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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. Exactly, as far as us opposition fans were concerned, he was a complete p***k, and we were damn sure he was going to made well aware! It is the same for Scott Brown and for us Paul McGowan.
  2. Where do you start with that? He should stick to "exotic" nightclubs for his hobby than making videos like this!
  3. To be fair was that straight from kick off or after he'd made a few tackles or complained to the ref or other players? I've heard this before, but both Dundee clubs have had Irish players, have both Protestant and Catholic fans (amongst others). Besides if they were like that there would have been plenty of Celtic players to boo in addition to all the Irish players on their own team and other clubs. If someone is getting booed, it is because they are a threat to their team, or their behaviour is unacceptable on the pitch. In Dundee it is sod all to do with "the divide".
  4. It has and they did, BUT according to the protocols they shouldn't have been doing what they did as they were not playing so.it falls under the same expected behaviour as when travelling to games, subs bench etc, masked, no touching, 2m distance. What is the difference between that in a bubble and sitting to close on a private coach with the bubble or sharing a car in a bubble or playing a games console while staying in a bubble? Not trying to admonish Celtic or anyone else, its maybe a more consistent approach that may help minor slips etc.and keep minds more focused.
  5. Whataboutery - when presented with wrong doing exclaim "what about them?" or "but so did others". If you can show me where I have done that in the post you are referring to I'd be most impressed.
  6. Where have you fixed it? I see plenty whataboutery and point missing. But then again that's normal for you.
  7. Not sure there is anyone twisting the rules. All arrivals into Scotland from Dubai from Monday the 11th must isolate for 10 days, all arrivals from 3rd must isolate for 10 days from their arrival date. Have Celtic been to Dubai and arrived back in Scotland since the 3rd? YES Has John Kennedy admitted to protocol breaches in a news conference, all be it in his words "minor"? YES Have Celtic just announced had a positive COVID -19 test? YES Have the initial reports of the Dubai arrival isolation applying to "elite sports" now changed to a decision will be made sometime Monday as to whether it will apply to Celtic or not? YES Not seeing much twisting of these facts, just discussion of them.
  8. Your right not everyone on the plane will need to isolate, just those close enough, although depending on who has been close to the individual prior to the plane journey may bring a lot more.into the equation. Although on a related subject, how good is the filtration on aircon systems with regard COVID-19 airborne particles? It has been raised at my work, and when on a plane the air is recirculated which you would think would help potential infection. Its not like you can open a window for fresh air like in an office, home, car, coach etc. The filtration can weed out some airborne particles but its something that comes up in H&S meetings at work.
  9. Maybe, maybe not. Discussions are ongoing and a decision being made tomorrow, so commonsense* may prevail. * I know, I know....
  10. That's a completely separate issue. All arrivals from Dubai must isolate for 10 days from Monday. All arrivals that arrived in Scotland from 3rd January must isolate for 10 days from arrival date. The "elite sport" is irrelevant when looking at your previous posts, although I will concede it may just have been how you were putting that point over, it read that you were not seeing the "3rd January" details. There is discussions as you correctly stated regarding the fact that Celtic's trip may not be covered by the Elite Sporting rule with regards the isolation due. Should also mention that some folk are saying that it takes 7 days to show a positive test so therefore it cannot have been the Dubai trip. That's not true. These players are tested very regularly so therefore it is more likely that their infection would be picked up quicker than you or I. Also from a personal point of view my partner, a nurse, unknown to the ward had a positive patient admitted to her non COVID ward. She dealt with the patient from the Saturday. By Tuesday symptoms had started and confirmed by test next day.
  11. Wrong! Anyone who has arrived in Scotland from Dubai and arrived in from the 3rd of January ALSO must isolate for 10 days from the day they arrived. its quite clearly spelt out in the released statement.
  12. Going back to that season, if I thought I could have prevented more suffering I' have been hiring an ice machine to freeze the pitch for every home game I could have including March to May!!
  13. Keep seeing this on here that the heating was not switched on until Saturday morning. Has this been confirmed or is it just internet guess work? Genuine question as I haven't seen this anywhere else.
  14. And what benefit is that? Your not one of those clowns from Twitter saying it was because of injuries, when all the injuries put up had missed previous games and wouldn't be back for Tuesday anyway?
  15. Seemingly they did. They gave two times to kickoff either 4pm or 5pm depending on what was more suitable. Agree with the option of today though, seems a sensible option.
  16. I see one of the reasons given by St Johnstone for not playing at 4 or 5 was Coronavirus protocols. What difference in protocols would there be for a kickoff delayed by an hour or two?
  17. I wonder if RG was just as angry with his own club when they've had the same issues?
  18. I bought my season ticket NOT expecting to be in the ground. I bought my season ticket to support the club and keep it in existence. No refunds expected nor wanted. I'll be doing the same for next season. Not saying everyone else should, its their choice to do what they wish with their money depending on their own personal circumstances.
  19. Whilst I may agree with the sentiment, just for clarity, schools ARE NOT closed. The teacher will STILL be going into work under the current situation. The teachers are doing the remote learning from the classrooms and children of key workers will still be going into school (like my son) along with kids from vulnerable backgrounds.
  20. That is incredible, unless there is some sort of friendship between the two of them and its the sort of stuff that is sent between friends. If not ICT do need a wee chat with him, even if it is between friends the chat might still be a good idea. Doesn't look professional at all, but then again neither has any of his utterances since March/April.
  21. Of course, how could I forget! Have dealt with Stewart many times through work and dealt with Jim before he retired. Decent guys.
  22. Ivan Golac once ran a chocolate factory in Belgrade after he had retired from playing.
  23. So did Dave Beaumont (ex Dundee United & Hibs), Rab Shannon, Gary Ogilvie (ex Dundee, Sunderland & Airdrie), Nathan Lowndes. John Holt used to sell copiers. Maurice Malpas helps his son in law tiling. Neil Patterson captained United, before becoming a novelist and screenwriter and winning and Oscar for Room at the Top.
  24. Add to that the Gellatly era. Dundee should have been the one.of the richest clubs in Scotland and much more difficult for United to have over taken. The amount of money that "allegedly" taken out of the club was substantial. All rivalry aside, well run there is no reason Dundee shouldn't be Premiership regulars.
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