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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. You just knew he thought that up ages ago. Had it written on his wee notebook of hilarious and quotable lines he has ready to deploy. Still u cringing.
  2. Watching an old episode of Batman, and in it the Riddler's girl associate was played by Sherry Jackson
  3. Really not sure where to put this, as this isn't a depression thing. But no other thread seems to fit. After my old man died, looking back I can see clearly what my reaction was. I went into some kind of overdrive work-wise. I took on every job and task going, and have pushed through tons of stuff. Things I had previously turned down as they looked like thankless slogs, I took on. I think I've just been keeping as busy as I can to keep my brain occupied. I'm now starting to think this wasn't the best approach. Yesterday one of my mates at work came into my office told me I looked tired, and warned me that if I carry on like I have been I'll have a collapse of some sort. He's seen a few people do what I have been and hit a wall. Then last night the wife made an off-hand comment that if I carry on as I have been, I'll end up dead pretty soon. She meant it in a joking way but there is truth in it. As I said, not depression but I can see that this all stemmed from March. I've done more work-wise in the last 7 or 8 months than I would normally do in a couple of years. And I have enjoyed it - taking on senior roles is a bit of a power trip, if I'm honest.
  4. Had a similar thing. For one module I arranged for an exam to be invigilated and in-person, but the tutor on the course was telling the students all semester long that it was online. Shit hit the fan when the exam timetable was released, loads of complaints. This guy got back to me saying that I had told him by email it was online. I replied, attaching a copy of my original email where the fact it was invigilated and in person was underlined. He's been apologising to the students but they're still up in arms.
  5. I must have watched this loads of times as a kid. Only when Nichelle Nichols died and they mentioned that they kept this ad-libbed line in the show did the penny drop.
  6. Finally a Star Trek link to this thread! I was wondering how to shoehorn one in. Mrs Columbo was played by Kate Mulgrew, who was Captain Janeway in Voyager.
  7. My ex-brother in law would pick up any hitchhiker if they looked like squaddies. He was a soldier himself and if someone was at the side of the road and he got some weird vibe, he'd give them a lift. I remember once being in the car when he did this. I was about 14 and thought he was mental, letting a mass murderer in the car. But, because the guy was wearing boots and a camouflage looking coat, he got a lift. He was a squaddie as it turned out.
  8. It's all about narrative. "Sorry, I was watching copious amounts of latex and farmyard themed pornography" or "Sorry, my son watched the football without permission"
  9. Covid still polling at 25%. With FPTP the coronavirus might end up as our new PM.
  10. I bought a Christmas bathroom set complete with Santa toilet seat cover at the weekend. It's not touching the porcelain until December.
  11. There are two layers of nuance here and a colossal mistake by Starmer at the end of it. First, to de-Corbynise Labour Starter has had to do a lot of work to make it a party where Jews feel safe again. During Corbyn's time as leader a whole load of anti-semitism erupted and that was really damaging. With the Hamas attack the instant Labour position was made simple - Israel was a victim and Labour was standing by it. Second, what came next. Israel's extreme over-reaction which is verging on war crimes. There are many Labour MPs who are naturally sympathetic to Palestinians, and yet more who have strong Muslim populations in their constituencies. Since October 7 the depth of feeling here has gotten deeper. This left Starmer in a sticky position of both trying to show that is is pro-Israel and also pro-Palestinian. All he had to do yesterday was allow people to vote with their conscience and it wuldn;t have even made the papers. On a day when the Tories were forming a circular firing squad, Labour steal the headlines with shadow ministers resigning or being sacked.
  12. I don't eat seafood so voted haggis. A pizza supper was robbed, though.
  13. Could be a soil gas vent, these need to be raised a certain amount above any windows.
  14. Started watching Brawn on Disney plus. As an F1 fan it's interesting, and why not have Keanu Reeves present it? But it's hardly a fairytale story. Honda spent megabucks in 2008 developing the car.
  15. No thanks - I left OneF because of all the posts about Muslims and the homeless.
  16. I usually keep my camera on. Stare into it, giving my shy colleagues the evil eye.
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