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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. The version i read had a preface which put the book in a different light to how it is usually interpreted. The theory was that he was satirising the new, more utilitarian theories about society and religion that were circulating, taking them to their logical extreme and trying to portray a nightmare scenario of idle godlessness. I found that a difficult meaning to read into the book, but i think there are certainly dystopian elements in there, but it’s more like "brave new world" than 1984. I think it's a very ambiguous book and is in my view certainly not a manifesto for the future.
  2. Personally i would like to have seen the season finished, even if it's in December, and means 20/21 is only 2 rounds of fixtures. Clearly that's not going to happen. (although technically still on the table for the top division) It's then a choice between scratching it or calling it. Both upset different clubs. Of the two i think calling it is marginally fairer. Clearly there would have been a chance that Hearts could have avoided relegation if the games had been played. We'll never know for sure. I can understand why the jambos are upset, and do feel a bit bad for them. But it's like when a cat runs into patio doors on you've been framed, it's hard not to laugh. I can’t fathom the mentality that is getting the rangers all het up. It changes nothing but gate receipts for them, the petty minded hateful weirdos.
  3. But you can't eat a cake you don't have. It's a bind.
  4. I downloaded a compass app onto my phone specifically for going house hunting a few years ago. Our garden faces south west and is sunny throughout a summer afternoon. I don't think enough people care enough to make it a significant influence on price. That's based on never seeing it in an estate agent description and never noticing it mentioned on the house programmes the wife watches.
  5. All models are wrong. It's just a question of whether they are more useful than any alternatives. I believe bookies were suggested earlier in the thread.
  6. That's not all. There will be tears, snotters and statements.
  7. Competence is no fun and we need cheering up right now.
  8. Dundee have made a very dull procedure hugely entertaining with their tinpot chicanery. Fair play.
  9. Without looking it up, i'm going for Cerny and possibly Bryson? Maybe a couple of formerly promising youngsters- Frank Ross mibbe?
  10. Completely agree, i just think that number of premises is a poor measure of that.
  11. Depends how big each franchise is surely?
  12. You can't reasearch news coverage effectively without an 80 inch 4k telly
  13. Most of the care sector is private in one way or another. Large numbers of businesses will be providing more and better PPE than the NHS, because they are more flexible and can pay more. Larger numbers will be struggling with staffing and therefore agency costs and might not have the clout or resources to procure what they need. A miniscule minority won't give a shit about the staff or residents.
  14. Unfortunately for you, your opinion is just your opinion and has no legal or moral authority. It is also a shite opinion, of a type commonly held by arseholes. I'm not saying you're an arsehole. You're clearly a c**t.
  15. No it doesn't. There are now several strains. Maybe they are immune to the one they had but not to the re-imported European strain? Maybe a small number of people don't develop immunity? Maybe no one develops immunity, but what's being reported isn't conclusive evidence of that.
  16. There could be coronavirus in the water, nobody knows for sure, so don't drink any or brush your teeth. What if someone you love dies because you brushed your teeth?
  17. Open yourself up to all of Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett's other books, I have read them all & they will not disappoint. Is Neil Gaiman similar to Pratchett? How would you describe his stuff?
  18. My mate found a fiver in a bush one time. About a year later we were walking past the same bush and he stopped to inspect it. When asked wtf he was doing he explained "there's usually money in here"
  19. Excellent idea, i'll send the seven year old out in the city by herself. Nothing could go wrong there. Most families I see out are fairly keen to keep their kids away from other people. I don't doubt there are irresponsible families but most aren't. It's mainly young men that don't make an effort to move, probably because they think they're invincible. But that's relative. There are ignorant c***s of all types.
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