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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I ordered a "fish supper" on my first chipper/chippy visit in Wales and confused the manny. He eventually understood that i just wanted battered fish with chips. He then proceeded to serve cod instead of proper fish. Don't even start me on their shitty pies.
  2. And deprive the Nation of Doddsy's brilliantly analytic punditry?
  3. Apex predators, dinosaurs, monsters etc all forgo the element of surprise and first mover advantage to do a roar.
  4. Boris making an inappropriate joke while announcing the Queen's death please.
  5. That's right they did. And furlough, which would help with back office staff.
  6. When i've been asked to do ironing or washing i've deliberately made an arse of it on purpose and not had to do it again. Simply returning without the children should suffice to ensure you don't get asked again.
  7. They did, didn't they? Just didn't make any special provision for football clubs.
  8. According to the not very detailed plan, the funding proposal being considered doesn't involve any cross subsidy, which would solve that problem. Although it would open up all sorts of demarcation issues.
  9. Funnily enough i just checked tbe Dons accounts (saturday night, wooo!) and we made losses of about £8m over the last two years reported. That's around half of turnover, way worse than Rangers. Davie is definitely making a move for the banter crown.
  10. I don't, but apparently filling ibrox with molten lead would be illegal.
  11. Yep. New rules coming in (don't know of definite) tie player salaries to turnover and don't even try to limit losses. The penalties payable could even increase losses. Don't you want them to go bust again?
  12. Not all losses count for FFP rules and you're allowed to average about 10m Euros a season, (previously 15m) if the losses are underwritten.
  13. Yes. I'm not in a union anymore- not really a thing in my sector - but when i was most of what we did was about diversity and equality. I'd have thought that would be something the youngsters would get on board with.
  14. I don't disagree but i think the biggest factor is globalisation. Uk workforce goes on strike- do workers get a payrise? Nope, factory closes and reopens in Bulgaria.
  15. I don't think there's such a thing as general opinion, there are lots of different views. Some people are supportive and others not. I think it used to be more finely balanced but now trade unionism is more niche the unwitting lackeys of capitalism are in the majority.
  16. I've got Qashqai. Didn't know it was an SUV though. Every day's a schoolday. Fortunately our school run's 20 minutes so you won't be nicking my wheels.
  17. Disappointingly gracious there. Was hoping for a tear stained rant with some funny words. I do hope they haven't got competent PR or we'll have lost a great source of entertainment.
  18. Mooning is a serious offence. Apparently the FBI has specialists in this kind of identification.
  19. They've heard thst some racists have lost their jobs so Boris is going to 'step in' as an interim racist until they find permanent replacement racists.
  20. Just off to google "big naturals", sounds intriguing
  21. This has to be a parody right? The cancellation of Julius Caesar? Some racist antivax ranter virgin on Youtube has parallels to a despot who used the military as his private army to defeat his rivals and seize power? I think i preferred these weirdos when they were obsessed with creationism.
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