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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. No, it's just what inflation is. A reduction in the value of money. It can be caused in part by price (and wage) rises and show up in price (and wage) rises but that's not what it is.
  2. Mainstream- Inflation = too much money in system Interest rates = price of money Increasing price should reduce demand for money so income is diverted to savings. Or put another way it should encourage savings as a substitute for consumption MMT- Interest is ultimately on gilts and is analogous to tax and removes money from circulation reducing inflation. Different perspectives of the same thing. It takes money out of circulation.
  3. If you like to eat boiled eggs (presumably because you're old or an infant) and have a dishwasher too you can save yourself the hassle of washing a pan at all by boiling the egg in the dishwasher https://spoonuniversity.com/how-to/5-foods-cook-dishwasher
  4. We respect the due process of law and can't comment on sub judice matters.
  5. Failing to grasp why anyone would have any respect or tolerance, never mind love, for Die Hard 2. It does hit the Christmas breif though by being a complete turkey. Ho ho ho.
  6. Have got about halfway through the proposal. Highlight so far was the bit about Marx. He didn't support free speech apparently. I don't know or care whether that's true but do wonder what it's doing in a policy document other than pure spin.
  7. The condoc has landed https://consult.justice.gov.uk/human-rights/human-rights-act-reform/. 123 pages so not one for a quick skim. They've started trolling the Nats in the foreword. "The United Kingdom has a long, proud, and diverse history of freedom. This stretches from Magna Carta in 1215, the 1689 Claim and Bill of Rights, and the Slave Trade Act of 1807, through to the 1918 Representation of the People Act"
  8. The "hostile environment" was a tory government buzz phrase for a set of policies that culminated in the forced repatriation of dozens of naturalised british citizens because they weren't born here. Not sure, but i think they were all black people. So yes, it is a stupid phrase and was used by disingenuous people. You've just said that expressing concern about that policy is nonsense. You've made it very clear where you're coming from.
  9. "It's just the flip side of those who constantly talk up and bang on about racism, the far-right, 'hostile environment' and other such nonsense."
  10. I find many proponents of "wokery" and "political correctness" to be unthinking dogmatists and slightly irritating. The proportionate response is to ignore the more shrill idiots and get on with your life. Disproportionate responses include: -Repealing protections in line with internationally respected human rights norms. -Spamming the politics forum of a scottish football fan website with idiotic drivel, trivialising people's real and justified concerns about both racism and a racist policy of repatriation. You are clearly on the side of racists if not actually one yourself. Please f**k off.
  11. Tories v Humans Today's the big unveil of the "common sense" HRA proposals. Plenty of dog whistling about foreign criminals in the build up. Expect this to be a toe in the water to see what they can get away with so no baws out reintroduction of serfdom today. That's the endgame though.
  12. That needs to happen. The record/sun columnists will have a meltdown about what the English will think. That's a character building ground. I guess that stadia have increasing marginal costs? First 4-5,000 seats on the ground floor, then the next on the second storey. So if you're adding a fourth or fifth storey you have to pay for the three or four below it too.
  13. I'm a casual sci fi fan and would say that the Culture series is an absolute must.
  14. I doubt this would sell three figures worth of STs. Who knows though.
  15. Thanks for the heads up on Gremlins. At mutual pretence stage, so best avoided.
  16. You need to carve 2 helical grooves of opposite chirality. It looked an absolute piece of piss when Marcus Wareing did it on telly but i'd probably lose an arm.
  17. Just moved in you say? You've barely scratched the surface and I'm expecting this to be a rich seam of material for the thread. Good luck.
  18. On the plus side, work has cancelled the christmas party.
  19. According to transfermarkt it was Cerny in 18/19 from Partick. Tansey from Inverness the year before.
  20. Hash brown in a roll is a poor choice. You deserve to go hungry.
  21. I'd say renovation is a more appropriate term than construction. Here's it in 1835 by Constable It's clearly been tidied up since but there's a lot standing there. I'd say renovation is a pretty good word for it.
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