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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Completely disagree with your take on Beavis and Butthead. I found them commenting on videos inane but thought the wee stories between were class. And the movie is an all time classic. I suppose tour bus tales is animated and funny, but it doesn't really feel like an animated show with all the interviews etc.
  2. Living far away from your work is officially a matter of personal choice and is why you can't claim tax relief for commuting. This is a sad reflection on UK officialdom's view on what a citizen's life is about
  3. Would you expect better from a lib dem voter?
  4. coprolite


    Thread title is sectarian
  5. Don't worry, it took me a while to get a handle on what "cancel culture" meant too.
  6. I'd doubt it, but that doesn't mean we have no tarrifs
  7. We have a free trade agreement with the EU. Unfortunately, its only free of tariffs, not red tape. We won't have unfettered trade until we join the customs union and agree to abide by the rules of the single market. We don't have a tarrif free deal with the EU. Only goods that meet the rules of origin criteria are tarrif free. That's a very important distinction for supply chains.
  8. Inflation isn't the same as price rises, that's just how it usually shows up.
  9. That'll be prime wine country, i'd be up for that.
  10. By the time i retire i'm expecting most of these balmy spots to be parched hell holes. I'm planning on relocating to somewhere fortified more than 60m above current sea level with its own water supply.
  11. Sounds right, we're mid table standard in our league.
  12. I'm guessing they're round about mid table standard in our league but that's based almost entirely on them having a 7000 seater ground rather than any football expertise. 8 games into their season already. 6 pts though. Banana skin
  13. I missed that. Seems a bit ott. Most unlike internet. Fortunately i did say "most" so i think i got away with it.
  14. Distribution effects mean that for some communities and individuals it will be a massive change. Barely viable hill farms or small fisheries go from being viable to not. There will be some success stories as well, some might be dramatic. Most of the "catastrophe" stories came from gammon strawmen though and not remainers, like: Remainer: it's likely that over the next decade brexit will result in the average person in the uk being 5% poorer than they'd otherwise have been. Twat: this is project fear, we won't end up like Somalia just because we stand up to Brussels.
  15. What did we do to him? That's victim blaming right there.
  16. Not my thesis at all champ. I'm well aware that hunter gatherers spend a lot more time relaxing with their extended families than i do. I'm also well aware that the depths of winter and the height of summer was time off for the farmers (although many used that for their "surplus" activities, crafts and whatnot). But when there's work to be done they have to get on and do it. Otherwise they will be very hungry and or shunned by their peers. Therefore doing your work becomes virtuous. My notion (i'll not call it a thesis, because it's not one) is that that link between doing the work and virtue has become misplaced in a time and system when someone will always find more work for you for little extra reward. "Something that evolved in another time is no longer appropriate" isn't that wild a concept.
  17. No, but it strongly suggests you are one.
  18. There's more to valuing hard work than just being brainwashed by exploitative capitalists. Hunter gatherers or subsistence farmers would starve if they just couldn't be bothered. They've also good reason to be concerned about free riders. There will be deep cultural roots, if not maybe even some evolutionary hard wiring, that cause hard work to be generally viewed as a virtue and idleness a vice. It's industrialised societies where there is an opportunity to be idle with little consequence. Capital owners have learned this lesson pretty well but have a vested interest in keeping pre industrial norms in place for the drones.
  19. An emotive subject no doubt, but hard to see the party political angle
  20. That’s very public spirited of Liddle bit there are faster acting poisons he could use.
  21. I can't do when Alastair Stewart is on, i've got the dentists.
  22. It's only perception at this stage but i'm sure someone on the net will have researched it. It would be weird to not think that, say, club biscuits or cans of juice had got equally smaller and single out Wagon wheels. I'll do some research and get back to you. From the Daily Mirror, so practically a peer reviewed journal:
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