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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. We don't have a team capable of finishing third. Our defence is shite and has rode its luck against poor quality bottom half strikers. We're also just about to lose our best midfielder on a free. We have some good players but not all over. My pre-season optimism hasn't lasted long.
  2. Nice to end the season with a defensive snafu and hang on for a draw in Dingwall against eleventh place. A fitting coda for a shitey season. Next up, pre season optimism.
  3. You'll be getting told off for not fermenting your own yoghurt now.
  4. I spray all my potentially sweaty crevices. And my feet. I think the word you're looking for is "crotch" although the more general "groin" would suffice. Anyway, get the rightguard on, stinkybaws.
  5. TiL that old moveable typeface printing blocks used to get kept in boxes. The capitals were traditionally kept in a box above the little letters, literally an upper case and lower case.
  6. No. We still have a place to play for (woo fuckin hoo) and players have a new boss to impress. I mean, that doesn't mean we won't ship four in the first half, that's possible, but no way we'll be setting for anything. But Motherwell will be gubbing your lot anyway so it won't matter for you.
  7. I've checked and found out my memory was playing tricks. Here's who Chris Lowe actually met:
  8. The navy brass go all out to celebrate Trafalgar day. Big chocolate boats firing party poppers at each other and a shitload of port being passed round. Genuinely one of the funniest things I ever saw. Ww2 is becoming the founding mythology of post imperial Britain though. I completely agree that the glorification of mass slaughter and triumphalism leaves a nasty taste.
  9. I absolutely love the branding on "Great British Energy" and the fact that they describe it without hitting any reactionary trigger words like "green", "environment" or "renewable". Must have been like till death do us part in the focus groups. Border Security Command sounds well hard too. The ww2 fantasist types will be aroused by that one. In summary : - repeat Broonie's trick from 1997 - create two Nationalist propaganda vehicles. - Standard more NHS/Teachers/Bobbies on beat. An actual industrial policy around renewable energy would be an objective win, gammon branding aside. It's not enough to win me back.
  10. I don't know about that but the Pet Shop Boys popped up in Neighbours to ask Annalise (down boy!) directions to the recording studio.
  11. Someone in an Australian soap had a dog called depher, although it might have been deefer or deephor etc, i never saw its name written down. Depher dog, see? I thought it might have been Sally out of home and away but hers was Dag Dog. Maybe it was the Kennedys'.
  12. I was curious as to what the actual f**k a digital Gulag Archipelago might be so i looked up the term. I reckon that trampy twat has been reading this: https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Google_Archipelago.html?id=OgKvvwEACAAJ&source=kp_book_description&redir_esc=y or more likely some tweets quoting it. The author is a Michael Rectenwald who has written books about the great reset and snowflakes and is running for president this year apparently. The twitter types have probably all heard of this guy but he's new to me and sounds great.
  13. Perhaps i do my own cooking the vast majority of the time. They have their place. Sometimes i like to take a break from my extensive repertoire of cooking varied world cuisines from scratch and get something quick and easy that i know the kids will eat. 2 for £7 or something on a couple of trays to put in the oven and dish up with some rice is a lot cheaper than £30 for the same from the takeaway, although it's not as good.
  14. Those are highly offensive terms. The correct terminology is "top or bottom"
  15. Getting food home to find the packaging is damaged and open is a pain in the arse and seems to be on the increase too. Cheap cuts of chicken and coleslaw are the worst offenders. Also "oven ready" convenience food in a foil tray where the film won't peel off. Lovely melted plastic with your sweet and sour chicken chunks.
  16. That was an entertaining game with a bit of a party atmosphere towards the end. Disappointed that Sokler didn't take his opportunity to impose himself. Maybe needs a run of games. McGarry couldn't find a red shirt to start off with but did improve and start to look handy (albeit against shite in a dead rubber). Hoilett, Shinnie and Polvara were all excellent. We need to get Boyd on long contract now. Nice touch giving Hayes the armband.
  17. Less grimy collar marks showing>less washing required >less microplastics in the environment > AFC saves the planet.
  18. I suspect that my coffee consumption may be excessive. If i'm in the office i've a moka pot for breakfast, about 3/4 of a pint of cafetierre for the road. About 3 or four double espressos out the machine through the day and a strong americano for the drive home. We have few perks so i have to maximise the free coffee.
  19. I barely drink tea I take my coffee black and strong...
  20. I thought you might but i can't pass up an opportunity to be a dick. I think you can edit the thread if you started it and choose to include a poll.
  21. Like: "what's your favourite caffeinated hot beverage... Etc"
  22. I can't go in then. No way I'll pass as cheeky. Shame because my table manners are terrible.
  23. Can adults go to Nandos? I thought it was for teenagers
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