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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. The other thing that's bad is the plastic tabs you get on film lids, like packets of bacon, and Rustlers burgers. WHY PUT THE TAB THERE, IF IT PULLS CLEAN OFF WITHOUT EVEN THREATENING TO LIFT THE REST!?
  2. The phrase "one trick pony" being used as a derogatory term. If you can show me a pony that can do a trick I'd be fucking impressed, not questioning it's lack of a varied repertoire.
  3. It's not massively helpful. It's suggesting that in that advert for Gaviscon with the firemen, it looks like manjam.
  4. I'm the same. I saw the end of the Calderon season, but that year it was mostly just every now and again I'd go along to a home game with my Dad. The Anelka season I saw every home game (bar one at the very end, I think) and plenty away games. We could teach these poovey lightweight Clyde fans a thing or two
  5. There's a stoned guy trying to play football in the corridor outside my room. It would be amusing, but I've got an exam to fail in the morning, so I'm in a shitey mood Not that I'm going to say anything about it, I'm not one of those people.
  6. Only if said man is incarcerated in a Special People's unit. The touchpad is the option of the 21st Century, meterosexual man. In other news, I appear to have grown a beard since the last time I looked in the mirror. When did that happen!?
  7. I assume you all prefer using a mouse so that you've got something to club against your own head, while you make caveman noises, as you repeatedly jab the Caps Lock button, fascinated by the blinking light?
  8. I'm manly enough to be able to use this machinery properly... Using a mouse with a laptop is like using stabilisers with a bike, or safety gloves with a chainsaw. Poovery.
  9. I've had enough of this Marvin Andrews bashing! He's much better now, honest!
  10. The last person who flashed their lights at me were doing so because there were two dogs on the road, as I turned a bend I saw them running together, then they turned into a field (magic dogs!) and jogged off into the distance, like a Disney film. I'm easily distracted while driving.
  11. I'm just back from dashing to Stirling to get my season ticket. It's absolutely whoring with rain, which was fun, bombing up the motorway.
  12. Do you think if we both started racist rants in it, they'd close the thread?
  13. This "make the most pages" thread. It's not so much the actual thread that's annoying me, but it means that late at night, when the forum's quite empty, instead of having a few strange and usually funny topics popping up, there's just an inane stream of babble in that one thread. Nobody's sitting about thinking of something to post about, they just lob some nonsensical buggery into that. I despise posting for the sake of posting
  14. I'm not actually doing it, it was just a crap excuse for a crap joke...
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