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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. False declarations on Cis returns too? Quite a David Murray.
  2. Compared to the hourly rate + 13.8%? I get what you are saying but HMRC would be unsympathetic. If they were to see you refer to the relationship with those individuals as employment they would see that as evidence indicating an employer /employee relationship. Which i'm sure it isn't.
  3. So that we get the debt down. Maxed out the credit card, hyperinflation etc etc
  4. Tax avoidance bad. Employers NI avoidance good!
  5. "Accept and understand implications of" = "distance" A fair number of us weren't behind the club's position on this. Along with most normal fanbases we don't feel the need to go all in with the club's party line on all issues on a tribalistic "us v them" basis. I do understand your position here, you made a c**t of reading so you're lashing out as a means of deflection. Sad really.
  6. Anyone who wants kids to spend an extra 45 minutes a day at school is a heartless b*****d who has forgotten what it was like to be a child. The 5 minutes before 3.30 took an hour, so you're asking kids to spend an extra 9 hours in school.
  7. These lads concluded an average (median) progression to fatality at just over 18 days. That seems incredibly consistent with a peak after 18 days. Fortunately they have published a fair amount of detail about their methodology so you can be very specific about where you think their analysis is weak. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30566-3/fulltext What you got?
  8. Companies house? I didn't realise they'd filed some incorrect records.
  9. It's because i find it extremely hard to believe that the lockdown has been ineffective or unnecessary. There is probably a good case that early measures were insufficient and late, granted. But if there was never any danger, as you suggest, then why would the government have needed to do any more?
  10. I couldn't find any stats on all the tests and investigations that were cancelled. If only Todd had been minister for health we wouldn't have been tricked by the evil scientists and their apparently motiveless hoax.
  11. Depends what you mean by "needed" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/coronavirus-nhs-operations-cancelled-cases-deaths-hospital-a9464726.html%3famp
  12. Deidco said they wanted democracy so i assume they will take this outcome with good grace.
  13. Looks like some currants are happy with us. Every silver lining has a cloud eh?
  14. I assume we're teaming up with sevconians to stop them getting 10 in a row or something equally bone headed?
  15. Not behind the club on this. They could mitigate it by insisting Rangers pony up with their funding offer.
  16. Nice implicit admission of your status as a condescending sanctimonious wee fanny there. That's all from me.
  17. Keeping some distance is obviously advisable. The WHO says 1m I believe. Obviously masks don't protect your eyes, stop you touching a contaminated surface, stop you contaminating a surface or fully protect against droplets. Don't worry about whether the forum is for me or not, sanctimonious condescending wee fannies don't really bother me.
  18. Head to the coronavirus thread and quote throbber. That'll rile him
  19. Been watching all of the Harry Potter films with the kids over lockdown. People keep saying he has his mothers eyes, which has given me a mental image of the end of Hotshots and made me chuckle every single time.
  20. Any particular Dundee based champagne socialist in mind?
  21. I saw a family of 6 on a moped in Langkawi. I don't believe Malaysia is the gold standard of health and safety. That said, i think it probably would help if everyone wore masks and i'm really not concerned about it at all
  22. Example- making no effort to keep any sort of distance. I was making a fairly trivial observation about my perception of behaviour i've observed recently and not making any wider point but thanks for letting me know what i should think, it is appreciated.
  23. What about an ill fitting mask worn by an unwashed dunderhead that thinks their mask is like iron man's suit? Will that work? No fear of masks here. They're probably very useful. I do fear morons.
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