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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. When I was at school there was a boy nicknamed Stooshy. I was extremely cruel to him once. Someone had brought their dad's bongo magazines into the school. This was the 90s, and the mags were at least 10 years old. Pages stuck together, the works. Grotty as hell, but this was pre-internet so folk just had to make do. Anyway, in our Techy Drawing class it was time to pass them on. I had had them for a couple of days. I handed then to Stooshy when the teaching assistant was out of the room. She came back in, and as she walked past me I said, quietly enough for her to hear, "Check Stooshy's bag". A mate of mine heard me and repeated it. Then a couple of other boys did it too. Stooshy went white. I mean, utterly utterly white. His face gave him away. The TA (who was actually very sound) went over to him and asked if he had any objections to her looking in his bag. He shook his head. And then she looked. She said something like "I'll be right back", left with the bag and returned a minute later. She handed Stooshy his bag back, sans jazz mags. To this day, no idea why I did that.
  2. Why did I think you were auld? It's a mystery, right enough
  3. I think you're forgetting a certain Piers Morgan
  4. Very tense. Both players seeing their bottles crashing.
  5. Tonight I watched an old Batman with Scott. Julie Newmar was on a swing talking to her henchmen....wow. I am sold on Julie Newmar.
  6. No way, man! They're angels. Right behind nurses and the Chinese boys who check old battlefields for live landmines IMO.
  7. I am the same. I always had @johnnydun and @Melanius Mullarkay as being in their 60s at least. He's younger than me, FFS.
  8. How would he explain away those injuries?
  9. Tight game between Williams and Carter.
  10. I know a lot of police officers. I am yet to meet one who was there pre-centralisation who thinks it worked. Standards dropped across the board.
  11. Channel surfing while waiting for Walker: Texas Ranger to come on, and there is a show on E4 called Celeb Cooking School. Ann Widdecombe plus 4 anonymous "celebs".
  12. Yate Academy uniform row: Mum's fury after girls 'removed from class' over skirts
  13. Late 90s for me. Also on the checkouts but often got extra shifts doing other stuff. Time and a half for Sundays and bank holidays. I imagine this is very much a thing of the past.
  14. Same here when I was in Somerfield. Got paid time and a third for the night shift.
  15. He is in the Mirror now. Same story, new compo face.
  16. All over bar the shouting now.
  17. 'Highly aroused and angry woman' smashes into ex's home as he barricades himself in bedroom with new girlfriend
  18. Did they tell you it had gone to live on a farm?
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