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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. Wigan have only ever loaned him out - are they really going to be hard to deal with? Did his time at Wigan coincide with Robinson?
  2. I had it on today while doing some DIY. I don't listen to it all the time but the QC yesterday was very informative and I was hoping for more insight into the ongoing situation. Unfortunately it was a full on Hearts panel although I did quite enjoy John Collins taking about his best XI of players he's played with.
  3. It was quite funny listening to Chick Young and Derek Ferguson pretty much going in the huff that Collins hadn't selected Paul McStay and Davie Weir in his all-time XI. The fact that the players he had selected had won or got to the latter stages of world cups didn't seem to affect their opinions.
  4. They're all convinced arbitration will either reinstate Hearts or pay compensation because "it's unfair ". They don't seem to realise the arbitration is looking at the process and fairness doesn't come in to it. Only Brian McLaughlin and Kenny McIntyre are pulling them up on any of it.
  5. What happens to the money the years the Premiership team wins and stays up therefore not needing a parachute payment? Does the SPFL just pocket the cash or pay it to the losing Championship side? Eta: Ignore that. I was catching up on the thread and I see this question was subsequently answered.
  6. Cheers. Did that finish 2-2? From what little I can remember there was a big Well support and Forbes curled an absolute cracker into the top corner.
  7. Oh my god - I've just watched Wonder with the family! I'm not normally one to get too emotional at films but would have been in absolute floods of tears if it wasn't for my teenage son being a pain in the arse at the most emotional moments.
  8. That looks like a lot of work. Have you got somebody to build the wall? Are you rendering it?
  9. Oh dear, do you have to deal with Michael Gove?
  10. Don't want to be pedantic but I will be. That would be quartering it, not halving it. HTH
  11. I hadn't realised they were combining it with the game at Easter Road which is a bit shite as I really don't want to see them celebrating.
  12. I quite like the front but the back looks as though he's wearing a stab-vest. Insert cheap Paisley/Motherwell jibe here.
  13. Cops are more likely to take the view that a cop has been stabbed and could have probably avoided it if he was armed. In this case, armed police appear to have arrived on the scene very quickly- are they just routinely stationed in city centres?
  14. I'm fed up with people talking us down. What about heart disease, low life expectancy or alcohol intake?
  15. Baraclough was supposed to be very convincing in his interview with us, to the extent of us giving him the job.
  16. Steven Pressley's analysis seemed to be that Hearts are in a good position financially because they have wealthy benefactors but he fears for Dundee United because they made a loss last year which was because of a rich benefactor putting money in.
  17. Following a tip-off from@Hamish's Passenger a few weeks ago, I picked up a bottle of 12yo Old Pulteney for the kids to give me for Father's Day. The Amazon whisky website should come with some sort of warning- I ended up deciding to treat myself with a bottle of 12yo Bunnahbhain for £30 although that ended up with the kids giving me that as well so they could both give me a bottle. Tried both last night and both are lovely with the Bunnahbhain in particular having a lovely long-lasting aftertaste.
  18. It would appear there's been a bit of gamesmanship from Tait here. On the assumption the club's statement is true, you wonder why he felt the need to make his claims in the media and why the BBC would let him air his claims without a right of reply. I'll admit now I've not heard the interview so they may have said they were unable to get hold of the club.
  19. I remember getting a 750ml bottle of McChouffe at the Motherwell Beer Festival many years ago and enjoying it on the train back to Hamilton. I think work was a bit of struggle the next day!
  20. That is bonkers and very impressive. 17 hours or so in the saddle - wow!
  21. I've just started listening to the What The Falk podcast interview with Peter Hartley who sounds very positive on his time with the club.
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