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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. So really it’s just an official “ please dinnae dae it “ only those who blatantly, obviously & take the piss could be prosecuted. We have a trade membership at Costco which we went to both the Edinburgh and glasgow stores during lockdown one, we can’t buy certain products locally, as far as I’m concerned we’re perfectly entitled to still do so
  2. There’s plenty of exceptions and reasons why you are allowed to travel to different areas which is why enforcement of this will be next to non existent.
  3. Without a vehicle like a parliament though, the snp could huff and puff all they want but could never call a referendum on independence, so not really
  4. Don't know about the last bit mate, the vast majority of oil is way north of that line, forget Aberdeen the fields themselves are on the same latitude as Sutherland and Orkney . there are gas fields of the English coast but again most are pretty far south. the border area of the sea is quite barron
  5. So tony blair set up devolution in Scotland and wales in the 90s Given that there is no such thing as doing the right thing in politics, only gaining and preserving power. What did they think would happen? Labour were always going to lose Westminster to the torries at one time or another so having devolved administrations in areas where conservative votes were much lower than the south of England served to give them back up options But they must have knew that there was a chance they could lose power especially to separatists in Scotland. I don’t believe that tony blare would have been so blasé as to go “och don’t worry they’ll never win outright “
  6. That sums of modern Christmas but you forgot that you must spunk hunners on “ accas” f**k Christmas it’s cancelled, f**k Facebook f**k john lewis f**k sky f**k disney f**k ladbrokes f**k the p.. oppsie almost got carried away there
  7. Come on mate if you really are a Falkirk fan you should be used to getting shafted by arbitrary numbers and decision making you can't control, we are good enough numbers wise to get promoted yet it's being denied by constantly shifting goalpoasts , it's 2003 all over again for us, looks like hospital sharing with stirling has fucked us over . the board must go!
  8. 5% of tests positive tho! it has been slowly coming down the last few weeks,
  9. The inferiority complex has been a massive milstone for about 30 years now, fucking hell the last time we went to a world cup our motivational song was fuckin cunty delamitri " just don't come home to soon" wtf whoever signed of on that needs taken out and leathered. this we don't have any expectation mentality is nothing but complete shitebaggery and is the sign of a losers mentality, it does not, as some may counter claim , allow players to play with freedom without the burden of expectation - something which England suffered with for many years. but their situation is different from ours . we have badly needed a manager who can get away from that awful diddy mentality of " a point here is a good result" " there a good side and it's a tough place to come" . every tournament since 98 was characterised by the same thing, Failure to beat lower ranked opposition. shitefesting 0-0's away to Estonia was disgraceful when we had 6 epl players in the team. it shows a complete lack of confidence and belief and we got what we deserved. we saw the difference with Kilmarnock under Clarke, they stopped playing by the diddy code of sitting in tight against the old firm and boy did it pay off, they must have taken more points from the ugly sisters than anyone has since the 80s * needs fact checked as an aside, southgate seems to be a similar story for the English, he's clearly not the best manager out there but he is the best man for them. All of this talk of a full hampden tho, it's not a home game for us. it's a euro 2020 group match nd the venue will technically be neutral? tickets will be quite even and will involve a shit load of corporate. that's if theres any fans at all! on the flip side we should get 25 k for Wembley tho
  10. back in early july when we were only getting a tiny handful of cases per day it was reported that the virus was eliminated outside of medical settings, perhaps the opining of the tourism industry allowed the virus to find it's way back from elsewhere then with the big opening of schools etc it was able to spread in the community again
  11. To properly flush out the virus you would have to have an ultra strict “ do not leave your home under any circumstances except an emergency “ with harsh punishments for breakers. You’d then need to army to deliver food and supplies to peoples houses. Emergency services, healthcare and utilities workers would have to bunk up in temporary camps at their workplace for the entire lockdown duration. Thats the only way you can get on top of it now
  12. I only switched to an office job from one where I had to physically be there in mid august, barring the first couple of weeks bedding in I've never actually been there which is weird to say the least, so far it has been pretty sound, barring scheduled online meetings we don't need to follow the clock like we would if we were there. we can within reason fill the day as we see fit so long as the work is done, other departments however have been getting monitored and told to work exactly as they would in the office including tea and lunch breaks which I thought was mental . I asked about the rules on working remotely ie from anywhere in the world as some other companies have allowed, definitely a no no as we stll have to be available to come in in person if requested, also got a slight slip from a manager who said " AT THE MOMENT , there's no requirement for you to do your wfh at your primary address ( the one that HR has for your details) but that may become a thing once HSE get involved" couple of downsides, every day is the same, I feel slightly couped up and it's hard work me and the mrs( also wfh) being in the same space 24/7
  13. Baws to that, i'm already worse off by more than that! i don't live far enough from work to save very much in fuel but my gas and lecky are through the roof now! as to schools, a 12 or 14 year old missing a whole year of education during their vital devlopmental stage is on balance worse than an adult not getting to the pub or football for the same period, or even being out of work for the same time frame. But it's not worth it if the whole country grinds to a halt and theres nothing for said waens to go to when they leave school becuase the country is completely ruined financially
  14. Like ive said 2 or3 times already. Most sensible thinking people would agree that schools should get some level of priority over other sectors for many reasons which we won’t go over. However when it becomes clear that this priority is coming at the expense of literally everything else then the public will begin to lose patience especially when the government stick rigidly to their story and arent prepared to backtrack at all
  15. so black people have had just over 50 years to get their entire north American population to reach the same levels in life as the white people who had a boot on their neck for 350 years and still cling on to many detrimental attitudes ( consciously and subconciously) ? awrite then
  16. Are you saying you wouldn’t watch council telly channels in HD ?
  17. Mad to think just 8 months ago going around with your face covered indoors in public would instantly get you labelled as OFTW
  18. No you can’t there isn’t an airport in lerwick
  19. It’s not the money to be made that got them moving in jig time ( although that helps no doubt) it’s the money that the mega rich would lose via a long term shutdown that has them throwing money at a solution
  20. If his one passes then it will be the fastest ever by some distance so it does raise a few eyebrows, no other disease has brought the world to such a crippling standstill as this one , as said before it is not the overall mortality rate that is the danger from covid but the way it spreads under the radar means it can find it's way to those who are at risk far easier than most other airborne infections. this vaccine will have had the highest priority that a vaccine development has ever had, which could explain why it has been so mch quicker that others, but , it can also mean that normal due diligence procedures could have been waived in order to allow for a faster roll out to get the world moving again
  21. IAG the owner of british airways shares have jumped by 37% , either very confident or very desperate?
  22. It is true that alot of people in falkirk travel regularly to the cities for work, leisure and sadly , football. The last one is off the cards, the middle one is quite severely restricted and the last one you imagine would be quite a bit less than usual with wfh. A bit disingenuous if they are using normal time travel data to justify it
  23. It better fuckin no be! I watched all of Falkirks “ highlights “ on the club YouTube channel. Thank f**k i never had to sit through 90 mins of that
  24. Trying to tell anyone of us tinky tier 3 ers that it’s unsafe for us to drive to a loch in another district and ho fishing or go for a walk and they want to issue us police fines for doing so. But it’s perfectly safe to “ chuck 30 waens in a class”
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