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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I've produced a handy "know your Tory" guide: c***s.
  2. From a review of Farmfoods kebab meat: Doner meat should not be rectangular This stuff goes crispy in the oven after 10 minutes. It has the texture of a graveyard Tastes like existential dread When you open the packet, it smells like someone has farted on it There are absolutely no redeeming features about this product. None whatsoever. You snobby git
  3. Covid's accelerated the decline of people doing tea rounds. This is a good thing. My contract doesn't stipulate any tea breaks. Mind you it doesn't stipulate exactly what "work" consists of either. Most tea breaks end up as bitching sessions about how shite or lazy or stupid colleagues are and can reasonably be described on my timesheets as "resource and performance discussions".
  4. I read the thread to see what this informative explanation was. It was bollocks. Someone said that food packaging rules say that you have to state where ingredients are from. There are rules for fresh meat origins and geographical indicators where there's a possibility of misleading (including protected designations). There is no rule to cover salt and pepper origins. Morrissons clearly did that as a xenophobic badge of honour. That said, the frothing mess of the comments on that thread is quite something. Lots of "i'll take my business elsewhere" twattery. In summary, twitter is full of fannies.
  5. Twitter c***s should do their bullying in person, like the home secretary and the prime minister
  6. Ironically it wasn't even closed after an oil rig had actually hit it. Clearly a spindly wee mast is way more dangerous.
  7. We passed a load of tank transporters on the motorway last week. To liven up a boring journey i explained to the kids that they were for invading France to get our fishing boat back. I thought i was joking.
  8. Sent to the island so that replacement organs could be available on demand. Same reptoid DNA.
  9. Only a couple of guisers/ToTers last night. Moams, swizzles and refresher chews for today's elevenses. Marvellous.
  10. I love how the gammon position on climate change has rolled back over the years in the face of incontrovertible evidence. There's no climate change Humans don't cause climate change Human impact is exaggerated Greta Thunberg's a cow.
  11. A few weeks ago, when i said "Glass out" i hadn't finished. I was going to say "Glass out-performed all the other candidates in a rigourous and impartial selection process and we should give him more time." Called it.
  12. The red guard was notorious for putting up plaques containing background information, the woke b*****ds.
  13. VAR only pen that one. No refs seeing that in real time. Would have been unjust but rules are rules.
  14. We went on a school trip to Alsace-Lorraine and went across a dam on the Rhine, spending about 5 minutes in Germany. In that whole time not one of them apologised for the whole holocaust thing. It's about time they took some responsibility. Although to be fair we kept quiet about burning Dresden.
  15. The worst types of posts on p&b are the last few pages. It's like Gok Wan fell out with trinny and susannah. Wear cords or leiderhosen or ex army camo trousers if you want.
  16. Absolutely agree. Human is a bit salty with a fatty aftertaste compared to the tender texture and balance of sweet and umami of man's best friend.
  17. It can be quite difficult to persuade some drivers to reverse 3 feet into a rural passing place, so co-ordinating a couple of thousand raging commuters into a ten mile detour at the Dartford crossing sounds fanciful.
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