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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Practically the same and don't get me started on darts and javelin. Javelin would be much more entertaining if it was played by drunk people in pubs
  2. I think we're talking cross purposes here. The Tories don't control the global commodity prices. But i agree they can affect the price paid by uk consumers.
  3. It's nothing like rugby. Their scrimmages aren't as cosy as a proper scrum, granted. So i'll concede that it's more like league.
  4. Rugby with pads? Don't say you mean (the in no way like rugby) American Football? It's rugby
  5. It's a promotional job as part of their public service remit. There's plenty other channels that cover stuff based on popularity. Although i do get annoyed by the bbc website reporting on US sports because they think we're part of US culture. Somecunt i never heard of retired from rounders was breaking news last month. Then some other c**t got a lot of points at rugby with pads. Fuuck off bbc
  6. We were in the EU https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukdsi/2018/9780111164334/pdfs/ukdsiem_9780111164334_en.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi_rcynieH2AhWzoFwKHThcDfsQFnoECBAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw26zNccpLfbitdJ_dyHXa3Q
  7. Rita Sue and Bob too Don't remember too much about this except it was a couple of schoolgirls having an affair with a married man and it had a club singer with a giant mullet singing about having a gangbang against the wall.
  8. #Worldle #63 1/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  9. To be fair, this is happening all over the world (or at least all over Europe) and it's not like the Tories have caused the increase in gas and oil prices. What they have done is given us an economy that is structured to shit on the poor and to protect capital investments. They've also given us a society with an income and wealth distribution that is more like South America than Europe. https://data.oecd.org/inequality/income-inequality.htm https://www.compareyourcountry.org/inequality/en/0/314/default/2002 Compare Sunak 's pathetic tinkering and photo ops to France capping energy prices. They can because their energy is largely a state utility. Ideology determined that our energy needs are a blue chip investment. £8bn estimated cost a month or so ago but surely worth it. Germany's government is taking similar action to our own. But Germany has less relative poverty to start with. So while people might have a point that it's not just the UK having difficulties, that's no defence for failing to take adequate action or for having put us in a position where we have an inability to act.
  10. Do they, by any chance, disapprove of female commentators for male sports?
  11. Lewis Ferguson. Not been consistent but we've slim pickings this year.
  12. They don't have to do that. Some Tory minister claims they do but they dont. Seafarers directive from 2018, to comply with an EU directive, changed that to a requirement to notify a competent authority of the flag state. I believe that's malta for p&o's ferries. Breaking the consultation rule entitles employees to civil compensation. They paid some, which they'll claim is adequate
  13. Just saw your letter via courier linked from bbc. Was hoping for Statement level lols. Disappointingly sensible and constructive. Good luck with it.
  14. covid, piles and "cough anal reflex" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022534705608026 A combination easily recognised by a "cough cough ooohyafucker" sound.
  15. You're thinking of Lerwick. Hawick is down
  16. A hovis seeded thing for £1? Rishi has obviously been waiting for the yellow labels to get it for that price. Properly frugal. Truly a man of the people.
  17. Yep. The laws say denying a clear goal scoring opportunity is a red if there's no genuine attempt to win the ball or no reasonable possibility of winning it. I'm pretty sure you'd get a red anywhere on the park for booting someone that hard from behind anyway. I'd expect Maloney to at least read the rules before going all in.
  18. Erm, yes, but there is a split. I've just realised that you were complaining about the league format rather than people being concerned about where they might finish. It's how the league works. I quite like it. Not going to get agitated about defending it though.
  19. Yes. Conservatives couldn't give a shit about poor people and wish to spend the country's money on stuff for them and their mates.
  20. You know that you can't qualify for Europe from the bottom half right?
  21. I think Hibs should give Maloney a fair crack of the whip. 2 summer windows minimum.
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