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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. Picked a few of those up from Aldi and they're really nice unlike the film which was shite.
  2. Gallagher and Watt being 31 and 32 does skew the picture somewhat. We're not as short as an initial glance at numbers 1 - 11 would suggest.
  3. The radio has just announced Tait has signed a 2year deal with St. Mirren which is obviously why the question has been asked. He didn't suit our style any more as he's lost a bit of pace but I can see him doing well at St. Mirren as they set up a bit differently. I certainly wouldn't have complained if we'd kept him for another year.
  4. Exactly, you beat me to it. If Hearts consider no promotion to be the correct course of action, they should have put forward a proposal for the SPFL to discuss and vote on. Not go to the courts.
  5. Is the losing side likely to be liable for the other's legal fees?
  6. Add ice if that's your thing but the problem is it continues to melt and will dilute it beyond your preferred taste (unless you neck it). If you prefer it cold you could chill the water you add but generally I'd agree with the others- add water little by little to suit your taste.
  7. Yeah, I went out for an hour along the canal on Christmas Day when the weather was like that and loved it. A quiet time to myself before the family mayhem!
  8. My pet hate - a ridiculously one-footed player! Seriously, he looks fast, skilful and something different from what we have. Looks promising and would pretty much confirm Long's departure.
  9. Well done and good to hear you enjoyed it as you seemed a bit disheartened in your previous post. Glad you got that feeling of achievement when you manage something you couldn't before. That's always a good spur to get you out again to try to achieve something else.
  10. Brora and Kelty had to play each other in a play-off with the winner going on to a play-off against Brechin. It would have been impossible for both of them to be promoted without league reconstruction.
  11. I listened to it last night for some light entertainment while cutting the grass. You're absolutely right - Findlay wasn't there to get particularly involved and just responded to their points without getting out of second gear. They tried and failed to catch him out but, let's face it, he's one of the best in the country in terms of putting arguments across and dealing with counter-arguments. They didn't stand a chance and he could have torn them apart if he had chosen to do so.
  12. He's defended a lot worse than Craig Whyte. He wasn't very popular around Hamilton for defending Francis Auld in 1992 for starters but everyone is entitled to a defence.
  13. I do wonder how many clubs actually voted no but as you say it doesn't really matter. I can't help feel that quite a few clubs that wanted to vote no probably didn't want to put their heads above the parapet (and potentially expose themselves to public mud-slinging) so just abstained.
  14. The Scotsman is reporting the vote as 26-16 but the BBC suggested there were a large number of clubs which didn't vote, it was only an indicative vote after all, and 16 votes fell short of the level of support required to take it further. Also, Deans is right that we live in a democracy but we're talking about a members' association which he has nothing to do with. He has no right whatsoever to be told how the vote went.
  15. I'm no expert and Bishopburn Boy's response below your post will tell you a lot more than I could (I struggle with multi-quoting!) but there's not really anything in particular to avoid as everyone's taste is different. In normal times you could try a whisky you fancied in a pub but to a lesser extent you could try a miniature before committing to a bottle.
  16. I'll admit to liking Jura's whiskies but it really seems to split opinion on here.
  17. Does Aberdeen and Dundee not make the Premiership as much a seaside league as League One?
  18. Yeah, massive difference between road and mountain bikes. If you're keeping the left hand gears in 2 and struggling on hills then use the lowest gears to make things easier. That's what they're there for and there's absolutely no shame in it. In fact,there's immense satisfaction in making it up a hill you couldn't before. There will always be someone faster but it's not about them - it's just about you enjoying yourself. I've just been out for an hour and a half on a lovely summer's evening and there are guys on Strava way faster than me but I really enjoyed my ride.
  19. Laphroaig certainly is an acquired taste! The Islay whiskies are generally much more peaty and I think tend to be a flavour you may or may not grow into. Other than that just try something you fancy and also maybe try with or without a few drops of water- can make a big difference to the taste. Enjoy!
  20. I'm not sure we see Lamie as an automatic starter and think we'll be looking for someone else to partner Gallagher. How long is Carroll expected to be out for? It wouldn't surprise me if Lamie covers for Carroll and then becomes a squad player.
  21. I appreciate that the various proposals seem to have been dropped as there hasn't been sufficient support to take a vote on so there hasn't really been anything for the WS to take a survey on. Have any of the reconstruction proposals actually made it to a vote? I trust the club but I was quite looking forward to a vote from members to give us the chance to tell Hearts where to go (a la Rangers).
  22. Again. One of the club's previous statements said the Well Society would be conducting a survey to collect members' views on potential reconstruction. Did anything happen with this?
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