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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. The Uni have taken something like 3 months to tell me I can't take 2 law classes at the same time, so I have to drop one of them and replace it. Never mind that I've already been to lectures, and bought the book, as well as missing deadlines for graded work in my new class. Boo Stirling Uni
  2. The US mortgage crisis is possibly the most boring thing to have ever happened, ever. And I can't be fucking arsed writing about the difference between the traditional mortgage lending system, and the new shitey reckless one that ruined the world. I just don't care
  3. In this case, yeh. It's hardly unique, though. I wouldn't normally be bothered, but the last time I was in it was early in the night and I was bursting as I got in so headed straight for the bog. Nobody else in there, so automatically it's fairly awkward. After bleeding the radiator, I went to wash my hands and noticed his wee dish just had a solitary pound coin in it, and I felt pressured to put something in. Feeling safe in the knowledge that my back pocket was half full of twenty pence pieces (plus a fiver, and a receipt from somewhere...) I stuck delved deep for a small contribution, but when my hand resurfaced I'd manage to lift 3 pound coins and a penny. Now, I can't very well stick a penny in, or go rummaging for coins of a lesser value, so I had to forfeit £1 for a meagre scrap of paper towel. Robbing fucker.
  4. Toilets in nightclubs. Can't believe I spent £1 for the privilege of having a small black man watch me piss.
  5. My Gran sponsored a dog and it wrote to her twice, then died. Smackhead, no doubt.
  6. I think I've possibly got the pettiest thing to be posted on this thread. On the new boxes of Bran Flakes, the As look out of place. They look like a different font from the Brn Flkes. I noticed last night, and now the box of Bran Flakes in the kitchen is getting on my nerves. Unfortunately, I can't really find a picture to illustrate my point, this is the best I can manage. Seriously. This is what annoys me.
  7. I prefer it that way, although I only really experience it in the pub, I pay most other stuff with my card. It's much better to just get all your change plonked into one hand, that you can just shove into the back pocket and get back to the important business of a pint or two to carry back to the table.
  8. I can feel the cold, dark, shadowy presence of a ninja hangover, somewhere near. It's going to take some wicked kung-fu moves (metaphor being stretched, all I have is some noodles) to see this day through.
  9. I really cannot be arsed today. There was some c**t running about the building last night at about 4am, hammering on doors and roaring his head off.
  10. Yes, yes they are. I'm also starting classes and stuff again today, and I've already missed one. Great start! I also really, really don't want to have to buy books today. I think my bank account might just shit itself and die.
  11. Similarly, all of those "Got the squits? Stop them with this!" adverts feature businesswomen types. It's never an unshaven bloke sitting around in his trackie bottoms surrounded by empty tins and an ominously empty plastic vindaloo tub from the dodgy kebab shop downstairs.
  12. Maybe he's just lonely and is talking to itself. I hereby name the cricket "Jim".
  13. You're a b*****d. I didn't need to see a picture. Fecking starving now. I realise that you're in a completely different country, but my local Indian isn't open for another 16 hours
  14. Yey!! Basically, a Munchy Box is a special meal offered by a particular brand of Scottish Indian takeaways/Kebab shops. It's a pizza box, stuffed with a variety of Indian treats. It varies from place to place, but it'll generally contain various kinds of pakora, a portion of chips, couple of onion bhajis, a samosa or two, a sizeable portion of donner meat, and the token salad, usually in a bag. The box is also usually accompanied by a can of Irn-Bru and a tub of spicy sauce. Heeeeeeeeeeeaven!
  15. I love meeting people who've never heard of a munchy box (I lead a very mundane life) - it's fantastic watching the reactions of people when you explain the concept to them. The best munchy boxes come with the soggy crap salad in a little extra bag, making it easier for you to discard it so you can get stuck into your assorted unknown-origin meat treats.
  16. Bacon rolls, for that is what they are! "Sausage rolls" are a completely different thing though, hence the need for a separate name for a roll on sausage. Not to be confused with a roll on deodorant, that's not a tasty breakfast.
  17. You're bigger than him (I hope!), get him battered. I realise he's probably not still watching cartoons...
  18. I'm the complete opposite, and I'd also like to imagine I'm quite generous when it comes to lending folk money, especially when I've had a drink. I can never remember who owes me money, and how much I'm owed. It leads to odd situations where someone will give me a tenner, and I'll have no idea why.
  19. Sat Navs = shite. Getting lost is fun. Does nobody else just choose to try and find new routes to the places they go to often?
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