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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. Does Scott Burns write for both the Express and Record? I thought it was the Star that shared sports news with the Express. This probably shows I don't read any of them.
  2. More short term but we just need to be better than 14 points worse than Kilmarnock over the next 12 games to secure a top 6 place. Unless we collapse we should hopefully manage this with 3 or 4 games to spare.
  3. If only Tommy Coyne had put that chance away. A real 'what if' moment.
  4. Any good reason why Radio Scotland is just transmitting Radio 5 this afternoon with commentary of the Liverpool v Everton cup game?
  5. Would we even be able to talk to Kennedy before January? I know that sounds naive and things go on in the background but players, managers, agents etc. are normally pretty reticent about talking about discussions if they shouldn't be happening.
  6. With things as tight as they generally are, it makes a massive difference being able to eke out a win where there's little between the teams (as is often the case). That's where I genuinely believe a little bit of pace makes the difference, even if the player is anonymous for much of the game. We also seem to be much more capable of seeing a game out.
  7. Apology appreciated and accepted. Amazed at Novo being top of the list- very annoying but not to anywhere near the extent of those immediately behind him on the list.
  8. First of all, congratulations to Accies - they completely deserved their win. I can only assume that second half performance was out of character for them otherwise I couldn't understand how they are where they are in the table. As for us, that was the worst performance I've seen in a long while and we just weren't at the races in the second half when Accies had us under siege before the equaliser. Even after that we offered very little and the winning goal was definitely coming. I should have realised it was coming when it was obvious we had our biggest support in a good while. Oh well, those who don't normally attend are unlikely to be at the next game on that showing. After a strong start when it looked as though we would go on to put the game to bed, we just started to look complacent and gradually handed over control. Having recently had a strong bench,I just couldn't see any options there that were going to improve things and our substitutions had no impact. It just goes to show a few injuries can have an effect and we could be doing with some new faces. Ah well, let's see what the transfer window brings.
  9. Are we due to head off for a winter training camp after the Accies game? It sounds as though Cole will be away after tomorrow but Robinson does have a history of signing players and taking them away or tying them up towards the end of the transfer window?
  10. I mentioned it during the game but at one point Hearts had a throw in near the corner and a small group of fans behind him were singing Michael Smith No Surrender. What was that all about? Am I being naive- is this that purely down to him being from Northern Ireland or does he have a history of staunchness?
  11. I caught the last 10minutes or so of a documentary a few weeks ago on people going out in Scotland, ranging from dance halls to nightclubs including The Hitman and Her in Brechin. Looked quite entertaining but can't find it on catch up. Anyone know what it's called or see it?
  12. Going by Wigan's place at the bottom of the table I assume they're pretty desperate to bring back any goal-scoring options. He's done alright but I won't be heartbroken if we can't hold on to Cole.
  13. We picked up 3 wins in a row before the Rangers defeat and have had two wins at Kilmarnock and Ross County since. Accies at home would seem the most straightforward of the run of 3 games but I've learned not to take anything for granted as far as Motherwell are concerned. If we can put another 9 point run together it would be some ending to the year. Anyway, looking forward to it and then out in Hamilton for a few beers afterwards.
  14. Yeah, steward was only doing his job and getting someone off the pitch that shouldn't have been there. Don't see the issue.
  15. They've just focused on the linesman and the girl with the fat legs behind him really shouldn't be wearing a skirt that short. I've just been put off my lunch.
  16. What a save from Marciano. Also, is Berra towing an invisible caravan? Hearts had better hope he doesn't get caught in any sort of race with Boyle.
  17. Turned this on a few minutes ago, what's the "No Surrender Michael Smith " song about when he was taking a throw? Oh, and there's a second goal for Hibs. Well taken by Boyle.
  18. I don't think they generally consider things like logistics and public transport when compiling the fixtures (look at our forthcoming Saturday 7.20pm cup tie at Dundee for example) but to be honest, you get it far worse than we do.
  19. He was a bit older and it was pretty faded so I'm guessing he got it done in a daft moment when he was young (to give him the benefit of the doubt).
  20. A small aside- I popped into the Tesco near the ground after the game to get a few things and for the first time in my life saw someone with the Love / Hate knuckle tattoo. I thought this was a bit of an urban myth but obviously not in Kilmarnock.
  21. Just watched the start of tonight's show and there's no Jonathan Sutherland so it's presented by Stephen Thompson who starts off by looking at the wrong camera and needing to be told to start talking by Stewart. Bizarrely it's not been edited out- I can only assume they either don't care, think the amateur attempt is amusing or are deliberately trying to make Thompson look a twat.
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