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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. British unionsm is British nationalism you absolute clown. You also March in celebration of protestant supremacy in n Ireland and are a of an organisation catholics can't join and which commemorates the slaughter of catholics hundreds of years ago. Two things you undeniably are are a bigot and a British nationalist.
  2. I mean he accepts brexit will be horrendous for Scotland and is wrong, accepts the possibilities of independence and the democratic deficit as part of the UK, but is opposed to independence as he doesn't want to be governed by catholics. You think it was 1701, but sadly these people have a mindset that is still stuck there and there'snothing you can do to cconvince them, just got tooutvoted them.
  3. You know my dad is basically wes, exact same background exact same views, j Not actually a member of the orange order but describes himself as a loyalist. I'm asked himthe other day has he eeven been to n Ireland he's passed through once. He didn't get my point, you can'tbe a loyalist Iif you're Scottish it'saanIissue in another country like me saying I'mkhmer rouge 40 years ago . I love him dearly and wouldn't swap him but he's a bigot. Not his fault really he's a product of his environment. Almost had a fight with him a few days ago drunk in Spain about his views. Challenged him to justify and explain them the best he could come up with was iddon't want to be governed by catholics, in 21st century Scotland. Holy f**k. That's what you're up against with these people, am bigotryso Iingrained and deep seated as it'sttaught right from birth overtly and subconsciousLLy. They don't even realise it and lash out when it's challenged through a preprogrammed emotional response. Tbf he doesn't cross a sea every year to celebrate protestant domination of a small bit of another country annually but the belief system isthe exact same as wes . Actually on hisside my ffamily were heavily involved with the uvf a couple of generations back.
  4. Cause brexit good is the narrative they are trying toccreate. Anounced today 0.5% growth since brexit and that that is better than expected. Another spin more accurate would point out it was 0.7% the 3 months before brexit so a 0.2% downturn. Won't hear that on the bbc though.
  5. What? You'rejjust talking utter pish. It doesn't even make any sense
  6. Wes himself regularly describes Scottish nationalists as East he enemy within and enemies of the union. It's not me using that language, I pointed out two simple provable facts which affect the demographics in play, and suggested a residency rule of ten or fifteen years could be applied exactly as it often is in similar referenda.
  7. Deluded britnat nonsensenonsense from a complete imbecile. Red star nice sentiment but hopelessly naive.
  8. You make no point whatsoever. It's a simple fact that 85% of English people who live here voted no last time and 45 thousand English people move here every years. Those two things are just facts. WHICH means statistically the not vote increases by about 500 per week. Just a fact, making them statistically the biggest threat to a successful yes campaign. If you find facts unpalatable I pity you, but in your case I did already.
  9. It's a fact which has been mooted by the head of the European council actually. As for English people living in Scotland I think you'll find its them who espouse the type of nationalism you refer to not me, since in most cases they voted no because they're English. A statistician would tell you it's literally impossible they could have just Been that much more convinced by the arguments of no than any other group. They're ethnic nationalists practising identity politics. I'm just stating the simple facts of the matter.
  10. That's true Renton but I never mentioned them.
  11. Complete and utter deluded shite. I stated a simple provable undeniable fact. You find it unpalatable. That's your problem not mine. And the reason a residency rule should be used this time as it generally is in these things, of ten or fifteen years.
  12. The biggest threat to yes is the 45 thousand English people who move to Scotland every year. Say whatever you want those are the facts.
  13. Poor Wes flailing about clutching at straws. Tick tock.
  14. Wes in utter denial mode. Almost makes you feel sorry for him. June 2018 is gonna be the date.
  15. Raging British nationalist in mental gymnastics and talking utter shit to cobble together feeble opposition to independence shocker.
  16. Who gives a toss. Save it for the irrelevant politics in a foreign country thread.
  17. Two or three of the Barca player's got hit by objects from the ultras celebrating the penalty too the hatred was incredible they must get that everywhere in Spain.
  18. Was 30 degrees in vila-real on Sunday too, not been below about 23 anywhere since we got here. That's not a touristy place btw, perfectly safe and easy to find stadium etc, definitely go to a game there if you get the chance, to watch Barcelona or real Madrid there would be brilliant cause you are so close to the pit h, but it's not a place you would visit apart from to to the game and they are not hugely keen on tourists. An absolute world away from Valencia very very different. Walking round before the game was bizarre too an absolute ghost town right in the centre and right next to the stadium nobody around at all it was eerie. Even less than two hours to kick off completely dead. It was hot and during siesta but it was still incredibly strange. Vila-real is not what you expect biggest surprise of the trip by far. We thought because of the name it would be wealthyand exclusive it's the complete opposite, saw five of the oldest working cars I've seen in twenty five years driving about there. Kitten abandoned on the street, not a nice place but very very old Spanish so interesting to see.
  19. Was at the Barca and Villarreal games, incredible. Absolutely wonderful experience, we even stumbled across the Barca team bus about to leave the hotel around the corner from the mestella saw messi walk right past me ten yards away they all did. Went round to stadium to see the bus arrive it was incredible, the whole place absolutely erupted with hatred and anger, there was a crowd and lots of police at the hotel but when they got to the stadium only five hundred yards away it was absolute bedlam, incredible to watch. The game had a real edge right from the start, never realised the depth of hatred for Barca all politics they were waving Spanish flags at them singing viva Espana really nasty poisonous atmosphere but magnificent experience to see. Suarez has big balls when he scored he deliberately ran right in front of the Valencia ultras behind the goal. The whole thing was mental, absolutely fantastic experience. Villarreal as a town is an utter shithole, well not that bad but not very nice. The stadium is great to watch games, you are very close to the pitch. We had great seats on the halfway line for only 25euros. Barca tickets were 95 quid also great seats the mestella is quite a place but you are much further away so high up. On halfway line there too, messi scored basically right in front us. Such a hostile atmosphere, Barca didn't actually play very well, Suarez was poor, sergi Roberto is out of his depth there, messi was okay not great, that midfielder they got from was it benfica or Porto or Valencia can't remember his name was very poor. Neymar was excellent and nani surprisingly good. Staying 300 yards from the new mestella, maybe going to do the current mestella tour today but got the mother of all hangovers was asleep with my face in a pile of my own sick on a wall outside the apartment at 6 this morning. Typical Scottish tourist. Played Sergio Garcia's home course yesterday too, also saw Valencia's training ground it's very close. Valencia is a great city really like it, and the games were a fantastic experience would recommend to anybody. Valencia surprisingly cheap too, much cheaper for food and drink than back home. Also, the la liga awards were last night in a hotel three doors away 100 yards from here so they were all there but it was surrounded by police you couldn't get close. Believe it or not we almost booked to stay in that hotel too, that would have been amazing. Think we saw Ronaldo come in by helicopter yesterday from our balcony flew right over our heads. If you ever do go to Valencia you could do so much worse than stay here it's called avenida de las Cortes like the west end of Glasgow. Speaking to a guy who owns a bar there are a couple of buildings on this street very expensive about ten Valencia and levante players live there including dani parejo. Loads of great pubs, cafes, restaurants bistro type bars ice cream places supermarket health food takeaway places pizza everything you could want all high quality and cheap. You can get authentic tapas etc or burger king whatever you want. Fantastic place and brilliant holiday, you should definitely go it's amazing.
  20. What are you on about do you even watch it. The BBC said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
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