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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I know it wasn't an appeal but it's the only time the panel has gone against you this season. I did not know that Fran was a man though. Apologies to Fran.
  2. I see they waved through your last three appeals but had to draw the line at a man head butting a woman. Meanwhile we had Clarkson retro banned for very little, McCrorie’s ridiculous red upheld and Goodwin banned for talking. I don’t think Shinnie’s red will be upheld because we’re playing Rangers, it’ll be upheld because the judicial panel’s a bunch of fannies. But if they were going to do anything as a favour your lot wouldn’t be at the back of the queue.
  3. I don’t think it will be good news. Doing Punisher properly won’t work with Disney’s “brand values”. It will either be half arsed or , imo more likely, Frank is going to do some growing and learn that vengeance isn’t the answer. He’ll be wrong of course, the colder and more brutal the vengeance, the better it is.
  4. Power and the Glory fits into that “fading colonial setting” bracket. It’s been a while but i really enjoyed that one too.
  5. Animal Rising don’t appear to have much of a coherent strategy beyond “do protests, that’ll save the world”. It was their protest. They don’t want to make jump racing safer. what exactly do they want? They want to stop it. https://www.animalrising.org/how-we-achieve-change Good consistency with the Maily closing paragraph. Maybe add “get a haircut”?
  6. I love Greene but still haven’t read probably half his stuff. I enjoyed Brighton Rock but found it really quite unsettling. I did my English higher book report on it but read it again a couple of years ago; I can’t remember another book with such a feeling of menace throughout. I read the end of the affair fairly recently and was stuck by the pure craft of the writing. Don’t really recall the story too well but the telling was great. I think he’s at his best in a fading colonial setting. Our man in Havana you’ve mentioned but also The Quiet American and (my current favourite) The honorary consul. Not as farcical as our man in Havana but equally as ludicrous and seedy.
  7. Not sure “loads of horses die at the racing, nothing you can do about that” is quite the mic drop. Last week paragraph is outstandingly maily.
  8. I don’t bear St Mirren any particular ill will but it would be quite funny if they fucked it from here. Can’t see it though.
  9. The Stuart Dougal? That’s authoritative right there. I didn’t know what a Stuart Dougal was so I looked it up. This is Stuart Dougal’s idea of a red card, so he can go f**k himself
  10. Will this mean he can play v blue cheek? Or will they just laugh and throw it out?
  11. That wasn’t their objective though, that’s their overall aim. Their objective was to get publicity. I don’t think that they’ll get racing stopped any time soon but they have kept the possibility as a public talking point. The individuals involved will also get kudos from the others in their wee gang that they wouldn’t have got for placarding outside. Some of them might even get their hole. They’ll definitely think they’ve scored a victory.
  12. So that’d be why they’re trying to get horse racing stopped then.
  13. Wouldn’t want anyone needlessly distressing the horses now.
  14. They’d have been ignored standing out the front. They wanted publicity, and got it. Whether or not you agree with their cause or their tactics, it was a minor success for them.
  15. I’m glad someone else’s thoughts were about how snazzy the van looks and not tedious politicking
  16. Ha ha, i thought you were a Ross co fan. Apologies and looks like I'm on the right thread
  17. Arguably we wouldn't have needed the three in the middle as much if we'd had full backs on stopping crosses coming in in the first place. I guess not really having decent full backs in the squad buggers that plan though.
  18. It removes the disincentive provided by having to try to shift a fat man from a wall, which could be a minimum of hard work but potentially dangerous if fatty fights back, but it's a similar dilemma. I guess in that version he has the chance to warn fatty instead, so it wouldn't be certain death of 1 vs likely death of 5, but likely vs likely. If the points would otherwise be set at random but he can choose, then he should obviously choose fatty, much to the delight of the covid thread brigade.
  19. I thought that was excellent collaborative time wasting tactics by the crowd, assuming that a Ross County fan posting this on Friday night is not coincidental. Maybe a pttgoyn, but there's (an admittedly low level) of cunning there that i think excludes moronism.
  20. Murder vs being an innocent bystander. The only way that Adam would possibly know that the only way to prevent fatalities was pushing fatty is after the fact. He'd have been shouting at them to get out the way until they got squashed. Only a psychopath would push the guy and they'd probably be quite curious as to what 5 people getting hit by a trolley looks like and not want to stop it.
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