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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. They’d need far more feet on the ground to make Iran submit, compared to places like Iraq and Afghanistan. US can bang the drum all they like about bombing it, they’d shit the bed having to actually invade.
  2. JoJo Rabbit - 8.5/10 Great humour, great ideas, just a weeeee bit clumsy and unsubtle at times. Love the ending though. No doubt the film will be looked on fondly in years to come.
  3. Exactly this. Doesn’t matter how much you bomb a country, or its people; in guerrilla warfare you could be attacked anywhere, by anyone. Doesn’t help the Americans that Iran is far more mountainous and plain larger than Iraq and Afghanistan. Would take years, and definitely longer for any sort of on-the-ground resistance to die down, much like what happened in previous theatres.
  4. Trump has to consider the two looming shadows that back Iran though.
  5. You think Iran won't follow through with what they've said?
  6. Bombing of cultural sites constitutes war crimes I'm sure.
  7. Can he create though? Where would we put him? Behind the strikers? Gowser/Dorrans are more than capable of playing there, and he certainly isn’t capable of playing deeper than that. He’s not fast either, so he’s not going to address our lack of pace in the wide areas.
  8. Travis look good at the Hogmanay party.
  9. He fucked up a through ball chance in the last few minutes, had free space in front of him and conspired to get tackled.
  10. United are rotten, shame we are as well. Absolutely there for the taking in the last few from what I saw.
  11. 4th run, I wish I had the time to do as much! I was but a 2nd year undergrad.
  12. I've got started on the books in the meantime. Got the first one for a euro on kindle. Would be braw to go back play the first two games too, but that'll never happen. I read the collection whilst playing through my 4th run of the Witcher 3. Never actually played the 1st and 2nd but from what I've heard I'm probably not missing too much if I've read the books.
  13. I binged it all last night, it’s fucking brilliant. Only downside is we have to wait till 2021 for the next season.
  14. A wee message to everyone who’s not feeling the best this festive period; it’s absolutely alright to NOT feel cheerful, and it’s absolutely alright to not pretend you’re having a good time. If you’re needing a chat, or an ear to listen, drop me a message; I know it can get pretty lonely when everyone around you is acting like it’s the best time ever and you’re not feeling 100%. With that being said, I hope you all have a good Christmas, whatever you’re doing, and whoever you’re spending it with (even if it’s just yourself, who wants to be around annoying family members anyway?). Much love [emoji173]️
  15. Brilliant whisky. Portwood 21 is also brilliant if you want a nice sherry finish to your Balvenie.
  16. Nonsense. Constantly slagged by some dafties in the support for ages, more prevalent on here. Best midfielder we have.
  17. Just generalised neurosis, really. Something must be wrong, somewhere.
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