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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. The one good thing about the 21st century, as compared to previous centuries, is that more people see the bible as a book of utter nonsense.
  2. Me and my boss were just talking about that. Right wing politics have spiraled out of control.
  3. I don't think the SNP could do anything to convince people like you. It's just not your thing. Pretending is just pretending.
  4. I've had more than a few comments about Brexit. It's hardly a secret. You're right about them not caring though.
  5. English voters may be more inclined to vote tory after seeing that.
  6. Sock puppet is a valid term. You must be new to the internet.
  7. Underneath it all, you're a very cruel individual.
  8. You might think you want to pay. You probably believe you want to pay. But when you actually do have to pay it's a slippery slope. I remember one time my wife was in hospital and I walked in for a visit, only to stumble into two doctors who were arguing about who gets to treat her because they needed the cash. I'm sure the tories would never allow that sort of thing.
  9. I bet he's never far from an oxygen bottle.
  10. You: Scotchnats want Berwick to be a country. Me: wtf
  11. No ffs, I don't think Berwick is a country.
  12. This isn't the first time you've used that poor wee guy from Eyemouth patter. Being from the Borders I used to fish in the Eye estuary all the time. I'm not sure why you think people there just have to get their messages in Berwick. There are plenty shops in Eyemouth but if you really have to go into a different country for a pot noodle then that's on you.
  13. Until (small area of Scotland) wants to secede, why bother bringing up non-existing issues?
  14. I wonder if she had any Christmas shopping done.
  15. Worldwide focus? I'm sitting here waiting on a workmate to say something. Nobody cares.
  16. I was starting to wonder if I'd ever hear something good from the UK ever again.
  17. He's an off the charts loser. That guy would be cleaning bathrooms if he wasn't born into insane wealth.
  18. Ukraine suffered an invasion. People crossing the channel does not constitute an invasion ffs. GB News
  19. I was being serious. You're in grave danger of Korsakoff syndrome.
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