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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. What about that Spanish guy Juan Ferkal. or the Japanese woman, Eetchifani.
  2. Decent toilets? seriously tho’, that new stand should defo improve the acoustics and noise levels.
  3. Happy with the point. Thought Gogic was a class apart, I haven’t seen a better player with his ability to read the game and break up play over the past few seasons. He does the dirty often unseen work very well.
  4. All the more amazing. How stupid is he that thinking putting that monstrosity on an Ayr strip would be ok. Did he not stop to think how much money he is going to lose because of it, as I assume the bulk of any sales will go straight into his bank account. Crazy decision that will undoubtedly cost him hundreds of pounds. What an own goal.
  5. Fully agree with this. Thomas has tried and miserably failed in the top league with Motherwell and Killie. He never at any time showed he could hack it there, possibly due to his mentality. He simply just wasn’t good enough. If he has finally screwed the nut he might make it third time lucky but I doubt it. As already said, he has found his level.
  6. Welcome to P&B. There are only a few decent Old Filth fans on here so hope you buck the trend.
  7. They’re more to be pitied than scorned..well played by the way.
  8. It’s never easy following Killie but , Jesus Christ, when it all comes together it’s fucking magic. This is what it means to follow a Diddy Team.
  9. Turned on the radio in the car and as expected it was all about how bad the H*ns were. F*ck them!
  10. I suspect that closing Craigie Jambo would be a very popular move at this point. IMO.
  11. That would be a seriously bad decision. Word from Arabland is that he’s done and was a major disruption within the club. They cite him as one of the reasons they got relegated. Don’t touch him.
  12. 1965. Best year in our history. Scottish champions. Towards the end of that season this young 8 year old and his pal were taken to Rugby Park for my first game by my dad. It was only a reserve game against Morton and we played on the bing slope behind the terracing for most of the game. Dad wasn’t impressed when I asked him what the score was when we were walking home after the game. I honestly hadn’t a clue and hadn’t an interest. I began following Killie in 1967 and witnessed the almost terminal decline of the club after this, not realising on the importance of what I had missed out on until many years later. Another reply is that my very first game was the League Cup final against Falkirk in the 50s. Apparently it was a cold and miserable day but I was warm as toast albeit with the worst view in Hampden. My mum was very pregnant but couldn’t miss the biggest game she had experienced. Goes to say I have no recollection of any of this. When I finally saw us actually winning something in 1997 I was probably more emotional than most. The beauty of following a wee diddy team……."
  13. The first two would have been brilliant, two wee west of Scotland hard men, but the other two would have talked so much they would have got bored. From the photo, it looks tasty and would have resulted in 3 -4 red cards after VAR, but I bet the ref let them all off with a stern talking to. Common sense.
  14. That’s an incredible photo. One guy standing with his hand on his hip as if he cares not a jot what’s going on around him. I’m not sure what his teammate’s doing but it’s definitely not challenging for the ball, while the Celtic player is trying a ballet move. would have been a great photo for Spot The Ball.
  15. Decent player if you can keep him off the treatment table. Had similar issues at Motherwell previously.
  16. Jamie MacDonald may not be a great goalie, but he’s solid and steady, a great influence in the dressing room and a genuinely nice guy. You could do worse for back up..
  17. Surely if Kennedy has any ambition to improve he needs to move out of his comfort zone, although I guess he’ll be on a reasonable wage just now in a safe job.
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