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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. Cheers. So it seems he still has another month of contract to go and those announced as leaving will have contracts which expired today.
  2. I'm assuming that Gillespie will be the only of the players leaving that turned down a new contract and all the others aren't being offered a new deal. I thought Long only had a one year contract but I see he's been offered an extension.
  3. This is not going to be a popular opinion but Jake Hastie had more end product than any of the others (possible exception of Scott although he was sometimes more central). The speedy entertaining wingers were great to watch but generally let down by their final ball.
  4. If it's closed doors we could have a whole new version of the Albo 12 (Or whatever it was).
  5. Quite happy with that. And he seems to be too which can only be a good thing.
  6. Yeah, I think I can see UEFA skipping the qualifying rounds and going straight to the groups. Maybe we will be in the League Cup Group Stages after all (if they go ahead).
  7. This might seem absolutely obvious to everyone else, but I've just realised our European involvement will mean we won't be in the League Cup Group Stages if they happen. I've quite enjoyed sunny trips to rarely visited grounds over the last few years. (Much rather Europe though).
  8. Thanks for the response. I'm sure I could manage with 3 days! It looks as though their availability is limited at the moment so I'll hold off just now until there's more choice, seeing as it's £5 delivery for 2 casks. I've seen the two you mentioned in Tesco but will need to try single bottles before going for a cask.
  9. That's a lot of mini-casks! I didn't know they did them. I drive past them for family weekends away quite regularly (when we're not in lockdown obviously) and one of those looks very tempting. Do you need to keep it in the fridge to keep it cool? We would have to take our weekend's food out!
  10. Prepare to be called every now and again to try to persuade you to place another order. I got some wishy-washy response about exclusives when I told them I could have got half their previous from local supermarkets at half the price. I might still take them up one day on one of the free packs they keep offering me.
  11. I think this says more about the tinpottery of Falkirk than anything else. Motherwell regularly survey fans by email and I've also had surveys about Scotland games from the SFA.
  12. Having trawled through the statement, two points jump out at me. She says Hearts need to be in the Premiership as they have the facilities for testing and could be used as a hub, sharing these facilities with Premiership, Championship and League One clubs. Why could they not do the same as a Championship club? Simply because they'd be in the huff? Also, she says clubs are against playing each other four times and this proposal addresses this for the Championship and League One. From what I can make out, they'd still be playing the same teams four times- twice before and twice after the split.
  13. I see he went to Crewe and then Morecambe after us. Charles Dunne's been saying on Twitter that he spoke to him last night. Horrible news at only 23.
  14. There are loads of words I hear my kids pronouncing in an American style and they just assume to be correct as it's what they've mainly heard. I recently watched the Tom Cruise film Edge of Tomorrow with the kids. The characters are based in England and it has numerous English actors saying the word 'omega' in the same way as Tom Cruise. I assume the director told them to pronounce it that way to make sense to an American audience but I just found it really incongruous. The kids thought it was normal.
  15. It was nearly 20 years ago so things may have changed but we were on holiday in NZ and noticed a few deer farms as we made our way around. Basically the fields were bigger than see normally for cows or sheep and the fences were obviously higher. I wondered why we don't have deer farms like that here as it seems a lot more efficient than try to shoot the wild ones. Maybe we do have them and I've not seen them or maybe there just isn't the market for them?
  16. Yeah, I've noticed a few of the bottles and cans say they're brewed exclusively for Aldi on them. Great deal for them as I assume they're products are then sold across the rest of the UK and possibly even Europe. The grapefruit one is lovely but I really wasn't sure about the elderberry and lime one.
  17. That's even weirder than seeing him in a Motherwell top.
  18. That brings back memories. Cracking game. When you see the team line-ups, you could have made an incredible team from the two sets of players. I remember saying it at the time, great technique from Goodwillie but surely that's high feet. And how did he not get booked for his earlier dive? Was that the year we had a comfortable win in the replay with Murphy running riot and even Jeffers scoring?
  19. You can get 4 packs of most of them from Asda or Tesco for £5 so similar value and let's you miss out on any you're not too keen on. Nice present though, enjoy.
  20. Or the description at the bottom for the advert below.
  21. That's probably more down to how it's been dealt with by different countries. I'm only going by the science (admittedly, I'm getting it second-hand from my wife but, as she works with the vaccine and knows what she's talking about, I'll take her word for it). There are three main strains of the virus with the worst affecting Europe. To address one of the main conspiracies going around, the virus has been taken apart by scientists in numerous countries and is not man-made or deliberately altered.
  22. The virus has been disected by independent scientists in numerous countries and found to be natural and untampered with. You're right it has mutated as it has travelled around the world though with there being three main strains. Unfortunately the strain in Europe is more deadly than the ones in North America or Asia.
  23. This will be happening throughout Scotland and England so wage demands are likely to drop in the short-term as supply exceeds demand. The ability to pick up the right players will never be more critical if we need to get by on minimum numbers.
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