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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. I don't know if it's been mentioned in the match thread but at least your forwards were arguing today. I found it rather bewildering that Kenny Miller could berate his team-mate when he cut the ball back behind him when Miller should really have shot as he only had the keeper to beat.
  2. Good few years ago now at an office i used to work in but we arrived at work one morning to find there had been a break in. Nothing had been taken or damaged apart from someone had left a big jobby on the boss's desk. One guy had left shortly before after a bit of an argument with the boss but the police put it down to students having a carry-on. Whoever broke in must have climbed up the external fire escape stair to the top floor and clambered round the roof verge before breaking the office window to get in, which avoided the burglar alarm. They would have set the alarm off if they'd broken the glass door which led onto the fire escape which would seem the obvious way to get in (if you didn't know the alarm system).
  3. I was more talking about people who regularly go to games but somehow still have a soft spot for one of them rather than those that crawl out of the woodwork for big games. Accept what you're saying though if there are younger ones like that, I just don't come across them.
  4. I use the Glasgow libraries app to listen to audio books when driving for work. Just finished The Midnight Line which is the first Jack Reacher book I've read (listened to) and enjoyed it. A lot of it can come down to the narrator and I've given up on a couple where they just annoyed the hell out of me. I prefer podcasts for my running although I've found I can't use Athletico Mince as it's impossible to run while laughing (but that's probably for a different thread).
  5. Don't get me wrong, I know of a very small number of Motherwell supporters that prefer one side of the old firm to the other but they're very much of the older generation and I'm pleased to say that it's a trait that appears to be dying out.
  6. I remember Dortmund fans swapping scarves with Motherwell supporters outside the ground and one guy made the mistake of trying to swap a half Dortmund/ half Celtic scarf. Somebody did swap a scarf with him but then proceeded to set it alight in front of the bemused German. Half and half scarves with a domestic rival can get in the sea.
  7. Nah, not getting that. I am also of an age to have appreciated the silky skills of Bobby Russell including his winning goals against Rangers and Celtic but that (or Cooper's performances for us) certainly didn't give me a soft spot for Rangers. Tommy Coyne was fantastic for us but it didn't make me like Celtic.
  8. Ah, see it now. Saw the Bobby Russell username and the union flag but not the Motherwell badge behind it. Pretty tragic for using on a rangers forum even if it is supposed to be a tribute to Bobby.
  9. I can't believe I'm saying this, but unusually some of the posters there come across as quite reasonable. Like any football forum though, there's plenty of numpties although they do have that special brand of arrogance that other clubs don't seem to have. I shouldn't be surprised but a good few seem to have the opinion that anyone who supports another club still has a 'Big Team'.
  10. Maybe I've been whooshed but the line 'Why should building regulations be any different?' makes it look that way.
  11. Regulations can vary depending on the type of building, particularly between domestic and non-domestic. The 100mm gap rule (to prevent babies' heads getting stuck) doesn't apply to industrial buildings but I don't know the regulations well enough to know if it applies to stadia. I don't generally want to start looking up the Technical Handbook at the best of times, never mind a bank holiday. There's likely to be someone on here knows them much better than I do (wouldn't be very difficult).
  12. That gap between the sloping bars looks more than 100mm. I take it that rule doesn't apply to football stadia as you're unlikely to get a crawling baby on the stairs. Or are Accies openly flouting building regulations?
  13. I'd take Shankland out of that list but he'll have much more lucrative offers and it's likely to be someone much more underwhelming.
  14. Well, that's right up there with Brian McLair for disappointing comebacks. I had thought there was a chance he could come back on loan next season if he sorted out his injury but obviously not.
  15. I've been impressed whenever I've seen him and would be happy enough if we manage to sign him. As for a trend of signing players from other Scottish clubs, I'd be a bit wary if that means bringing in a few Championship players. I've always thought if you bring in a stack of Championship players then that's where you end up.
  16. I saw that today but realised that the attendance figures issued by Celtic and Rangers include season ticket holders whether they're there or not. The other clubs may take the same approach, I have no idea to be honest, but it does make it fairly nonsensical.
  17. Yes, it's a bit of a strange feeling when we're just seeing the season out but that really just means we're clear of any relegation issues which I'm quite happy to give a miss this season. With the prospect of European qualification being pretty remote and our involvement at the semi-final stage of the Scottish Cup being fairly rare, the season just petering out represents a relatively successful season, as dull and depressing as that sounds. Hopefully some entertaining play and trying out some youngsters will keep the interest levels up.
  18. Going by that link to their roster salaries, quite a few of ( I assume) their young developing guys are in the $50-60k bracket, which I imagine would be quite similar to what are offering.
  19. I don't normally get commuter trains but had to drop the car off this morning. I've read the many comments on here but can't generally behave how rude and inconsiderate people are reported to be but saw this perfect example this morning. Young girl (student age) was sitting in the corner with earphones in, messing about on her phone. The guy came on, looked around for an empty seat and then just stood there- can't believe he didn't say anything to her.
  20. In a similar vein, Motherwell did a tour of South America in the late 20's. They beat an Argentina/Uruguay select 3-0 (Uruguay won the inaugural World Cup a few years later) but lost 5-0 to Brazil in the last match before dashing straight after the final whistle to catch the boat home. As you say, a different era.
  21. They're still there so either they've got a massive stockpile or people aren't quite that desperate. Probably out of date now. I had what will probably be my last ever can of the old recipe yesterday- absolutely delightful. Went to help my parents at their holiday home and there was a can at the bottom of the fridge as they don't drink it and it had been forgotten about!
  22. Just finished A Most Wanted Man by Le Carre (admittedly listening to audiobook in the car). One of his more modern set books - quite like his cynicism and the way he doesn't tie his books up with a nice neat happy ending.
  23. I don't think I've ever heard a roar at Fir Park like the one for the Cammy Bell goal. It was a huge moment as it really sealed the aggregate win. The celebrations at Lionel's goal at Ibrox were something else as well. Strangely I was talking about it to the guys at work yesterday following on from the sentencing of the guy who attacked Grealish. None of us could understand why you would ever invade the pitch but I did admit I was nearly over the wall due to the surge at Ainsworth's goal. The only time I can remember actually being on the pitch was at Forfar!
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