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Everything posted by alta-pete

  1. I know fukall but I’d suggest, from the tone of your message, that if it was me, I’d be getting myself somehow to Shetland. Your work/wife/weans will still be there to berate you for being a soft touch when you get back.
  2. Hugely depressing to find more than a year between the last two posts on this thread.
  3. Can we get some pics of single, late-40s, bonkers Karen so we can make a more proper evaluation please?
  4. Also on dogsitting duties. They’re absolutely fine out on a walk together but put them out in the back garden unsupervised and very quickly it turns into WWIII. But butter widny melt…
  5. On a German car too. Clearly irony isn't the chap's strong suit. He should be in a Jag. Or, he probably was once, til he complained about the reliability..
  6. Aye, it’s usually pish. The proprietor (usually a guid c**t) brings his wife/grown up weans in, they’re (usually) fairly entitled lazy c***s. The weans you need to put straight early doors - they know they’ve not to rock the boat; the wife, I’m afraid, you just have to endure.
  7. Schoolboy error. Should've handed in your notice in May.
  8. I suspect that as long as cause of death is confirmed prior to December 31 it won't have any sort of material bearing on either the competition result or players' strategy. Do try and calm your enthusiasm @throbber !
  9. I’ve been aff the chippy suppers for years but as for the one good one in Stirling - has The Fountain (just down from the Court (my friend tells me)) substantially dropped in standard?
  10. Prescient. A solo? If so and they find drink/drugs/a note you might be troubling the upper end of the table! ETA: or does a hot tub drowning also count as ‘unnatural causes’ @Miguel Sanchez?
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