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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Think your doing ok, maybe on course for a 1st ever 10 then the fly p***ks chuck in a female Aussie sport question at the end! Got an 8
  2. Excellent statement from a guy that has seemed 100% genuine since he came in.
  3. Defending has been our issue all season and I think the main problem is the GK. We havnt really had one all season. Adam has been crap, Smith very meh, McGowan Crap even as back up now we have Brennan sitting on the bench. A settled GK that was half decent would've solved half our problems
  4. https://scotwomensfootball.com/entry-criteria-introduced-at-the-top-level-of-scottish-womens-football Find all details here
  5. Hibs dropping points has been coming, losing their best players was always going to hurt and with a 3rd team (Celtic going FT) to compete with to sign the best players from elsewhere, this season was not going to be as straight forward as the past few. Last year was their biggest chance to win the league.
  6. We are in a mess, there is no doubt about it, we could well be playing league 2 football next season if we don't pick up and quick. The hope I'm clinging onto is that ability wise there isn't much between the teams/players in league 1 and everyone can beat everyone else. If Jim Duffy can get another 10% fight out of every single one of our players between now and the end of the season we should be ok, if he can't then we are in a whole heap of trouble. Just on another note, and I know our striker situation has been discussed at length on here. However looking at the teams who have a prolific striker who scores regularly, it really does make a difference. Arbroath, Raith, forfar in our league, Edinburgh city, clyde and peterhead in league 2. It's something we have never really had who was the last guy to bang in 20+ goals a season for us?
  7. My wife is now an official c**t on the road. She's just reversed into my car bringing hers out the drive taking a big gouge out my front bumper. Her banger doesn't have a scratch! Raging doesn't begin to cover it!
  8. My wife and I have been decorating. I come in and she's painting both walls with white emulsion and door frames with white gloss. I do the good husband deed and roll up the sleeves to help, pick up a brush and the conversation goes as follows: Me: what was this brush used for? Her: paint Me: yeah obviously what paint? Her: white paint Me: emulsion or gloss Her: *confused look* just paint. Me: 🤦
  9. I defo done Wednesday, went back to the archive and remember the questions. I'm sure I posted my score but If I didn't it's not exactly fair I post one now as I know all the answers so I'll take a blank for my misdemenours. If i find out I did post a score and you've just missed it I'll be taking you to the court of human rights! 6 to end the week.
  10. As Redondo says just ignore the guy and he will go away or give up. Every time someone responds it tickles his ego. The thread is on the CSAFL as a whole not some weirdos personal obsession with Colville and their manager.
  11. I really don't see the issue with us posting about ex players birthdays, whether they played 1 minute for us or 150 games. If that's something that gets your back up about the club then it says a lot more about you than anything else. We really have some strange fans. Tbf id love for our Twitter guy to find the most obscure guy that's played the least amount of minutes for us and put the biggest birthday celebration post on and sit back and watch the meltdown. I do find it funny that the guy(or gal) that moans on Twitter each birthday post, has no picture or identification on his Twitter handle!
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