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Everything posted by PWL

  1. No mine came with the little Umbro logo already. Ironiclly, it's lasted longer than the one I remember having one my '82 Scotland top which fell off after the first wash.
  2. That kit very much falls into the category of managing to be awful/class at the same time . Can't make up my mind.
  3. The aim still seems to be to keep folk in the mindset of not travelling to limit spread of any infection.. Probably 90% of necessaties for most folk in Scotland are within 5 miles though I appreciate that might not be case in rural communities. If they start pushing the distance up it will be an invitation to folk to travel more.
  4. Do remember that in parts of Germany the vegetarian option is chicken.
  5. Thats not a lupin. THAT'S a lupin. Joking aside, my lupins have done really well this year. Normally only get a couple of flower heads and that's it. Not sure if the drier weather has suited them or something.
  6. Probably at the top end of acceptable and unlikely to attract impulse buys at that price but I'll purchase for the wee one more as a donation than anything. More funds to club in the hope we actually make some signing announcements this side of Christmas.
  7. Nation with chronic obesity and lack of exercise issues yet folks go Tonto for it. Maybe it's just me but I just don't get the obsession with McDs that makes people want to queue for third rate burger. Kirkintilloch. So definitely not posh.
  8. My one hope was that folk would have got into the positive habit of taking regular exercise and look to continue this beyond lock down. This optimism was them shattered with the half mile queues for McDs drive thru.....
  9. I often wonder if the general health of the population is a significant factor. IE the Greggs effect. UK and US folk have far more obese and inactive folk. The obvious outlier to this would be Italy but am I right in saying most cases were in the industrial north as opposed to the less affluent south with the more traditional Mediterranean diet?
  10. My concern with this latest Colts reincarnation is that there seems to a real media push this time round. Just about every BBC Scotland sports tweet mentions it and the papers seem to be onside this columns supporting it. Is this because it's Rangers 'idea'? All seem to have the theme that it's lower league clubs holding Scottish football back. Quite how our sub £100k a year from the SFA is somehow stopping Rangers developing the next Messi is anyone's guess. It's almost as though rangers have seen the success of the vote fiasco in distracting from their abysmal season last year and thought they'll continue with the blame game....
  11. Trust statement is spot on. https://sonstrust.wordpress.com/2020/06/07/sonstrust-statement-on-colt-teams-proposals/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
  12. And, as if by magic, the OF colts nonsense rears its ugly head again. I can only hope this is just more tabloid fishing nonsense. I'd want nothing to do with it and would hope the club would be against it too. The Irn Bru Cup boycott showed just how unpopular an idea it is.
  13. Agree with what is being said. I know that if my club supported it then I would not be purchasing a season ticket. I suspect I won't be alone.
  14. I've volunteered to be in first group to go back to the office at work. Don't get me wrong, I've not missed the commute or hassle of getting to work. I just really struggle to get focused and motivated to work at home. Too many distractions and as others have pointed out, companies will be able to see the advantages of reduced work forces. On the plus side, my lawn is looking great....
  15. I think the situation the Government are trying to avoid is folk travelling more than 5 miles to play golf. Also, if the clubhouse is fully open you'll have the Big Jock knows best sitting having a G&T etc therefore defeating the object of folk mixing indoors.
  16. On a similar vein, Instagram stories showed a random woodworking skills clip and I'm now an avid watcher. Folk making tables from washed up logs or turning & carving things. All very sad but utterly hypnotic.
  17. We're now getting multiple goldfinches on our sunflower heart feeder. I'd go as far as to say they are now the most common small garden bird I'm getting at the moment. We moved house 6 years ago but only went half a mile or so from old place. We used to get loads of greenfinches and siskins in previous garden but not a single one here.
  18. Yeah it's for the internet connection. Comes as part of a Sky package. I really need to get finger out and shop around as I know I'm overpaying.
  19. Their target market is families with kids who want a sit down meal. The food is pretty basic and souless but the kids liked it and it was a good way of introducing them to stuff beyond pizzas and nuggets as well as eating out in somewhere fairly relaxed.
  20. Same. Moved to a new build 6 years ago and have no idea of the number. Only folk using the land-line were mother in law and nuisance sales calls. When the handset stopped working 6 months ago we haven't bothered replacing it.
  21. Somebody from G84 just dropped a cool one thousand pounds into the Just Giving fundraiser. Obviously, that's just change down the back of the sofa for Helensburgh folk but that's some gesture.
  22. Mrs needs her car to get to work so we just got the service and MOT as per normal when it was due last week. We also use a local garage rather than a big network so wanted to give him some business at this time.
  23. Off top of my head I think it was £32. I'm XL and it fitted fine. Not sure what the set up is with the guy. Think he has a contact in China that churns them out on a case by case basis. Hence the delay. No idea how he gets around copyright or if that even is an issue.
  24. I got this one. It's very good though it did take a couple of months to arrive.
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