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Everything posted by alta-pete

  1. A sad (or maybe not) indictment of how times have changed. The Cross Keys in Alva used to be 6 deep at the bar from teatime on Friday til the last Sky Super Sunday evening game. (And as an aside many careers were ended as a result - the EPL game at lunchtime was used as the curer from Saturday night's excesses, and then, that as you were in the pub anyway and 1/2doz pints down, you may as well stay and watch the Championship game before the SPL game came on at 6pm - many Mondays were missed by many people). Many friendships were made there but then Scottish & Newcastle spotted it, bought out the owner, killed the Tennents, installed Fosters and Kronenberg and that was the beginning of the end. Now lying empty as a gently deteriorating monument to its previous life. In Glasgow you cannot beat The State Bar on Holland Street, albeit a bit of a hoof from everywhere.
  2. In todays paper, ‘car spaces need to be bigger to mitigate the fire risk from electric vehicles’: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/net-zero/burning-electric-cars-dunked-baths-water-stop-fires-spread/#comment
  3. Pah! Champion in 2019, I've been languishing in mid table obscurity ever since. The Leicester of DP.
  4. For the grand sum of £4.49 I'd say give it a go...
  5. Good craic, sound c***s. A touch dusty this morning.
  6. …and come to the office and collect your £5!!
  7. Without a door how would you get into the room?
  8. Attention seeking dafty on the loose in North Ayrshire (surprisingly) makes national news https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/10/13/pennywise-the-dancing-clown-stalks-skelmorlie-stephen-king/#comment
  9. Early finish Friday, turned into a decent sunny afternoon, walk the dog along to the pub, so why noT?
  10. You sure you’re not mixing him up with his brother Ma’arsiz?
  11. We’ve got that already chief. 7 days a week too. Have you not got t’internet?
  12. Late to this but as others have said, a radio on low is what we do. We also got him in a routine that when he sees shoes going on, his first reaction is that he thinks its him going for a walk (fair enough, he's right twice a day) but he instead gets told to go to his bed. On our way out, he gets a couple of biscuits and is told 'you're staying'. He's accepted that now to the point where if the shoes go on at an odd point in the day he now doesn't even need to be told to go to his bed, he just goes in the expectation of getting a biscuit. Get him in that sort of routine and gradually work upwards from leaving him for a half hour to an hour and onwards - that way he understands that bed+biscuit=a period alone. Although we wouldn't leave our one for probably any more than about 4 hours on his own. And btw, I'd boot the boy's arse. 1 - he didn't feel the need to check on the dog at all? and 2 - the dog got to the point of ripping down to the underlay before he dragged himself out of his wanking chariot to find out what all the noise was about?
  13. I believe so. But that’d require her to go through the whole process again and fund it at her risk, which I expect she doesn’t have. And then, even if the case was won, the young chap involved looks less likely to cough up any compensation than the (then) millionaire Goodwillie. You could understand if her steel had waned.
  14. The southern half of Elliot Street gets you a 10 minute walk off the SEC campus and a head start to get back onto the M8. If using your satnav, G3 8EX https://www.google.com/maps/place/144+Elliot+St,+Glasgow+G3+8EX/@55.8590884,-4.2814368,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x488846805e0af6bd:0x4ab97d3de5271b52!8m2!3d55.8590884!4d-4.2788619!16s%2Fg%2F11c3rsvb6_?entry=ttu
  15. I have a notion that it’ll be Scott Parker. He and Souness were close at Newcastle and if Souness is, as is being reported is involved in the process, that’s his man.
  16. I’ve been going through standing water at top speed in mine today and it’s been great fun. Not so sure the various cyclists and pedestrians found it quite so life affirming though.
  17. Been through three serious relationships that required financial entanglement: Mrs a-p mkI insisted on a joint account. 20 years ago I was paying £1750/month into a f**k knows what blackhole. Think I was getting robbed blind. When that marriage went south I had a great time by contributing to three households by paying maintenance (I still don’t know why, our boy spent his time 50/50 between us), running my own house and then also helping out with the household of the young lady I had started entertaining. That young lady and I ended up going our separate ways and suddenly my finances improved dramatically. And now that the boy is grown up, I’m free of maintenance and Mrs a-p Mk.II pulls her own wage. Yay!! Pre-Covid we kinda split spending ad hoc. Once Covid came, I became the designated shopper. Now we (I) have insisted on an end of month reconciliation of household spend and I ask for half back which she’s on board with. Including her Amazon spend on makeup and shit like that. tl.dr: I’m a mug*.
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