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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Sounds like me and my ego when I’m trying to tell my mrs that I’m still kind of right even after I’ve conceded and admitted that she is in fact, right
  2. Haw sir, yesterday I’m calling you a c**t and now i need to agree with you, playin at ! Beat me to it, there is no law requiring you to stay 2 meters apart from anyone. It only becomes law when premises must use it decide on capacity limits and seating layouts I don’t think the guidelines or capacity limits will be automatically dropped when they reach the final stage
  3. so, are we that confident in the vaccine or can boris just not hold his pish again?
  4. at least first bus done the right thing and closed the canteen, nothing to do with the virus, the c***s just looked about 30 stone
  5. We will take the virus over land and sea AND SEA
  6. today is not a day to bring the old firm into it
  7. All that would do is make it easier for the traffic that already uses the north channel ferries ( which isn’t enough to justify the cost) to get up and down. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t also do it in the event of the thing actually getting built but youd have to entice traffic away from Liverpool holyhead and fishguard to drive north and use the tunnel , which they won’t as the current road network makes it quicker to stick with ferries
  8. Excuse me sir, i think you’ll find West Lothian should have the top spot
  9. Problem for the tunnel to Ireland is the current ferries only get around 10% of the Chanel tunnels yet it would be about the same price for construction. For it to get anywhere near viable traffic youd have to build a motorway from stranraer to join up with the M74 to entice traffic away from the holyhead and fishguard ferries, which again would cost o fortune in itself
  10. Take your mandatory vaccines and f**k right off ya c**t Your tone is fuckin outrageous mate
  11. Florida with 21 million people recorded 6000 cases yesterday with zero restrictions Meanwhile the ukinlockdown got 12k with over 3 times the population So yeah they are higher than us per head but not 4 times higher or any of that nonsense
  12. They really have unleashed all hell in manipulating people with what they have now Before all of that advertising marketing political polls and surveys were just estimates or guess work I’d bet that it’s data mining companies behind all those thinly veiled memes on social media - like if you think soldiers should get houses before illegal immigrants Or like if you you think we should sack the royal family and spend the money on poor kids Basically tell us your political leanings
  13. Make no bones about it, this is a ray McKinnon in league 1 type of performance. Time to park the bus, literally
  14. going by the photo in complete isolation, I'd pump her
  15. If they want to then let them But we need to get this idea of permanent distancing right to fucking f**k
  16. My life situation has moved on in the time since the first lockdown and I doubt I’ll ever be a regular football attender again. Unless i have kids and could start taking them with me in I haven’t really missed it tbh
  17. Fucking lockdown doesn't apply to him, he's busier and more lively than he's ever been in his life. no wonder he can't comprehend the serious adverse side effects it has on the country
  18. Politics is the big bad world and the only thing that matters is staying in power. So far this has been a peace of pish for sturgeon. the country is roughly 50/50 split on independence or not but the unionist vote is split between 3 party's leaving them to hoover up the rest. causing mass unemployment is probably the only thing likely to change that. even then they could run with " we would have kept you furlough if we had the power to do so"
  19. theres a simple fact that we can't keep burning money forever. I think you are right in that politics and the election being in play for both the SNP and the torys . Since the start of the pandemic with health bein devolved Scotland has been acting like a de-facto independent state. the snp want to be able to be seen as the ones who care and paint the torys as the ones who will throw you to the wolves in order to save 10 bob . which to be fair is usually true . i
  20. it won't b acceptable if we're the only ones doings so. and no furlough to boot
  21. i'd do it to , but my main go to argument against kicker wetters over the past decade ( we can't go to Europe incase there's a terrorist attack it's JUST too risky, or perhaps the modern phenomena of wrapping children in cotton wool and keeping them under MI5 survielience until their 35th birthday) of " well you'd never leave the house if that was your outlook " has been completely fucked by this fucking lockdown and everyones mindless acceptance of it
  22. Also it’s dawned on me that the constant doom and fear in the media is just a news symptom of the monotony of just now There is no news, we’re still going to be in lockdown for a wee while longer, covid is still happening and the vaccine rollout is progressing Thats it, there’s no other news now not even brexit. A watched pot never boils so they have to keep filling time with shite
  23. I remember my parents looking at me and my friends with absolute astonishment when we told them that we had good friends from other areas and even other high schools( in the early 2000s) it was just beyond them how boys from different areas didnt want to immediately kick f**k out of each other upon first sight. Completely at odds with their teemage years 25 years earlier
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