includes those utter knvts Hearts, but not Whore & NewBun FCs, they can get fvvked!
  4. I thought Aberdeen were chronic! Absolutely abysmal to watch (especially since it was what we set out to do) I don't mind being a bit stuffy, but Jesus H Christ that was eye-bleeding stuff! (Apart from the offside goal that was a worldie)! Still... You've gotta larf and Hampden here we come! Yours aDONis
  5. I hope it's not quite that bad. I've just spent 5.39 DeadRangers FCs on it!
  6. It's not necessary, but I suppose there could be confusion about what has and hasn't changed. I suspect it will become the norm after 31st Dec 2020.
  7. I know he's obviously as thick in the heed as shyte in the neck of a bottle, but has this got anything to do with Brexit?
  8. I really wanted to like him, but he just wasn't good enough. He'll always been fondly remembered by me for hitting a shot at Rugby Park (cup game AFC won on pens) that bent so much that even Roberto Carlos would have said 'fvck me"! It didn't go in... obviously, but it was some strike. Yours aDONis
  9. I was working with a Swindon Town fan and he raved about their no nonsense centre half, who was the de facto real captain in their team. We signed him and I had genuine hope. That hope came in the shape of 'Jerel Ifil' SWEET BABY JESUS, and 44 (FORTY FOUR) appearances for us! Yours, sobbing in the corner. aDONis
  10. This Ding-dong the wicked witch aka Dirty Dingus was dead. It only took several humiliations and six defeats on the trot that left us second bottom on goal difference (having played a game MORE than the hapless Accies). The twa Neils (Simmie and 'not Tattie' Cooper) were to swoop in and save us (at least in the interim). It was a match made in heaven. SIMMIE WAS GOING TO joint-MANAGE THE MIGHTY, MIGHTY DONS! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS MIN! Him and Cooper had done a fine job with the youth teams and were primed to give us a feel good bounce! There was no doubt in my mind, since God (aka Willie Miller aka The Greatest Penalty Box Defender In The History Of The World Evah!) had ordained it. 'So sayeth the shepherd, so sayeth the sheep... amen! The planets were aligned and Capricorn was probably fucking Pisces or something. I don't know why, but I really thought BELIEVED the twa Neils would turn us around and we would rise majestically from our shit-infested torpor and wreak havoc and revenge on all who had tormented and laughed at us (so pretty much everyone, but especially fuckin Hearts). Then the whistle blew for kick-off! Yours, it still hurts to this day! aDONis http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/scot_prem/9274624.stm
  11. I think we can safely say we've been robbed by the ref. There is absolutely no doubt that with Cosgrove on the pitch, we might have, possibly, maybe had a second shot, probably somewhere near the Whore FC goal. Yours, it's a masonic conspiracy orchestrated by Peter Liewall I tell you, and some fvkkers stolen my tin-foil hat! aDONis
  12. I can pinpoint an exact moment. League cup final, I arrived maybe 10 mins before kick-off, as I walked up the stairwell I was greeted with a view of 43,000 fellow Dons and it struck me, that I'd never seen so many Dandies in one place (even though I'd been following the Dons since the mid 70's). I also realised that I'd likely never see the likes of that again. I remember being quite emotional! https://images.app.goo.gl/kiXyn5F7gsmdAonT8 Yours aDONis
  13. Dingwall has not always been a happy hunting ground for the michty, michty-(me) Dons! In fact I'm pretty sure we had a losing record for a few seasons away to the Staggies (four or five seasons I think)! I see no reason to assume that with the way we are playing, that Ross County can't get a result against us. Yours, a bag of nerves about this one. aDONis
  14. FFS keep your story straight, weren't you listening to the oldco fairy stories. It's got nothing to do with the club, it's the company that is overspending. It's almost as though the old club v company spiel was a pile of made up shit, devised to placate fans of DeadRangers! Shirley, shome mistake! Yours aDONis
  15. It is with a heavy heart, that I write this. Cards on the table I have fallen back in love with the Scottish Rugby team, over the past 6 years. Even after these latest set-backs, I can see glimmers of light, whereas before Stern-Vern there was only darkness. But where to start? The pack. Regarding the front three, not since the days of Tom Smith packing down with the likes of Burnell and Bulloch have I had as much confidence in our scrum. Much of that kudos goes to Nel. I fear for the day he retires. IMHO he has been the biggest influence on our pack. The locks, once again I have high hopes. Jonnie Gray is a tackling machine, Richie Gray is back playing, so hopefully he'll feel the pull of the blue jersey sooner rather than later. Sam Skinner is an immense talent and could probably even be a future No. 8. Cummings looked the real deal. There is much promise there. The back row; It sounds like I'm bigging them up, but I genuinely think we have a lot of talent and competition for flankers, but... I think we need a proper ball carrying No 8. Wales can boast Faleteu, Moriarty & most recently Navidi, England have Vunipola (obviously) but can also call on the likes of Wilson, Armand, Morgan and others. Scotland has Bradbury and erm... To the backs; Scrum half; I think we've seen a changing of the guard. Now I believe George Horne is the answer for a couple of reasons; 1) He likes a quick game (which is what Townsend is trying to create). He is another attacking option, which takes a bit of pressure off Russell. The downside is, I don't know who Scotland's most dependable kicker would be in Laidlaw's absence? (and that will cost us games, see Kenny Logan who was a decent kicker but was no Parks, Patterson or Laidlaw). Fly half; Finn (who I love), being pushed by Hastings. I know a lot of people were ragging on Russell for his performance v Japan, but apart from kicking a bit better, I'm not sure what options he had on... which brings me to where I think our biggest problems are... Inside and Outside centres; I think we need a 'unit' to take the ball into contact and someone more creative to take some of the decision making responsibility. I had hoped that Alex Dunbar would have been fit enough to take to the WC (but he hasn't had the playing time), Could Duhan van der Merwe (once he's had salt and sauce) come in and fill that role? Don't get me wrong, I like Taylor, Johnson, Jones et al but I just feel that they are all 'line runners' and not 'bash' players. I thought Scotland started to get a measure of Japan when the back row started to appear wider out and running at their midfield (had we had a Jamie Roberts a Tuilagi or Aki, I think the result might have been very different). As for the additional playmaker, I'm not sure who the alternatives are at all! (Matt Scott is the type of player I'm thinking about, but he must be getting on now), I like Peter Horne, but he's just not top class international standard. Wings: Darcy Graham is the future (see also Duhan van der Merwe), but on the whole I think we have quite a few good but not exceptional wingers (I'd almost be tempted to start with Kinghorn). Full back; Hogg and Kinghorn are both very good IMHO. But we need to work out how we get Hogg more involved when the opposition aren't kicking the ball to him. In summary Scotland went out because we were the third best team in the group, but Ireland apart, we weren't as outclassed as some would have you believe. We'll never have the playing pool of an England or even a Wales, but we can achieve more than we have. Yours aDONis
  16. Another easy win for the mighty Dons on their way to finishing second... Again! Er... Home win, hopefully by less than 4 Yours, ever the optimist aDONis
  17. Livin' in the 80's! Do any fellow Done want some auld books. I'm getting rid of a bookcase but before they go to Oxfam, I'll gee others first swik. If interested PM me with details and I'll post (eventually).
  18. I mightn't be able to devote me-self full time to the old racism.
  19. I'd like to see England do well, but Denly has fallen pretty cheaply I think this is going to be another uphill battle for England. Yours aDONis
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