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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. Not really as holding up your left hand while moving your right hand in small circulalr motion with one finger pointing down to your left hand looks as much like "cooking" as Drysdale looks like a competent central defender.
  2. For me Courts has to be thanking Clark as Clark has kept him in a job. The 1st half was aa massive improvement on recent games. We attacked with more pace and really should have been in front at the break. Couldn't believe Maynard-Brewer was time wasting half way through the half at 0-0. Second half we resorted to type. Absolutely abysmal performance, we simply stopped playing. What is it with our desire to ignore players in space? The number of times Niskanen and more so Freeman were wide open and the ball never makes it to them. A well taken penalty and a good cross and finish from Clark. We went home happy, but if we had drawn or lost that game I feel Courts' position would have been untenable.
  3. From the point of shithousing, it couldn't have happened to a better person. After his antics at your goal celebration it was a perfect "get it up you" for United fans. Out of curiosity what's Charles-Cook's "stirring" celebration all about?
  4. Looked like he'd got his shirt from the same place Harry Hill does
  5. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt. This better... This for me. Argued with many United fans about this point. "We need a striker" is the mantra, why? What good are they going to do with the way we play? Doesn't matter who is playing up front if they never get the ball! We need a creative player and some tactics.
  6. This for me. Argued with many United fans about this point. "We need a striker" is the mantra, why? What good are they going to do with the current tactics? Doesn't matter who is playing up front if they never get the ball! We need a creative player and a tactics change.
  7. Agree with most of the comments above. On the Niskanen comment about being "off the boil", is he or is he struggling with Court's change of tactics from attacking at pace into space to slower than walking football? Any game we've seen him do well in, we have played at pace and allowed him to run into space, we saw that with the McNulty breaak just before he was subbbed for Watt. To be fair he isn't the only one that's struggling with these tactics. Just look at the difference between the way St. Mirren attacked, at pace, stretching us, and we did, slow side to side, backwards, waiting until the space was gone and St. Mirren all back in position. The difference in performance once the speed was up and Sheep was on was night and day, although we STILL struggled with Edwards & Mulgrew slowing the play down, ignoring players in space to pass to someone surrounded by defenders at times. One thing that worries me is this is the same style of play we played against Aberdeen on the opening day of the season, and EVERY game since the Hearts loss. We've lost every one. Is this Court's preferred style of play & he won't change, because it sure as hell looks like its under instruction, play it safe etc. At no time in these games have we looked like a team trying to win. Also I note Court's comments after last nights game... “We are closer to getting to know the players that are in-form and can actually get us that win.” Really? Everyone else in the stands could have told you weeks ago!
  8. Back in from the game. That first half was pathetic. We have been, to put it mildly, absolute shit since the Hearts loss. There has been a very obvious change of tactics, and every game since then has been slow, one paced, sidways and back passing with all the drive, agression & desire of a half assed training session. From being 3 points off 1st we are now 7th 11 off 3rd and our 6th or 7th straight loss, to be fair its 4 pts out of 30 now. Courts has to take responsibility and stop trying to play too safe, we have stopped closing down, and stopped trying to play at pace, we are visibly a far, FAR better team when we move quicker. Today , the 1st half was up with the Celtic game in absolutely embarrassing performances and simply not acceptable. We finished the game how we should have started, and how on earth did it take 67minutes for Freeman to be introduced?? He was probably United's MOTM!
  9. Sorry, absolutely nothing could be that bad. I mean even a boot in the balls from a set of steelies is preferable to Alex Rae!
  10. Have to add to the comments that last night's programme was an improvement. One presenter introducing the highlights made for a far better watch.
  11. If done the right way and not having the player up front completely isolated with the midfield almost as far away as possible. Although Niskanen was signed as a winger which he does play, he's almost like the second striker. He appears through the middle so often supporting and with his pace the one to go after the balls over the top. Then honourable mentions must also go to Pawlett especially and at times Harkes. As you say playing it the "right way". There are one or two times you see something happen on the pitch that you think "if we had the traditional 2 up top we'd have got something there", but its no where near as often as previously. Also who would you leave out? We're playing well, just working on making sure we keep it going for 90 minutes, but its coming and long may it continue.
  12. Now I totally support the sentiments there in that tweet, and while I think Clancy got the penalty correct, its a pity Watt doesn't say f**k diving and leading with the elbow every time he jumps! I also don't see why Motherwell fans are quite so down. I thought this game would be tight and Well would be physical. I thought at some times we were bullied and although there were moments we played great football (eg Niskanen chance) at times we stood off Motherwell given them time to play. When we picked up the pace, both in closing down and moving the ball, we looked far better. You can't be too critical though after gaining 3pts from a game we would never have won last season. Clancy is as Clancy does, completely inconsistent and bottled sending off the Well player for a deliberate hand ball. Can only assume in his head he thought it was accidental, although you'd like to think his assistant would help him out.
  13. He was looked at by Chelsea while still a teenager if I remember correctly. £10m fee, nah that's nonsense, no fee was ever spoken about that I can remember.
  14. You would have thought so. Also seems contradictory with United submitting what they believe was corroborated evidence of a racial comment.
  15. Was my first thought as well. Remember Levein having all sorts of bother with him. The bouncers pretty much confirms it.
  16. Obviously been fairly audible as 4th official has heard it and referee checking on Fuchs with Malky having words with your fans. Doesn't make sense as they are insulting players in their own team with that sort of thing also. Lets be fair though it doesn't make sense full stop!
  17. And to you to @johnnydun . Fingers crossed that exhaustion eases off over next few days and doesn't hang around for a while. Its like P&B Dundee football COVID support group. Mair sympathy here than you get at home!!
  18. I've had better weeks to be honest! Although to be perfectly honest there's a fair few folk worse than me so should always thank my lucky stars for that. Of all the smells to get stuck with that would drive me mad. Fingers crossed for the win tomorrow and cheers for the best wishes.
  19. Thanks for your efforts in this, much appreciated. Not sure if the taste & smell thing is a bad thing. I've kept mine, but wish I hadn't the taste in my mouth has been horrendous! You had the racing resting heart rate? That was scary, thankfully last couple of hours everything seems to have calmed down other than shivers and headache.
  20. Full support from me on this, I think United have made an arse of this. What's the difference to watching it while paying for it or watching free via VST to Sky? The games aren't live so Sky won't lose any viewers. Sunday is supposed to be my last day, but may not be back at work Monday. Everytime I think its getting better it has another wee turn!! All the best to yourself health-wise too.
  21. I'm in the same boat. Asked on United's twitter and no response. I'm sure I remember once we got back in the VST was disabled, which is disappointing as I don't really want to pay twice. I know £12.50 isn't.breaking the bank, but its the "principle".
  22. Same with Pawlett. Both are too important to the first team to risk in a cup competition that realistically by that time we weren't going to win. Better to take them off than lose them for a few weeks with injury.
  23. Last night again showed up my big frustration with United over the last wee while. I don't know if it's a fault of "modern coaching" but it's something we've done for ages and various managers, but we got away with it in the Championship. My issue is the constant slowing down of play. You watch other teams break up the park, with pace as a team, which stops us getting getting set up in defence leaving gaps for the attackers to play in. We, in the otherhand, pass between CH, goalie, full back, CH again then which means one of two things happen... Defenders and goalkeeper are closed down so the ball gets punted, usually with us facing another attack. Or... The opposition get time to all get back in position closing off all space. The amount of times we pass the ball side to side, pass ot forward to someone who immediately passes it backwards without any awareness of the fact there is no opposition player near them & they can turn and move forward is incredible. I know there are timmes.you need to slow the ball down, but vary the pace, its too predictable. The other thing is this constant need to overplay everything! When we do get up the park in dangerous positions our attacks all break down by the time we reach between 25 yards out and the edge of the box. Its the trying to pass it through 2 defenders, the 1-2s, the back heels. Everyone seems scared to have a shot. I know wasting chances is frustrating, but this desire to score a "perfect" goal, passing it into the net, set up by some over complicated "tippy-tappy" football is a major hinderence to our success. Take Scott Allan's goal last night. If that was us then your looking at the ball being passed outside the box, passed to the left back, passed back to midfield, across the box and then out to right back, before some 1-2 is attempted and the ball cleared by a defender. What makes all that even more frustrating is on the occasions we don't play like that we look OK.
  24. That's the Gazet Van Antwerp reporting it. Still to pass medical and announcement later this week. €1.18 million https://www.gva.be/cnt/dmf20210809_94940842
  25. Scott Burns saying no deal agreed "yet". https://twitter.com/ScottBurns75/status/1424710847914512386?s=19
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