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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. 12 of these 18 days I'll be on my own with the beers, big TV for watching football, and spicy curries.
  2. Seething Sandra £150 out of pocket after Audi A4 hits massive 'hidden' pothole Pothole season continues strongly. Though my definition of "hidden" and Sandra's differ a bit.
  3. I'm sticking with my earlier prediction. Pierre is the man to beat.
  4. Righty-oh, the bump. The fact that the other 19 drivers did the race without crashing at this bump means nothing, nor the fact that it didn't take anyone out in practice or qualifying...
  5. With me, yes. We've been getting on really well for a while now. I've realised that when the management come up with some new wheeze of an idea that inevitably means more work for us, the person to turn to is our most senior colleague. He's more capable than anyone of going into a meeting determined to push back on extra work and get his way. I've asked him a couple of times to deputise for me knowing this was what would happen. No amount of pressure works on him. He cannot be reasoned with. It's great.
  6. Au Contraire - he offered me the use of it earlier in the year. I think the week was in May but I couldn't do it then. I think he gave it to one of his mates in the end.
  7. I just got an email asking if I had contacted a group of students on Friday. No, I replied. No idea what you are on about. Turns out a few students put in a complaint 3 weeks ago about a programme they are on. The office replied stating that I would get back to them as I'm not a member of the programme team and can offer impartial feedback after I had spoken to the team, looked in to it, etc. Helpfully, I would get back to them by Friday 17th November. Only downside here is that they never a) asked me if I would be willing to do this shite and b) mentioned it at all to me. I have a funding bid deadline next week so have replied stating clearly that I would not be doing this.
  8. Christmas holidays sorted out now. My last working day is Thursday 21st December, going back on Tuesday 9th January. 18 solid days off.
  9. Stuart Burgess for me, but that's because he was the captain when I was a mascot back in ~1990 or so. He was a cool guy. I have a photo somewhere of him walking me out onto the pitch. Need to dig it out. But he was good, alongside Roddy Manley. His laddie has been capped by Australia now, too.
  10. Listened to a bit of Yogi on the Sacked in the Morning show on the BBC yesterday. Lots of good stories from his time at Falkirk as a player and a manager.
  11. Angry Edinburgh locals claim woman who lives in a graveyard 'ruined their ceremony'
  12. Don't forget the other option - go down the Compo Face route.
  13. You'd think the dog would float if it was from Cork.
  14. The steps at the base of the Statue of Liberty are Scottish sandstone.
  15. Not to everyone's tastes. For me, I'm a Star Trek fan. I am not so much in to Star Wars, I find it quite grim. Especially the TV shows. But, I know for a fact that if you sat for one hour and watched this episode (trailer below) you'd change your mind aboit Star Trek.
  16. The luxury £1m newbuild estate with roads like 'the surface of the moon': Furious residents slam developer over pothole-plagued streets that still haven't been fixed five years after they moved in
  17. I know. That episode, What Are Little Girls Made Of, is the first one I remember watching as a kid. She is tied with Marianna Hill as my favourite Trek girl.
  18. Must admit I am a bit jealous. Never had a proper feud with another poster. Just don't find anyone on here odious enough. The fly by night trolls just vanish after a week or two so no point in even starting with them.
  19. You just knew he thought that up ages ago. Had it written on his wee notebook of hilarious and quotable lines he has ready to deploy. Still u cringing.
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