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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Lidl's all butter mince pies on offer just now, £1.75 for 6. Excellent.
  2. You should wait a respectable amount of time before moving in. Give it to, say, 10 pm.
  3. They have added speed bumps to the retail park in Falkirk. They are ridiculously steep. Almost undrivable.
  4. The worst DJ's of the 90s. The word "right" appeared at least, right, twice in every sentence, right?
  5. I am grinch-like with all things Christmas...except this. Heading into town this afternoon and will pick up a selection.
  6. The (poppy wearing) Prof and I are embarking on a project together just now. He had some mental ideas and, since they put me in charge of the programme, I just said f**k it and started implementing them. I reckon that in ~2 years the workload across the team will be well down.
  7. Dropbox. Was sent a file, a few of us editing it. Sent to my work address, so signed in. It then tells me I cannot edit it unless I sign into a google account. So I make one, sign in and then it spots that my login address and google address are different and locks me out. Just sucks.
  8. We waited six months for bungling council to clear pavement after widower, 90, fell over - so did the job ourselves Don't forget your Lib Dem rosette when posing for your compo face.
  9. Shatner! Also with Heather Locklear and James Darren (Vic Fontaine in Deep Space Nine)
  10. I've lost track - was a pizza supper an option at some earlier round?
  11. Millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson, 46, claims he has reverse-aged his PENIS by 15 years by using SHOCK therapy on his genitals - revealing he is aiming to have 'the erections of an 18 year old' Shocking
  12. Exactly my point. If you look at what Thatcher believed in, and thought was important, the current mob think the opposite. If her home secretary was inflaming tensions like this and undermining the police, he (and it would be a man) wouldn't last 5 minutes.
  13. I didn't think you were the one behind all those P&B aliases that pop up.
  14. Just ask yourself this: Would Margaret Thatcher have any of the current Tory cabinet in her Government? I suspect not. Braverman would be catapulted into the sea for undermining the police. Grant Schapps wouldn't be given the role of tea boy, never mind Defence Secretary. All down the list of the current crop, you'd have to say no.
  15. Couple's dispute with Norwich council over Fishergate boiler
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