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Everything posted by MJC

  1. So basically, you're happy with the Green Brigade banners as long as they provoke some sort of reaction? Basically what you are saying is that you don't care what they say so long as it annoys folk? And that's the voice of Celtic Park, the voice of the support, the voice of the Green Brigade isn't it? Who cares if we spout a load of hypocritical, self righteous guff that contradicts the 'ethos' of the club that 'We're open to all', as long as we annoy our haters. That kind of destroys the image that you are so keen to display tbh...that image of all these 'displays/prorests' by the Green Brigade as being for some sort of good cause...
  2. I don't think he does to be honest, but at the same time I have no doubt whatsoever that he has no problem whatsoever with said banners being displayed at Celtic Park.
  3. That same supporters group that seem to have absolutely no problem whatsoever in getting their 50ft + banners displaying their messages into the clubs home ground on a regular basis? That supporters group? Yeah?
  4. Your second paragraph is one of the biggest reasons why I can't stand them or their club and why they're really not 'spot on' about any of the so called causes they claim to support...because in reality they are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical, sanctimonious, psuedo pious blowhards who are only capable of seeing things from their own warped perspective. This is a group who would have you believe that they are 'all inclusive' and 'welcoming to all' but neglect to mention that that's only as long as you share their viewpoint and 'political' standing on most matters and if you don't then you aren't actually welcome at all. "No bloostained poppies on our hoops, but Celtic Football Club are open to all"...."Celtic football club destests racism....but that Shay Logan is a liar and an arsehole for accusing one of our players of racially abusing him, fucking booooooooooo that c**t"..."Leigh Griffiths was caught on video in an Edinburgh pub singing wha...? Nah f**k up, brave, brave man is our Leigh". The 'stands' they take are nothing more than what they perceive to support the Celtic FC position of "we are holier than thou, but just don't ask too many questions" and I for one am more than happy that our support don't bother with that nonsense, because it really, REALLY isn't worth its weight in shite.
  5. We'll doing well to keep this to a five goal defeat today. We were painfully exposed at the back against Celtic at Fir Park back in August and today will be no different. 6-0 home win.
  6. That's right, Craig Nelson it was. He was off for a good ten minutes and we couldn't take advantage of it but ironically did score almost as soon as he came back on. That was a farce of a performance from us, as we led 2-1 then 3-2 before losing. That game was just after Shaun Teale left the club under a cloud and Greig Denham, who'd come into the side to replace him had an absolute nightmare.
  7. He was slower than a week in jail if I remember correctly. 'Big lump of wood' pretty much describes him accurately. Kelly was absolutely done by the time he was with us. I can only remember him scoring the odd penalty here and there, always struck low to the bottom left hand corner. The season we finished 4th and just missed out on Europe had some absolutely awful matches and our big earners regularly failed to turn up. Dundee pumped us 2-0, 3-0 and 4-1, Kilmarnock came to Fir Park around February time having not won in months and beat us 4-0, then a few days later Ayr Utd beat us 4-3 at FP in the Scottish Cup when Neil Tarrant(forgot about him, he was another Davies summer '01 signing) ripped us to shreds. I remember Dundee United also beating us 3-1 at home after they hadn't won in God knows how long and of course the infamous 6-5 loss to Aberdeen. We always seemed to turn up for live SKY games that season though. We were spending a fortune, in our terms anyway, on the likes of Goram, Spencer and McCulloch and getting very little in return. That was also the season that McCulloch was linked with a £1M move to Hearts.
  8. He was just one of a batch of awful signings made by Billy Davies shortly before his sacking. There was him, Karl Ready, Andy Dow, Eddie Forrest and 35/36 year old David Kelly. He was good a penalties though.
  9. Just home from work and heard the score. Tip of the cap to Rangers for burying their recent Hampden hoodoo and reaching the final. Hope their support had a wonderful day out full of staunch enjoyment and that they get an even better one in five weeks time. Nothing against Hearts, but this is Rangers. YATP
  10. Narrow 1-0 win for us today I reckon. Won't be a classic but as long as we win that's all that matters.
  11. Just saw that on twitter. No! No! Fucking NO!! There is no excuse whatsoever for us to be wearing our away kit at home. There is no colour clash and therefore no need to wear anything other than Claret & Amber. After our insistence in wearing that 'Roma' style away kit in every away match last season I thought we'd finally done away with this type of nonsense but it seems we've decided to up the ante in kit blunders. And I say that as someone who thinks our current away kit is beautiful. But there is a time and a place for your change kit and it most definitely isn't when you are playing at home against a side who's home colours do not clash with ours in any way, shape or form.
  12. Glass half empty. I think we'll beat Livingston on Saturday though, barring an injury/suspension crisis tonight.
  13. And so on the back of two defeats on the bounce to Aberdeen and Rangers we welcome Kilmarnock bon Wednesday night. We've lost our last two home meetings with Kilmarnock and haven't beaten them for over two years. They are playing well and appear to still be a tough, well drilled side so I don't see us getting much joy here sadly. Unless we score first we are getting nothing here. 0-2 away win.
  14. Nothing fictional about it. I tried to reason with these folk when I came here at first, but they wouldn't have it, so I resorted to what I do now. Every single Rangers thread on here is the same, especially when they win. You get supporters of various clubs spitting their dummies out about just about anything. "Aaaarrrrghhh look at they b*****ds celebrating like that, some of them on the pitch, get them fined" "Rangers are wearing a different socks and shorts combination from last week, scumbags! " "They've got their poppies on too early, what they doin with that big gun" "Listen to that sectarian singing, what a vile institution, hurry up and die again". I'm no fan of Rangers, but they just don't bother me when they're not playing Motherwell. They are a bit of a strange bunch, especially with some of their remembrance Day stuff and their WATP mentality but I don't let it bother me. They've never given me any grief in and around football so I can let them go over my head.
  15. But I don't actually support two teams in the same league, I only really support Motherwell. My posts about Rangers on here is trolling the said dafties who frequent every Rangers thread and post more about them than their own club. Despite the fact that I freely admit that it's trolling, I still, STILL get people taking it seriously and biting, because as I've said on numerous occasions now, the mere mention of Rangers/Sevco whatever you want to call them causes a load of Scottish football fans to completely lose their rags.
  16. We were, then our goalkeeper sold the jerseys right on half time and that changed the game completely. We just can't help ourselves in big games, especially against Rangers, we always find a way to throw them a lifeline to get back into the game.
  17. Correct and that's why I posted at the time "only one winner now". It was a massive moment just like the 5th minute penalty miss we had against Aberdeen last weekend as it swung the momentum completely in your favour. Our second half performance was gutless and it was inevitable that we would concede and we duly did. We are so naive it is absolutely infuriating.
  18. That was just a typical Motherwell v Rangers game, nothing else needs added to that.
  19. This is just yet another classic Motherwell bottle job of a performance. Play well, go ahead then as sure as night follows day, chuck them a cheap goal at the crucial moment. Then in true Motherwell fashion we try and sit in and stop the opposition from scoring, something that Motherwell sides historically just cannot do and surprise, surprise we lose one and lose the match.
  20. Shitebags. It's been coming for a while because as usual we've sat far too deep.
  21. I'm well aware how it works on here, any thread involving Rangers attracts the obsessed dafties from various clubs who seem to hate Rangers more than they like the team that they actually support. I just find it pretty pathetic to be honest.
  22. This game does not concern you, so kindly go away. Concentrate on your own team.
  23. Typical of us to chuck them one just before half time, that changes the entire complexion of the game. Only one winner now sadly. Gillespie should get his backside booted up and down Fir Park street for that, I'd have Carson back in asap. We played that first half perfectly and were well worth our lead until our goalkeeper sold the jerseys.
  24. Seedorf benched. Correct decision as this was never going to be a game for him.
  25. And Craig Reid as the last day hero. That was a strange season that one. We were largely shite and awful to watch yet were strangely consistent in the league. It was probably the start of the decline of Stuart McCall before it really fell to pieces a year later and we had John Sutton's goals which dragged us through many a poor match and got us the points although we did have some absolutely awful performances and results. That 0-4 Dundee United loss at Fir Park around November time where we were lucky to get nil and lucky to only concede four, plus Celtic took five off us on a Friday night game in the snow and losing 3-2 at St.Mirren having been 2-0 up were painful ones. How that team managed to pick up enough points to never mind finish top six but second that season was and still is a mystery. The Cups were awful that season, even by Motherwell and Stuart McCall standards...losing 2-0 to ten man Aberdeen in the QF of the league cup when Celtic and Rangers were already out was painful stuff, but yet so typical of us. Then we contrived to lose to Albion fucking Rovers a few weeks later in the Scottish Cup.
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