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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. I knew I should've gone Arsenal HT, Otherteam FT This has all the makings of a comeback!
  2. Nothing brilliant. 1.36. Up to 1.83 for HT and FT. I notice Chelsea are at 1.05 to beat a Malaysian Select tomorrow
  3. Think I'll take my winnings from Arsenal and just stick them straight on Sunderland. Squad: Gordon, Ward, Bardsley, Collins, Nosworthy, Liddle, Colback, Leadbitter, Whitehead, Tainio, Reid, Richardson, Luscombe, Meyler, Murphy, O'Donovan, Stokes. Should be good enough to beat Cobh Ramblers, who appear to be absolutely hopeless.They haven't won a game since the 26th of May, and are stuck at the bottom of the Eircom League.
  4. I thought there was only half an hour to go... NMPC: I want to go to the pub, but my (only) mate isn't online and I've no money in my phone. I bet they're showing the Rovers game, on Rangers TV, in the pub too
  5. Hurrah! How long left? I managed to "win" £50 on a free-play online puggy, with absolutely no understanding of the rules. If only it was that easy with real money.
  6. The last two nights I've had money on Brazillian games, and both times my team's been down 1-0 and pulled it back to win 3-1. I quite like the Brazillian games, especially if I can watch them on this BetLiveTV nonsense.
  7. I'm with William Hill, because they've got a £10 cashback thing with Quidco (it hasn't actually tracked yet, though ) I haven't adopted a strategy or anything of the sort, really. So far I've just had a look at a few games. I put £15 on the account the other day, and took that £15 back out with yesterday, leaving me with £5 odd winnings to play with for now. I'm just doing it for a wee laugh, really, see how much I can build up.
  8. I've got them at 1.4, for half time and full time. I had shite day yesterday, mainly because I'm just getting into this football stuff properly. It's just silly money, a few quid here and there on games that look a bit clever. LA Galaxy are fecking hopeless though. Christ knows how that game finished, I stopped checking after FC Dallas managed their third around about the half hour mark.
  9. Dalgety Bay has 2 pubs, plus a social club, for just over 10000 people, and one of them doesn't serve anyone under 21.
  10. Philpy won the 50/50 at half time, with the biggest prize Stark's Park has seen in about 10 years. Jammy b*****d!
  11. Jake - Lynyrd Skynyrd It's the post-plane crash band, but it's actually one of my favourite Skynyrd songs. I love the image of "Jake", sitting at the bar, just waiting for the police to come and arrest him. In fact, a lot of the post-crash stuff isn't nearly as bad as it's often made out to be.
  12. I'm bored enough to research my claims about Inverkeithing's pub density. Population of just over 5000 in 2001, apparently, and I can think of 7 pubs on the High Street, another which I'm unsure about it being in business or not, and Google has thrown up another which I doubt the existence of.
  13. There are 3 shops within a 10 minute walk of my house, and from what I can tell they are effectively arid wastelands. There is another one, run by an Asian Dynasty, but I'm not sure if they'll have it, due to them being part of the "Nisa" family. A bit like the Still Game episode where Navid's becomes a Spar, and he has to stop selling porn mags, and adhere to licensing laws. If push comes to shove, I can always go to Inverkeithing, which possibly has more pubs per person than anywhere else in Scotland, and also has its fair share of independent alcohol emporiums.
  14. I had a wee look in my "local" shop yesterday see if they stocked The Dog, and they don't appear to Although, it was fairly early in the morning, and I didn't want to look like a complete jakie staring at the drink behind the counter, let alone ask. I'll have a closer look next time I'm in buying Red Stripe. Edited to Include: Matey!
  15. King of the Hill is great TV. I especially like the one where Bill finds out he was part of an experiment in the Army, and blames the drugs for all his faults, which the other guys list "'Placebo' must be the name of the drug..."
  16. Had to go up to the hospital today for a physio appointment, and for some reason the bus that I need home is timetabled as follows: 1010 1110 1210 1310 1410 1503 1610 1710 What time did I get there? Five past 3.
  17. This isn't a NMPC (does anybody call them that anymore, I don't think so) but while we're almost on topic... That Foster's Twist is magic. It was the cheapest real beer Asda had (anyone seeing a theme developing here?) and I was pleasantly surprised. Not really advisable to camp out just next to Gordon Brown's house though. Had a police helicopter watching us this morning.
  18. I was rushed. The arse fell out of the car I was supposed to be getting a lift in, so I ended up late with only enough time to batter round Asda. Smart Price vodka led the way, though. Huzzah!
  19. In Comet, a tantrum, A hissy fit, no less, No King's Horses here, Just a Panasonic mess.
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